Twenty four hours without music.

@megamatt (14292)
United States
June 13, 2011 3:31pm CST
Someone told me that I couldn't go twenty four hours without listening to music. So I nodded my head in agreement and said, "well, duh." Still while I could physically go without music, mentally it is another matter. Music is just something that helps me focus and masks a lot of the distracting noises that would cause a loss in productivity. How about you. Could you go a day without listening to music? I know I couldn't.
6 responses
17 Jun 11
I would say it's impossible for me to go a day without listening to music. Sometimes it's hard to go even an hour without listening to music (unless of course I am asleep). Lately though, I haven't been listening to music much because I've been too involved in trying to make some money and getting a book written and published. Whilst music tends to help a lot with my concentration and ideas, I just don't think to put any on before I get working on things. It is torment when I can't listen to any! which is why I'm making up for it now haha.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
20 Jun 11
Well I think many of us really admit how its impossible. Quite cheerfully in many of our cases. Of course of all of the things to be rather addicted to, for lack of a better term, is music really the worst thing? No I really did not think so. There are far worse things in the world to have some kind of senseless addiction to and lets face it, there are far better reasons to enjoy music for sure. Nothing really beats music, well few things do but on a day to day basis, music does in fact offer me a great deal of sanity and in this insane world, you can't hope for much more. During the few times where I am unable to listen to music, time sure does seem to go rather slower for whatever reasons. Granted, some of those times, it might be argued that its not the time or the place to play music. Still doesn't stop the fact that it really does seem to take a much much time without music, than with it. Still there are many times where music is just a joy in my life. I tend to listen to it when I have the chance and yeah, you got to make up for the times that you're unable to listen. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@sniglet (113)
16 Jun 11
How strange it is? Most of time in a day,I listen music. I am music lover
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
20 Jun 11
I am a music lover as well. I think that there is an abundance of music lovers out there in the world. And for good reason I do think. There is just something that is rather joyous about listening to music that just brightens up a lot of day. When one things about something like this, there are going to be few things that are better than just a good round of listening music. Well there are somethings that are most certainly better, but as a way of relieving some stress, music is really an excellent tool on that front. In the end, I think that many people who truly love music, if given the opportunity to stop, they would deny that opportunity for sure. Every chance that we can, a lot of us do in fact listen to music. It is just one of the wonders of the world. I do find myself endeared to music a lot of the time and it is really something that leads me to a great deal of entertainment. So yeah in the end, not about to give up music for about twenty four hours. And many people would deny the opportunity as well. There is just something about the joy of music that is entrancing and endearing. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@GemmaR (8517)
16 Jun 11
I don't think that it is possible to go for twenty four hours without music; or at least not if you include all of the music that you see on television programmes. You have to count this, as there are often popular songs on the television which would certainly count as music. Music allows me to relax, and if I could not have this, then I think that I would probably be a lot more stressed than I usually am in an average day. I could not go for that long without music unless I was prepared to have a very negative effect on my mood.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
19 Jun 11
That is really a good point in many ways. If you really think about it, music is a huge part of life. Therefore, if you would have go without music, you would technically have to go without all sound. Which no sound for about twenty four hours, would really be able to drive even the most well adjusted person completely out their mind. I mean its kind of hard to not hear music accidentally, as there is going to be something on television, or just someone driving by with their radio on or you overhearing the neighbor's radio. The birds chirping would most certainly count as music for some people. Therefore it would in fact be rather impossible to live without music. Even if you tried to not directly listen to it, there would be many other indirect ways to listen to music. About the only way to not be able to listen to music would be to really cut off all forms of sound, which could have a psychological effect on the mind, even if down for twenty four hours. It would cause people to have a negative state of mind and thus that's not why I am willing to go without music. Its just not worth the potential negative things. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@Bryanx54 (644)
13 Jun 11
haha probably not, music is my life i'm afraid im listening to music as we speak haha. Music helps me a lot throughout my life i've had days where just think i couldn't go on and music helped me through that.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Music is the life of many people. Some people it is a bigger part of their life. Now I'm not completely obsessed with music...okay maybe just a little bit obsessed...okay maybe just a lot obsessed with music. Still it is just something that really takes a huge part of that day. So I really do enjoy partaking in a good bit of music. That is really just something that can drive parts about in my life in many ways. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
10 Sep 11
I can live a day or a week or a month without listening to music. I like music but I don't listen to it every minute of every day. I don't bring music player anywhere and I just listen to radio if I have the chance. But I do understand people who can't live without music because I used to be like that.
• United States
13 Jun 11
I could easily go a day without music. However, I am not someone who listens to it all that much. I hear form a lot of people like yourself that music really helps them to focus and get things done. I have not found this to be the case with me besides one exception. That one exception is when I am doing chores around the house. When that starts to happen, then I really like to have some music playing. It seems like I am much more able to get things done in terms of chores around the house with music playing. If you are having trouble getting through even one day without listening to music, that tells me that you are seriously into music. There is nothing wrong with that. Although you wanted to take on the challenge to prove your friend wrong, there is absolutely nothing that is holding you back from listening to music every day of your life if you so desire. Enjoy!
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
13 Jun 11
I think that there are many people that could go without. That is one point I am not disputing. There are many more people who need music every day, which really is a mental reason and not a reality. However the human mind can make many things be rather real to us. I didn't really argue with the person, because they were right and I'm not going to even waste a second of my time to prove them wrong. If nothing else, I am honest with myself, and there is no shame in that when you think about it. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.