My weight Loss goal

United States
June 8, 2011 9:30am CST
Hey there my names George and my goal is to get down to 180lbs to 185lbs my starting weight is 265lbs but i hide it well wink wink lol. Ive been keeping my gym time down to basic fitness which is 35 minutes cardiovascular exercising meaning the bike i range with in 217 calories and 207 calories not bad right? Ive been doing this for going on 4 weeks now actually I've lost over 11 pounds so far so I'm down to 254 at the moment today is week 4 the big weigh in day! wish me luck also my diet consists of 3 things #1 chicken #2 gym and last but not least #3 lipo 6 black cheaters pills and vitamins (i eat veggies too don't worry lol)so here we go ill update after the weigh in :)
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9 responses
@gamma9967 (607)
• India
8 Jun 11
The best way to loose weight is to go on a complete fruit and vegetable diet for at least two months and you will definitely find out good results and you would have lost almost 5to7 kilos and yes workout is also important.
• United States
9 Jun 11
Interesting but I've been told if we don't have a specific vitamin in our bodys that we get from meat we get sick is that no true? I like brocolli but can't find a good way of cooking it otherwise id eat that veggie everyday! But what I've really been wanting to eat has been baked potatos mmm gooood but due to my calorie count I'm limited 2 specific types of food like chicken, chicken is very low in calories and it fills you up pretty quick a fruit doesn't really fill me like chicken but I'm willing to try an all fruit diet and veggie diet if I don't get sick thaat is! =D
• United States
9 Jun 11
Good good! That's a load off my mind,Sounds like a good way to go. And don't worry I won't stop working out lol. Ill be sure to keep posting my results on here to let everyone know how things are going oh and to add some good news I'm down 2 more pounds so I'm officially at 252 woohoo! Lol I'm happy about that once I lose two more pounds I will jump for joy lol
• India
9 Jun 11
Not to worry fruits and vegetables contain all the vitamins and you should not leave workout and just go on this diet and you will surely loose some kilos and then you will appreciate me.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
9 Jun 11
Oh my god!!! 11 pounds just in a week great to know about you!!! em surprised....
• United States
9 Jun 11
Nooo not in a week lol I'm on week 4 now and I'm down 13 pounds ! I'm hoping to get down to 250lbs by next Wednesday I just have 2 keep eating right and working out and hopefully I accomplish that goal! I weighed myself yesterday and went from 11lbs to 13lbs so I must be doing something right! Lol wish me luck and thanks for posting! =)
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
9 Jun 11
I wish you the best of luck with your weightloss. I know how hard it can be to drop those pounds off. Please let us know what works for you.
• United States
9 Jun 11
Thank you for your support none the less i will keep updates on here until i reach my goal! Your right it is hard to lose this weight i want to eat all this unhealthy food everyday! but i don't so that sucks lol one day i might be able to enjoy some steak again maybe when i start lifting heavy weights after I've slimmed down of course woot!
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
9 Jun 11
Congratulations, Your weight loss efforts are paying off. However, I am looking at how you are losing the way and what your diet consist of; they say that your diet should be realistic, something that you will stick with forever, because one you start add back the foods that you have missed because you cut them out of your diet, you will quickly gain back the weight plus more. I have been there, so I just eat in moderation, and of course really have eliminate certain things from my diet, and exercise is an absolute must. No matter how I try to lose weight and keep it off, if the exercise is not include, I can just forget it. I wish you much success on your quest to losing the weight. Where there is a will there is a way; so as if you are really dedicated to the cause, so you will be successful.
• United States
9 Jun 11
Thank you!well I'm always open to new ways of losing the weight so if you have any ideas I'm willing to listen I wont stop working out that's for sure! I need to slim down I'm tired of the weight it brings me down (get it? cause its heavy? lol) had to throw in a joke right there lol. If i may ask what kind of moderation eating do you do?
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
9 Jun 11
For me drink Soya powder it it very good to wait lose just like to drink of milk but it id soya.
