terrorism vs poverty and global warming

June 25, 2011 3:22am CST
Most of the developed country governments assume terrorism is the greatest danger the world today. But it seems the conclusion is not based on the objective conditions and clear thinking. It was obvious that the conclusion is motivated by political interests and economic interests of developed countries. The biggest danger to mankind and the world at large is global warming caused by business expansion and the impoverishment of the ruler of the world economy by developed countries againts the people in the poor countries. We can see it and see how the great impact of these actions to the lives of millions of poor people. when compared to victims of a suicide bomb which may number at most "only" in the hundreds and are momentary. What about the impact of poverty and global warming are far-reaching and long term. How do you think?
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16 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
25 Jun 11
I'm going to turn this on it's head. As you stated, the pushing of the terrorism issue is partly politically motivated. though terrorism is real and a grave threat, politicians have used it for political ends ends as well. they have used it to get people to accept constitutional violations they would normally not tolerate. They have used it to get people to accept a loss of liberty they would never have otherwise given up. However, the global warming issue has been used in much the same way. And climate change is by many orders of magnitude less demonstrated by evidence to be caused by man than terrorism. We know empirically that terrorism is man made. We do not know empirically that climate change is man made. One could just as credibly say that global warming is an issue in which "It was obvious that the conclusion is motivated by political interests and economic interests of developed countries." The problem with the climate change debate is that it has become a political debate rather than a science debate.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
26 Jun 11
"We do not know empirically that climate change is man made." Perhaps, but we do know that: * The "scientists" who were claiming it was we who caused it admitted privately that they knew it wasn't, & that other episodes of it existed previously, such as the one in the Medieval era--you know, when all the knights jousted on their gas-guzzling horses, & the maids all used tons of hair spray? * The other planets, innocent of freon-filled refrigerators or coal-powered plants or jets' con-trails also grew warmer when we did. * Far more true climatologists say that it wasn't happening, & even if it had been, nothing we did or could do started it or could stop it, as the Sun is responsible for the heating & cooling of our climate. Plus, even if we tried, & went at it full bore, we couldn't manage to lower the earth's temp more than part of a degree! I'm just sayin'... Maggiepie "In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences." ~ Robert Green Ingersoll, lawyer & orator 1833-1899
• India
25 Jun 11
I think, Global warming is a most serioue matter for all of the world,we can share as many as topics on this, because it will help to aware the people , who does not know, what is 'Global Warming '
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
25 Jun 11
I think the people who claim there is man caused Global Warming are the same type that have been crying wolf for decades now... with nothing to show for their whining.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
25 Jun 11
Yeah... so how many people has "man-caused Global Warming" killed? Why is it that we can't even PREDICT, much less cause it to rain yet people like you think we have the power to warm up the entire globe. He1l, some people here in America can't afford to heat their own homes much less the entire globe.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
26 Jun 11
Poverty is caused by people not creating wealth. This is generally because of economic systems created by their own government. Developed countries can not force non-developed countries to make changes that will help their own citizens. In short, we can't help poor people. Its their government that needs to change, not us. As for global warming, that is caused by the sun. Until you can find the sun's thermostat, that's not something we can fix either.
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@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
26 Jun 11
First off, terrorism is like a disease. It should be eliminated. Poverty is something thats been going on for centuries. Global warming is a danger but there are a few side to it. One, yes, over development is a big part of it. I blame the big companies for raping the land to build these eye sores. For what? Profit? The other thing about global warming is that the earth itself goes through changes and has been since the beginning. Poverty is also created by over development and greed. The powers to be do not care about the little people and never will. Terrorism is just another organized religious group. I have anything organized, like the Mafia or Terrorism. Any radical group should be removed from the face of the earth.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
26 Jun 11
What about natural pollution? Aren't the wildfires in the southwest putting more CO2 into the air then all the cars in the area. One volcano puts out more gas, ash and pollutants that mad does in several years. 150 years ago we were going to cut down all the trees and then where would we be? But today we have more trees than ever and we are producing more lumber than ever before because business is managing the resource.
