if you wake up one day as a woman or a man, what's the first thing you do?

@flower21 (765)
June 12, 2011 1:43am CST
So if the turn of events and the situation change and you find out the next day you wake up. You are change in to the form of a man and a body. Well, for me i would loudly shout and to prove if that is a real change. I would go to the nearest mirror and look. how about you, what would you first thing you do upon discovery you're no longer the desirable woman or man? what would you first do pick something, touh or whatever you could think of at the moment.
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5 responses
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
like you mention I'll do the same things maybe hide or get confused. i really do not know how i could explain it to my companion in the house. maybe they would get me out of the house and they think i am lying. so that would gonna be a problem. i need to explain a lot or worse they may think i am a thief. so it gonna be a lot of trouble on my part. i also get so confused on to start life all over again.
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@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
yes you would drive yourself with a lot of mixed emotion and full of confusion. i think being in a man body would come not easy since you get use to being a woman. just like in a movie where i watch the similar situation it would be very hard to explain to other people or even to your loved ones as they may even call a police to think their is a stranger in their house.
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• India
12 Jun 11
If I were to wake up as a woman first thing I will try to pee standing.
@vandana7 (99681)
• India
12 Jun 11
Why not sitting...
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
lol..he get used to it. anyway, everyone who encounter such situation would surely feel shock notwithstanding the sudden change, as we already get use with the habit. the sudden change would made even act like weird and crazy with adjustment to the current image changes.
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• India
13 Jun 11
Oh because three things about being a woman that I think are the most difficult if I think from a man's mind are three P's - Pee, Pregnancy and Periods! (people just raise your hands those who agree). I just wonder sometimes how women handle these three! 'Pee' seems to be the least toughest, thats why I said first of all I will experiment with it and experience the difference 1st hand. :)
• Philippines
23 Jun 11
If I wake up to be a man, that is fun. I really want to experience how to become a man one day. I will check myself in the mirror. Check everything from differnt parts, i will check on my big hands, eyes, height and weight. I will record my voice. Of course, then starts planning for the clothes I will wear because I have to look good. I wonder if it will happen in real life. I know I will enjoy the day.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
yeah that true and you get to experience and do many thing which before are only exclusive for men. but now you transform into a man body. you could be free to explore t and do whatever things you like to experience such as joining in sports for men only where woman is not allow to experience. and you got to be the one to court a girl and experience all the fun.
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@lala501 (1532)
• United States
12 Jun 11
If i woke up as a man I think i would enjoy the easyness of being one.lol. To not have to deal with your menstrual cycle or the ability to get pregnant.And obviously i would examine my body a bit.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
yes that s a very comfortable feeling of being free from monthly period especially fro women who experience dysmenorhea. it s a very deliberating feelings and they could go anywhere without worrying about it. at the same time their is less to go for shopping with lingerie and you could save a lot in terms of your budget when shopping.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
12 Jun 11
I would confirm the change by going naked in front of dressing mirror. Then go back to bed thanking god that somebody else will make tea, breakfast, and whatever..
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
that very nice vandana, your feeling so excited or just out of curiosity. well, their goes to the alternative who he ever he is.. i do hope she wqould accept the sudden transformation..
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