I'm very angry with my admistrative colleague!!

@karlim (122)
June 21, 2011 10:34pm CST
I never thought of working with a colleague who is so emotional, nervous, worried and defensive. She made everyone in the office nervous and she just spoil my good mood today! :-(
4 responses
@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Jun 11
Well, teach her well, dear, or you'll be sorry! I would wonder why she is emotional, nervous, worried and defensive. Bet she has some stories to tell! SHe'll be milk toast in your hands. None of this :-(. Turn it around and make it yours. Good luck with the colleague!
@karlim (122)
• Singapore
23 Jun 11
She is a 40+ years old lady, and I think she got some soft of mild panic attack symptoms when working with others, everything gone through her hand will become complicated. I've tried talking to her nicely about our works, but somehow she takes my words so seriously, typically sensitive to words such as "Too much", "Bully",.etc. From now on, I just want to do my own things and keep her as far away as possible. Sigh!
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Jun 11
SOme people you just can't win with and it is better to keep at arms length. Sad.
@karlim (122)
• Singapore
27 Jun 11
Now, she hates me with no reason, maybe pms? who's care? and I just want to do my own works.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
23 Jun 11
Why don't you try talking to her about her attitude? tell her that it spoils the mood of everyone. However, do it in a loving and friendly way so that she will take it as a constructive criticism and will change for the better.
@karlim (122)
• Singapore
27 Jun 11
It's not as easy as you think, unless I'm her superior, but I don't want to. So, just keep her far far away from my works! Thanks Simplyd for your reply.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
22 Jun 11
That's the way it is when you are working with a boss. That is why it is better to be self employed where you will be your own boss.
@karlim (122)
• Singapore
23 Jun 11
Yes, I want to be self employed too, but just dreaming only! Thanks Bebs08 for your reply.
• United States
3 Jul 11
Some people are just like that! Perhaps she has had a poor lot in life, which given the way people treat each other emotionally and the economic class state, is no surprise. Perhaps her worries are not unfounded and those in power could be doing something helpful to assuage those fears. But then, if she's management, they're not ones to solve problems with solutions.