• United States
26 Jun 11
About a year or two ago, I read a big report about how they gauged the C02 released from a volcano. One scientist chose one inactive volcano to study. He measured the amount of C02 released, and that was the government-pushed baseline, never questioned because it never needed to be questioned. Now, I cannot attest to the legitimacy of the report I read. It was a scientific report written some years ago. It wasn't a piece to answer any global warming hysteria. It was just a piece about volcanoes and how science has yet to catch up in measuring what they emit into the atmosphere. But that's not even what most people have to look at in order to scratch their heads about the hysteria. The fact that nearly every big-name global warming shouter is invested heavily into the world changing goes to show you what's what. If I bet $100 on the Redskins, you better believe I'm calling the refs cheats and saying the game was rigged if the Giants win.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
26 Jun 11
It's ironic to me that folks use their computers to dream of a time and place bereft of computers where we all hold hands in the meadow and "wealth" is something everyone has. People feel guilty about a lot of things. If there was any way at all to blame volcano eruptions or earthquakes or meteor strikes or landslides and tsunamis or any other natural disaster on man, there would be just as large a movement in the world to do so. And about the world and wealth and poverty in general, I've always wondered why anyone gets to be the victim as a country or as a people. It's not like the earth was made with some nations developed and others not. Some people took initiative and built up. Some people still live like it's 3,000BC. Whose fault is that? About the global warming: It's hard to get a guy like me to buy into the hysteria after the threats of climate change are already decades old with nothing really coming from it. We were supposed to be in a ice age by now according to the scientists of the 1970s. Al Gore's big campaign from a decade ago already had polar bears extinct and no ice left on the planet. Even when a big tornado hits and people shout that it's global warming, they leave out the part that every so often we get freakish tornadoes - like the ones nearly 100 years ago that were larger. Climate change hysteria is so successful because any and everything "weather" basically works to prove their argument. Doesn't rain = global warming. Rains too much = global warming. Rains on different calendar days than the year previous = global warming. You want to talk about business expansion and developed countries against the poor countries, just take a look at who stands to gain the most with sweeping climate change regulations. Our world government starter kit wants to spend TRILLIONS of world dollars and control world business in order to "help." I can only speak for myself, but a group of people wanting that sort of control stand out to me as phony. Not so long ago, people were trying whatever they could to take over the world. There is really nothing that has changed on the planet to make me think that people have stopped wanting to be in control of others. Buy the hysteria. But please don't put the power in government's hands to change. Change for yourself. Recycle. Get those curly light bulbs. Drive less. But don't nod your head with these crooks and okay their rule over everyone.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
26 Jun 11
Without a doubt terrorism is the greatest danger. "Global warming" is a lie and ponzi scheme hatched with nefarious motivation on many levels. It is part of the Ponzi scheme used to enrich the pocketbooks of Al Gore and other smarmy politicians. It is used by the UN and other corrupt organizations to enforce their NWO/Agenda21 population control schemes. The entire "green" movement has been hijacked by those elitists who want to control and subject the masses, capture the foolishness of liberals to their own use, and destroy the sovereignty individually and collectively of those who will not subscribe to their lies and manipulation. Everyone is by now aware of the non-scientific perjured "data" used to sway the gullible. Scripture tells us that hallmark to the last days is DECEPTION. "Global warming" is naturally occurring and has occurred long before man became its "cause". True, no one should pollute the environment if at all possible, but it is the manipulation of this truth to achieve political and economic gains that is at issue. Sadly, even many once-dedicated animal rescue organizations are now captive to this nefarious political machination's ulterior motives and have shifted their focus and allowed their "charitable" efforts in behalf of animals to be drained off into the false "green" politically correct (cultural Marxism) movement. I think even the animals would be smarter than that! It also shifts the focus to the worship of the creation rather than the Creator and serves to distract us from the worldwide jihad and corruption that is taking place. While no one wants to live in an unsafe natural physical environment, it is the unsafe spiritual moral environment that has caused the downfall of once great nations, not "global warming" or any other "environmental issue".
@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
26 Jun 11
Is global warming the biggest danger we face? I do not think so, but it is very serious. For some reason that I still do not fully understand, some have chosen to deny the existence of global warming. In spite of the accumulation of more and more evidence, they still deny reality. There are several phases of this denial. It starts with a flat "there's no such thing as global warming." When presented with the overwhelming evidence that the planet is indeed getting warmer, some move to the next phase. In this stage, they admit global warming is happening but deny that human activity has been any part of the cause behind it. they use all sorts of nonsense to support this view. They cite sunspots, normal climate cycles, heavy snowfall and cold winter days (thus confusing weather with climate), and even cows. When these arguments are all beaten down, some move to the next phase. This phase has two attitudes. One is that global warming will be good, because more of the surface will be available for agriculture. This assertion has been so thoroughly refuted that hardly anybody says it anymore. The other attitude is that we can't do anything about the problem because countermeasures would be too expensive. They have gone from "it doesn't exist" to "it exists but human activity did not cause it" to "it exists and humans caused it but we can't fix it." Most of these people, who live in some sort of fantasy world where ideology trumps reality, do not even use the term "global warming." They say "climate change" instead, as if that somehow changes anything.
