Is arrange marriage effective or love marriage?

July 10, 2011 12:48am CST
According to me love marriages are more effective,than that that of arrange marriages.... Because your love is there and if there is any misunderstanding,you compromise because your choose has been given preference. What do you think Arrange maariage works for last or love marriages
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8 responses
@Humanicon (328)
• India
10 Jul 11
Mylot is a community with members from all over the world.Every other country has a different culture.If a western citizen reads your question then is would recommend you love marriage and he will also proof it by his experiences.And if a Asian and eastern citizen reads your question then he will recommend you arrange marriage.Not every Asian citizen but at least most of them will prefer arrange marriage.May be they might not tell you openly here but they will themselves inside their hearts.Mostly of the Asians are double sided.They prefer love marriage for themselves and arrange marriage for their daughters or sisters.Western country people will choose love marriage because arrange marriage in their countries is 1 in 1000. In my reply i will say that arrange marriage will last forever if you are an Asian.Because in Asia 90% of people do arrange marriage and only 10 % or so do love marriages.but the love marriages in Asia don't last longer because in many cases men having love marriages are free birds.Most of them don't have ethics.And the divorce cases filed in Indian courts are evidence to that.because 30% love marriages end up in divorce in Asia.Arrange marriage people do divorce but they are less.The cases of cheat are present in every marriage.In arrange marriage there is a complain of incompatibility and in love marriages there is a complain of changing in nature.They always complain that he or she was like this before and is behaving like this now,He is not giving me sufficient love,Running after other girls ,etc,etc,etc. In my opinion what ever marriage you choose.A back ground check is important if you are an Asian.AS far as love is concerned, love happens when you like him or her and love also happens when your partner treats you well and fulfill your needs. many people say love is blind.But how much blind it should be.Following this words "Love is blind" you cannot live with a person who is very cruel because you had a love marriage and you love him.Because no one can love some one until this some one is good in nature.This is also valid in arrange marriages too.So choose wisely because after marriage there kids to take care off.IN case of divorce it is there life which gets destroyed.
• Pakistan
10 Jul 11
good commented,i want to ask you somethhing if a person twice talk to you when he or she was 14,now they turn to 20,hvnt seen each other but the boy do love that girl and aimed to marry her....... is it true...can be happen?
• India
10 Jul 11
This is called love at first sight which i donot believe in.This boy has talked only twice and never met for 6 years.human body is biological body.At the age 14 men come to their early stage of puberty.So getting attracted to someone is common.In 6 years evry thing will change .he might fall in love with some else or he can get attracted to some other girl.even if he still loves her there is a possibily of the girl falling in love with some one else.if the girl nor the boy fell in love with some one else then there is a chance.but what is the guarantee that the girl talked to him because she likes him.thus i will consider this as a one sided attraction and give a reply to you acordingly. This boy should first find her and enquire if she is in love with some one.if found not.then he should go to her parents and ask her hand if the girl is asian.and if they from west there is less chance that the boy is still in love with her. Apart from this the logic is that no boy or girl will fall in love at the age of 14.what ever happens at 14 is just attraction.Talking once or twice does not mean that they love each other.for love understanding and maturity is needed.
• Pakistan
27 Jul 11
But this is what happen to me and boy still wants to marry me.....but he hvnt told me live....
• Philippines
6 Aug 11
I don't think arranged marriage works fine. I mean, you are being arranged to marry someone not of your own choosing. That won't work for me.
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
27 Jul 11
Arranged marriage seldom works. If the reason is other than love for getting married then the probability of failure is pretty high. Marriage is a commitment and needs continuous work in able to succeed. You have to put your heart on it and make sacrifices at times.
@dodo19 (47314)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
18 Jul 11
Personally, I think that love marriage may be more effective. I prefer love marriages over arranged marriages. I do respect those who believe in and prefer arranged marriages. That's fine by me, but I prefer love marriages. I think that it's better if you love the person that you're marrying right from the start, before you marry this person. I think that's the better way to go.
@funnyGai (52)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Hi Sadafsakhawat, Thinks is not depend on the love marriage or arranged marriages. life is depend on how you are make move on current or every situation In arrange marriage their is the people to convinced you both if some thing happen. but in love marriage your mind set is get changes to make the other have to accept your love. so in all your activities you have in mind and doing the adjust with other. don't think about arrange /love. After marriage love their wife and parents. it will lead to good life with problem less moments. i hope all will get peaceful life.
@jdex_143 (1093)
• Philippines
15 Jul 11
Hi there! I think, it's better to get married out of love compared if you'll get married out of fixed marriage. It's somehow better if you'll be the one who will choose who to marry rather than marry someone who is somebody's choice(e.g. parents). Happiness should be taken into consideration. :) As well as freedom of choice.
@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
10 Jul 11
It is certainly better to have a love marriage than an arranged one.Of course,it's possible for two people who become husband and wife after an arranged marriage to have a good relationship and love and support each other,but I doubt that happens very often.If you are married out of love,you will definitely make compromises much easier if necessary because you really want to make your spouse happy to be with you.
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
I don't know but for me I won't marry for the wrong reasons. I believe that we marry someone because we love them and not because of security reasons or whatever valid reason it may be. Marriage i guess will last forever if it will be worked hard by two persons involved.