@dong88 (795)
• China
9 Jun 11
Hello!Congratulations on your weight loss has achieved results.Weight loss is a challenge to the self-construction,need for perseverance and persistence. I also lose weight,I was skipping and jogging every day,and it has achieved results. Through weight loss,but also exercise our will.Bless you!
• United States
9 Jun 11
Thank you thank you, You are very correct there! this is taking a lot of determination and will power! i might need to borrow some extra determination and will power from everyone on my lot! lol Congratulations to you on your achievement! i know how hard it is to lose weight but don't let anything stop you!
@rakittera (802)
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
Congratulations! 11 pounds in four weeks is quite a feat! Ideally, a person should lose 2 pounds per week. Obviously, you lost more than that, so I really hope you keep it up. You might also want to start measuring your waist, hips and other parts of your body. You'll really appreciate it once you see that you've been losing inches too. I'm saying this because if you continue with your exercise program and at some point you decide to lift weights, you will gain muscles and muscles actually weigh heavier than fat. So, you might think that you are not losing weight but it's only because you're gaining muscles. So, if this is the situation, it's best to monitor your body in inches as well. Good luck!
• United States
9 Jun 11
Thank you! I think your right I'm going to have to start measuring myself at first my w ork pants size 36 fit snug on me and were hard to fasten but now I can easily button and fasten them with my shirt tucked in! So that's a great thing for me specially since my pants don't pinch my waist anymore lol also having my shirt not be so tight on my belly is a great feeling but I know I have a long way to go and I'm thinking about starting to lift weights but like you said about muscle being heavier than fat I don't want to discourage myself by seeing my weight increase. I weighed myself again today and I'm down two more pounds woohoo lol when I reach 250 I will start to believe this diet is working lol
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
9 Jun 11
Hello there, how I wish you could give me some of those pounds. I am your opposite. I had been struggling to gain weight too but unfortunately not a pound is added to my weight. I am a rice eater, not a single day that I do not eat rice, of course with viand. I exercise and sleep well but it seems I stay slim until now! haaaaaay ! ! ! Anyway good for you because you have done great with your weight goal!
• United States
9 Jun 11
Hey lol take all the weight you need! I have plenty to give! Lol but thank you for the good words! What kinda rice do you eat? Maybe that's your secret! Lol but hey have you tried drinking protein shakes to gain weight? Those work slowly over time it might work for you. Mind if I ask what viand is? I need your secret to stay slim! Lol oh hey also why are you trying to gain weight? What's so bad about your current weight?
• Canada
8 Jun 11
Hi George, That is an amazing progress, make sure you're keeping it safe though. Do not starve yourself, as the more your exercise the more your body will want food for energy. Make sure to stay clear from animal fat, that is the most dangerous type of fat and is the hardest to get rid of. Do not be shy to egg yolk, as you need fat to get rid of fat. Also on your workout routine, I suggest to have a 10 minute cardiovascular work out to begin with, and stretch properly afterwards this will count as your warm up. Do Resistance and weight training afterwards, then follow up with pure cardiovascular. Your body will continue to burn calories due to the weight training/lifting in addition to the calories you burn with pure cardiovascular, it is a very simply technique that works. Also don't forget to stretch properly, don't rush through them, and breathe with them. For your meal, i suggest high anti-oxidant foods, as their are hidden weight in your body that has build up over the ears, that your body has not properly gotten rid of. So eats lots of berries. Pro biotic yogurts also aid this process. Try to eat less milk, and more almonds for calcium source. Keep up the good work. I also highly suggest the "gracie diet" they have a strict outline on what to eat. If you are unfamiliar with the gracie's, they are a very famous jujitsu family, more notably, the creators of Brazilian jujitsu.
• United States
9 Jun 11
Oh wow the jujitsu family! I want to learn that type of martial art as soon as I slim down. I've never heard of probiotic yogurt where can I buy that? Trader joes? I don't have much milk in my diet I drink meal replacement shakes almost every morning for breakfast since I don't have lunch till 12 pm considering my work schedule but that is a good plan I'm going to have to start incorporating those work out technices into my routine it sounds like a real good fatburning method! Thank you for those ideas! Ill be sure to look into the gracie diet move over bruce lee ima comming! Lol