Salak Fruit

Salak fruit  - This is a Salak fruit taken by myself.
@karlim (122)
June 8, 2011 10:39pm CST
Salak, salak, I just like eating salak. Have you tasted a salak fruit before? how do you like it? For those who don't know what is salak fruit, see here: Have a good day ahead!
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6 responses
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
9 Jun 11
Hello Karlim, I haven't tasted a salak fruit before. I had no idea such a fruit exists but the description from Wikipedia makes me think it could be on my list of favorite fruits. I wonder why this fruits can't be find in Romanian markets. The article from Wikipedia doesn't tell if these fruits could resist a long way to Europe. Is there a special time of the year when salak fruits can be eaten or you can store them for a longer period of time?
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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
11 Jun 11
Well, I live in a small town and we don't have a local Chinatown nor an Asian supermarket. But I should try to find those fruits during my vacation abroad, when I travel to other European countries. You really made me curious about the taste of this fruit and I can't wait to taste it.
@karlim (122)
• Singapore
11 Jun 11
Hi Inu, As Indah (above) said, salak fruit can be seasonal and be eaten anytime in Indonesia, Malaysia or Singapore. I hope can find salak at the local Chinatown or Asian supermarket. Have a good weekend ahead!
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@karlim (122)
• Singapore
13 Jun 11
Inu, I'll treat you salak next time if you come to Singapore. Cheers!
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
9 Jun 11
salak fruit - salak pondoh famous in Indonesia
I really like the salak. salak fruit tastes sweet, I like salak pondoh, it's really very sweet, I saw your profile, and you are from singapore, whether in your country, there is also a salak pondoh?
@karlim (122)
• Singapore
9 Jun 11
Hi indah, I'm not sure what salak I bought,but they looked like salak pondah to me. Have you tasted salak gula pasir before? I know it is very famous in Indonesia.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
9 Jun 11
I have never know about salak gula pasir. Maybe there are different names.
@karlim (122)
• Singapore
10 Jun 11
Hi Indah, regarding Inu1711's question below, do you think salak is a seasonal fruit in Indonesia? In Singapore, I usually found the imported salak in middle or the year. What do you think?
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
15 Sep 12
I really love salak especially if I made it into asinan Asinan is made from chili with acid agent then mix with some sugar and salt and water then you put Salak into it it is great when you eat it in a hot day
@watergirl (567)
• Philippines
10 Jun 11
Honestly, this is the first time to know about this fruit. I've never tasted nor seen one. From the way Wikipedia shows and describes it, I would imagine salak tastes like longgan, lychee, and lansones rolled into one.
@karlim (122)
• Singapore
10 Jun 11
I think salak is nicer than longgan and lychee :-) thanks watergirl for your reply!
@marcmm (1804)
• Malaysia
18 Jun 11
I like salak fruits too. It is more like this assam paya but a lot nicer. Assam paya are too sour for my liking but salak are sweet in nature. I never see salak tree, maybe I did but I didn't recognize it, but if I'm not mistaken it look like rattan tree. Whether it truly origin from indonesia, I also not sure. There are a lot of Salak here in Sarawak and of course Sarawak borders Indonesia Kalimantan. But I don't care much where it come from. I seldom buy it as it cost as high as MYR7 per kilo. And you know it didn't take much for salak to weight up to a kilo. Too pricy for my liking but if I want to eat it I will just buy it.
• Indonesia
9 Jun 11
I like salak too.Where do you come from karlim??Do you know where slak come from?
@karlim (122)
• Singapore
10 Jun 11
I think salak originally planted in Indonesia. Thanks for your reply!