How many days of vacation leaves do you enjoy?

@scheng1 (24650)
June 25, 2011 3:08am CST
Vacation leave is such a precious entitlement. Most of us think that we do not have enough vacation leaves to enjoy ourselves properly. Over here, the employment law guarantees just a miserable seven days of vacation leaves per day. Most working adults get just fourteen days a year. I still think that is very little. How many days of vacation leave do you enjoy?
10 responses
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
28 Jun 11
When i was still working with my ex-company, i enjoyed 14 days of leaves per year. After i had completed my 3rd year of work with them, i was allowed to enjoyed 18 days of leaves per year. From the 5th year onwards, i can enjoyed up to 22 days of leaves per year. After that, it is fix and unchanged until we finally retired from that company. Why are you only have 7 days of leaves? Are you still a new staff in that company? When i was still a new staff in my ex-company, i only enjoy 5 days of leaves. I think every company have different number of leaves, depending on the management of the company.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
30 Jun 11
Seems like, people who works in the government sectors are always enjoying much better benefit than private sectors, in term of leaves. I think your country private companies are giving much better leaves than my country, right? Are you working in the private or government sector?
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
3 Jul 11
Hi Myfb2009, I think in term of work pressure, working in private companies means more pressure. In term of bonus, it depends. When economy is good, government workers get less. But when economy is bad, government workers still get bonus. I have worked in both private and public sector. There is a whole world of difference.
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
29 Jun 11
Hi Myfb, our employment law allows a minimum of seven days of leave. But I enjoy more, since we are supposed to be a rank higher than the laborers. But many companies still limit the number of annual leaves. Even the government limits the maximum to just 21 days. Those who joined the government under the very old leave scheme, way back before 1973, can still enjoy 33 days of leave per year. I think they will not change jobs, just waiting for retirement.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
25 Jun 11
hi Scheng, after long time4 i am giving reply to your discussion, in India there are lot of vacation leaves to the State Govt Employees and Central Govt Employees, both Banks and Insurance companies are having their act that negotiable instruments acts,so they are having some vacations, In India there are more than 14 Official Govt holidays for all members for Hindu,Muslim, Christian and other community people,besides that they have earned leaves,sick leaves, and also casual leaves,i do not know more about the leaves because i am not a govt employee,have a nice day
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
26 Jun 11
hi Scheng, thanks for the response,here in India the Govt state and Central are getting good salaries and every time means 3 or 4 years their D A is increasing according to the index of the prices of the commodities,but who is caring for common people like us, the people who are coming and working in Singapore are labours or un skilled persons,here they are not getting jobs so they are comming there,can you find any good job for me,but i am 60 at present,have a nice day
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
26 Jun 11
Hi Yugasini, it seems that the workers in the civil service have many days of various leave to rest and relax. I think the leave entitlement is to compensate for the low salary. Many people from your country comes here to work, and have just seven days of vacation leave. But the salary is higher, and they have a lot of overtime work with pay, so they are not complaining. I think if our salary is high enough, we want to have more time to rest and go for a real vacation too.
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
27 Jun 11
Hi Yugasini, no wonder those in the civil service do not want to work elsewhere. I think they are enjoying good salary, good benefits and little work. Probably those in certain departments are getting richer and richer from bribery as well. Just too bad that you are not in civil service. Over here, people over the age of 40 find it hard to get work too. The government allows too many foreigners to enter and take up jobs. In the end, the locals suffer. That is why the government is trying to please the people now.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
25 Jun 11
You right, friend. When we are working in a company or any private entities and or government offices. Vacation seems not enough to enjoy. Here in the Philippines, you can apply for a 1 week leave depending on the reason you may apply for.
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
26 Jun 11
Hi Aerous, do you have a minimum leave entitlement? I think it is hard to apply for a week leave every month or even every quarter. The best is to have a minimum number of days for rest, and the workers can apply anytime they want. Over here, our public holidays are limited. Just eleven days, and there is no way company will give extra days. We need to work on Christmas Eve and New Year Eve too. Some companies just give half day time off, and most companies do not even have early release. Can you imagine how moody to stay in the workplace until six?
• Philippines
25 Jun 11
Where I work at, we get to enjoy only 15 days of leave. I think 7 days are with pay. But I hardly use it. We have a swap system. We get two days off every week and if we use the swap system, we could work 10 days straight and get 4 days off straight! But, sadly, with our country's new laws, we get to work only until 7 days straight. But we could still enjoy a 3 day off without using our leave credits. It's awesome.
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
26 Jun 11
Hi Abingabanger, most of us work 5 days every week, and the vacation leave is on top of the weekly rest day. Some companies work on a six days basic, and the working hours per day is shorter. I think the swap system of allowing 4 days off is very good. Just too bad that new law stops that. I think working for ten days and enjoy four continuous days of rest is very good. You can even go for a short trip out of city if you want to.