@dong88 (795)
• China
26 Jun 11
You're right.In fact,the global environment worsening,the weather abnormality,have affected our each person.In recent years,I have to concern about the survival of our natural environment,I was disappointed to find that,it has not improved. At the same time,the world of the poor but more poor,the socalled to power just for their own interest only. Happy every day!
@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
26 Jun 11
Perfectly stated and outlined in a way to make it easier for human-kind who don't understand about the topical issue here. Thanks for your elaboration. Firstly, one should ask him/herself... Who started industrial revolution and carbon emission? I hope everyone has an answer. Why is it that they haven't found a solution for global warming and green energy as substitute to carbon? I just wonder, but I think developed governments think they will be creating a base for third world nations to rise...
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
26 Jun 11
WAFLAY: Who started the Industrial Revolution in Medieval times?? There was global warming, then, too! "Greenland" was called that because it was found during that period--not because it was covered with ice, as it is now! Earth is actually cooling now, scientists say. Global warming happens because of the Sun. So does cooling. Carbon emissions are good for us, as they do help plants grow, meaning people could grow far more food--feed more hungry people! Carbon is NOT a poison, but a natural & necessary element we need! And so-called "green" energy is too expensive, & largely ineffective, plus we have enough petroleum to last for thousands of years, were we allowed to get it out of the ground! You've been brainwashed by a hoax. Sorry, but if you study it, you'll see I'm correct. Maggiepie "In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences." ~ Robert Green Ingersoll, lawyer & orator 1833-1899
@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
26 Jun 11
Hi Maggiepie, I like you answer but I have got something you might be intrested in at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Warming .
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
25 Jun 11
They certainly are the ones who should take partial responsibility for the hardship of this world. We have not much influence on corrective actions to be made by the government, since those riches, and Fortune 100 companies they all have the influential power to make our government to be their advantage. So, not much we can do, unless we can be rich again, and we can make moderate change to those condition.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
15 Aug 11
hi, poverty is cause of having large population in a country,and there are agencies who will handle this,due to large population there are many aspects in life affect by this problem,however,this poverty is really hard to resolve especially wen a country cant control it well the nation.
• Philippines
26 Jun 11
Poverty, its underlying causes and impacts, and efforts to eradicate poverty and its root causes are still, to my mind, the main focus. Although I am very much involved in Global Warming mitigation, in my case specifically my long involvement in the organic movement, I feel that Global Warming is not the core problem. However, efforts in this arena that involves the poor help them to analyze, to plan, to organize and strengthen themselves, and eradicate the causes of poverty, including the superstructures, systems, processes, policies and laws that brought about this situation of poverty and brought the world to the brink of doubtful survivability from Global Warming. Terrorism? Who but a sick person will bring down systems, policies, structures, and social processes that are inclusive politically, economically, socially, culturally? Military measures as the means to prevent and eradicate terrorism are resources wasted to the extent that it cannot and does not address the main issues of exclusion and inclusion of peoples, races, sectors, economic classes at international, national and sub-national levels. Military measures against terrorism are so much mere treatment of symptoms, not the cure of the disease itself.
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
25 Jun 11
I agree that the terrorism alarms by developed nations are assumptions and based on their interests and, like "terrorist," never objective. As per Global Warming and Poverty: While there is no dispute about past global rising temperatures, I am not however of the conclusion that this T rising trend is solely caused by humankind (though human activities may have magnified the trend). Poverty on the other hand, I have observed, stems from lack of education and failure to cultivate that which is readily available. I believe the effects of global warming and poverty can be minimized through proper education, assertiveness and applied technology. People need knowledge and tools to enable then to work around or through circumstances.
@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
25 Jun 11
In my view, I think terrorism is like cave that politicians use to hide from reality. Take Kenya for example, The government is always investing much of its resources in fight against terror, leaving a trail of hunger among her people and most of the time noticing too late that her citizens are suffering. I have seen in their political speeches, always running away from issues that touch a 'simple citizen'. If the world can come to realize 'human want' first,(... leave alone human right which usually come at a second place), and work towards improving resources for the gain of people then I hope these will eliminate many issues that endanger human life.