Bananas in Pleanty

July 4, 2011 6:52am CST
These days, my garden is having three banana plants under fruition, each having about 50 kg of banana on it. Banana is principally a food for males, although females too love its shape, flavor and taste. The fruit provide a lot of essential nutrients to the body, particularly Phosphorus. For this reason, principal manure for banana plant is ash. Minerals and trace elements available in banana are Magnesium, Sodium, Manganese, etc. Overall, it is a balanced fruit. Warning for those having gum problems, they should avoid eating Banana for its being rich in Sodium.
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4 responses
@anklesmash (1412)
4 Jul 11
My grandad used to swear by Bananas he was a Japanese prisoner of war and he did whatever he could to get bananas and he used to put his survival despite the mistreatment he suffered down to bananas and he said that if somebody did something wrong the Japanese would stop the supply of bananas and lots of people in the prison camp would die.There also eaten by tennis players during breaks in play for energy and stuff.My only question for you is how you can say they are principally a food for males it makes no sense to me.
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• India
6 Jul 11
I am inclined to think that most of the foods have gender biases, and researching on this through studies, observations and opinions. Thanks for giving your opinion.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Jul 11
wrong fresh fruit and veggies have very little sodium thats why we diabetics with high blood pressure have our doctors recomend them. so do not tell people that its wrong. also here in the US we women eat as manyh or more bananas than men to. food is not gender based its based on what is appropriate to eat for good health for men and women. you use your idea in India do not force them on other countries as some of them are not valid.My doctor wants me to eat them for the potassium in them so I will not get horrid leg cramps. we women here eat bananas. such odd ideas. wow.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Jul 11
for your information nutritional guides on the net and on our serach bar tell me there is only 1mg of Sodium in a banana so for people with high blood pressure they are as saft as my doctor said. so get your facts straight please. They are very healthy in all they contain for women and men notice I said women. grrrrr.
• India
17 Jul 11
My dear Hatley, I am glad that you researched on your favorite fruit Banana and informed the readers. To my information, Banana has 36.6 mg of Sodium per 100 gm of eatable potion of Banana and that is higher than any other fruit except Lichi and Musk Melon. During my last Banana crop, I took a lot of Banana for about 15 days and had Gum swelling problem. I consulted my doctor who told me that I had taken some food with high amount of Sodium in that. Then I checked up and found Banana to have high amount of Sodium. After that, when I stopped Banana consumption, my gum problem got cured without any medication. This is what prompted me to inform my readers. Regarding male/female bias of foods, this is my ongoing research topic and I shall come to that some time later. Of course, your feedback on the subject is highly appreciated and will be considered in my studies. All the best for taking in a lot of Bananas.
@umabharti (3972)
• India
4 Jul 11
yes the fruit is good and has much nutrition values in it.So do you have both the banana plant types the raw and the fruit one. Do you have the kerala banana plant ,the banana is having a red skin ,and is a big one to its size. What is ash , how it is useful for the plants growth.What did you mean to say to people having gum problems,how should they take the banana fruit.
• India
6 Jul 11
I have only one type of Banana in my garden. I don't perceive any difference between unripe and ripe banana varieties. The fruit before ripening may be used as a vegetable. The preparation is very tasty when cooked with some curd, or taken with curd. No, I don't have banana plant of Kerala type at the moment. Anything after getting burned converts to ash. For example, if you use firewood for cooking, you have a lot of ash afterwards. It is rich in phosphorus, so works as a manure for banana plants. Banana fruit is rich in phosphorus. When sodium content of food is high, it causes gum problems - swelling and bleeding. Banana fruit is rich in Sodium, so should be taken in limited quantity if some gum problem is there. More advice on this may be had from a doctor. Any way, thanks for the participation.
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
7 Jul 11
Banana plant is a plant which needs support when it bears the banana fruit.If it has many banana fruit on it it needs a support as it does not have much grip with the ground.The roots do not go much deep ,and when it has little plants around it those banana plants are to be carefully taken from the mother plant and planted so that the mother plant has strength for itself.
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• Philippines
23 Feb 12
It is a good source of Potassium. I usually take it before workouts and running competitions.