Amateur swimming...

July 3, 2011 5:03am CST
I learnt swimming all by myself. Didn't take any help. So, i swim a lot slower than others and splashing more water, but i can swim. Do you think its unhealthy?
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4 responses
@koperty3 (1876)
25 Jul 11
I also learnt swimming by my self. As years past now I'm able to swim 5 miles without any break and this is my pride :)
• India
25 Jul 11
That'll be an inspiration! But i can't swim fast... Maybe i need more practice...
@koperty3 (1876)
25 Jul 11
I'm disable and I can swim 5 miles. You can do it :)
@koperty3 (1876)
25 Jul 11
Swimming is very healthy as the water can stimulate all the muscles of your body. Also your circulation is better and you burn calories. In my opinion everybody who got occasion and skill should swim as this sport is really healthy.
• India
25 Jul 11
But the thing is that i've a really awkward way of swimming...i'm just thinking it maybe unhealthy but it has very less chance...
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
13 Aug 11
Amateur swimmer - Trying to learn swimming
I don't think that is unhealthy at all! You will get soon swim faster of course. Just be patient. I believe, you can really learn to swim all by yourself if you have the willpower. Even my little ones were not even taught how to swim but because we frequent the beach they learn swimming all by themselves. At first they'd start in shallow parts of the sea and then later through constant practice, they were able to learn the skill already.
• United States
2 Dec 11
I use to love to swim. I took swimming lessons at the ymca. It was fun. I use to race and do dives. I taught my brother and sister how to swim also.