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
26 Jun 11
Under the Philippine law an employee who has rendered at least 1 year of service with the company is entitled to a service incentive leave of 5 days, this is also referred to as vacation leaves. But some companies give more than the mandatory 5 days. Where I work all employees are entitled to 15 days paid vacation leave (VL), a part of which is converted to cash at the end of the year when unused. We also have 15 days sick leave with pay, but this is strictly used in the event that the employee gets sick. So all in all we have a total of 30 days paid leaves in a year.
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
26 Jun 11
Hi Doryvien, we also have sick leave entitlement under the law. But most people dare not use up all the fourteen days sick leave with pay. The law allows employers to terminate the service of employees without giving any reason at all. Many bosses hate to see people taking sick leave, until they use up all the fourteen days in a year. They would not give bonus and salary increment to such workers. I think the culture here is working long hours, and most of us need a long break in a year. So the bulk of the vacation leave is used for a long trip.
@adex19 (114)
• Malaysia
26 Jun 11
well i have not starting working so my vacation leaves is during my holiday.hahahha well if i start working i will like a seven vacation very month. it not to much but i gist it ok. some time well need a lot of vacation to rest our mind and enjoy it with our love one, it should be a good thing that should be encourage if will don't want to break down..
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
26 Jun 11
Hi Adex, I think you can become a teacher, so that you can rest when the students rest. Over here, the teachers are not really that relaxed, since they have to conduct classes during the holidays, and the students need to attend the extra classes for nearly half of the month-long holiday too. Many parents have complained about it. They do not like the idea of studying during the school holiday. I think when the government stops the practice of ranking schools among each other, then teachers can really enjoy the school holidays.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
25 Jun 11
i used to enjoy about 15 vacation leaves and another 10 for sick leaves. anyway... it does not matter anymore now because i already resigned from the company and... i transferred to a new work where i do not have the same benefits. actually there is no benefit at all!! haha i was hired as a consultant in this company.. but i guess it is okay. =) i love the work, the people are great - so far and the company is very near our home so i just walk coming to home as much as possible.
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
26 Jun 11
Hi Chiyosan, I think you have better deal as consultant, since the payment is definitely more than your old salary. Over here, it is rather hard to find a company that provides fifteen days of vacation leave for new joiners. Some people work in the same company for years and years, and their leave entitlement increases. You are very lucky to work so near your house, and enjoy your work so much. Most people have to endure an hour or more of traffic jam to get to work.
@reco13 (605)
• Philippines
25 Jun 11
Well in my work, it's only 10 days per year. Can you imagine how tiring that is. And you can use only 2 vacation leaves in one month. You cannot use more than 2 leaves in a month. How I wish I could have a longer vacation leave so I will truly enjoy a vacation...
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
26 Jun 11
Hi Reco13, I can imagine the misery of working with practically no rest day. Some people here have just seven days of vacation leave, so they always take sick leave, and keep the vacation leave for other purpose. I think many companies are just giving out the minimum, so that the government cannot do anything. The civil sector gives at least fourteen days, and the job there is more relaxing than outside. I think if your work is easy, you can save up all the leaves for a real and good vacation.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
25 Jun 11
Our company provides 15 days vacation leave per annum in which 10 is non-convertible and the rest is. Vacation leave, I agree with you, is such a precious entitlement as it serves as our reward for exhausting all our efforts to the benefit of our company. Although, 15 days may sound miserable but my company compensates very well and gives good benefits compared to others. Hence, I feel lucky with my job.
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
26 Jun 11
Hi Uniqueorn, many factory workers and other blue collar workers do not even get so many vacation leave a year. My mother only has seven years a year, and she had to apply for unpaid leave when she went on holiday. It is really hard to enjoy life with just seven days. I think you are lucky enough to have fifteen days. Not many companies in my country offer fifteen days for new joiners. Some companies start off with fourteen days, and then increase to 20 days after a few years of service.
• Philippines
25 Jun 11
I cannot believe you only have seven days of paid vacation leaves per year. Is taht even legal in your country? In my job right now, I have 30 days paid leave. My supervisors would even advised us to use the vacation leave credits prior to expiring (end of the year). 10 days out of 30 days will be converted to cash if not used by the end of the year. I feel so lucky right now. I hope your company would give you the right amount of vacation leaves.
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
26 Jun 11
Hi Feeltheirie, the minimum vacation leave guaranteed by law is just seven days, so many companies give only seven days to new joiners. However, the employment law increases the entitlement by a day each year, and the maximum under the law is fourteen days. You are very lucky to born in your country. If you have been born here, it is nearly impossible to gain 30 days of vacation leave. Many managers do not even get 20 days. Many CEOs do not have 30 days too. Some of them have just 25 days here. I think if you have the inclination to complain about your job, you can think of us in Asia countries who do not have such good benefits.