would you let go of someone that you really love?^^

happiness forever - boy and girl holding each other so so tight^^
July 11, 2011 3:08pm CST
hi guys i was just wondering.. would you let go of someone that you really love? about me i wouldnt. unless sure if he didnt love me back i would have to. but if he loved me and i loved him too i wouldnt let him go. if we let someone go, we can lose him forever. so i wouldnt risk to lose the one i love. what about you guys? would you let go? sometimes people give up of their love just bcs they are afraid to fight for happiness. about me i wont do so. please share your opinions^^
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25 responses
• United States
11 Jul 11
I had to let go of the one I love and he loved me. Well, he loved me the way he knew how, but this love was not good enough any longer. We both have suffered abuse throughout our lives and it is hard to love when these things have not been dealt with. I know it doesn't seem that it could be possible, but he loved me and I knew this, but our relationship was unhealthy to a lot of degree. I still love him to this day. Not sure if he still loves me, but I believe he does. I would not go back with him after all that we have been through collectively and separately. I will always love and have some respect for him because he taught me so much. Positive and negative. We also have a child together and I love her even more because she is his seed. He is so tremendously talented and I will forever have a place in my heart for him. I wish him well even though I cannot have him.
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@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
11 Jul 11
Perfect words for a lost lover... if the person in question is here in mylot.. He will definitely run into your arms.
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• United States
11 Jul 11
waflay, he is not. Maybe the universe will see fit for us to be one day, but for now I now it is not so. I would be with him, but there are things that would have to be dealt with.
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@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
@writergirl, i so admire what you said... i can feel the sincerity to the very core of my bones. i would be saying the exact same thing because i know how it feels. you have a heart that genuinely loves.
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• Philippines
12 Jul 11
hi sweet, Sometimes there are reasons why we need to let go of someone we love Even how we tried not to let them go we come to the point we must let go Why would let you go someone you love if you are sure you are still in love with each other? Because you are afraid to fight for your happiness If you are really happy there will be no reason for you to let go You will always find a reason not to let go and hold to that happiness forever. happy mylotting
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• Portugal
12 Jul 11
yes i think that if you love this person you can just keep fighting. even if things are not so easy. anyway i just wish that this guy i like thought like you. actually he is a filipino like you^^ anyway i will just wait and see what happens. i just wanted that he could just say something.. i dont know how he is doing since some days already. its just so hard for me to get his attitude you know.. anyway i wish that he is fine and that he can be the same sweet guy again.
• Portugal
13 Jul 11
yes right now im thinking that maybe it really wont go anywhere.. its like he gave up on me. we dont talk since some days already and im a bit worried. i also dont see his sister online and i know that sometimes some disasters happen in pinas.. im a bit worried.. anyway i will just wait that him or his sister say something to me. i wish that he is fine. i miss him so so much. i wish that he could be the same super sweet guy again^^ i wish you knew him so maybe you could help me^^
• Philippines
13 Jul 11
sweet I understand your feelings too bad not all Filipinos are the same On my opinion if you think the relationship is going nowhere better let him go save something for yourself someone is out there who deserves you, someone who is better than him. If you think you put so much effort and nothing happened or any single has not change I think it's time for you to let go and move on, It will not be easy but we must love ourselves first before we can love others. Hope you will find your true happiness
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• United States
12 Jul 11
I was in an LTR with E for nearly seven years but I was ready to leave him six months prior because I wasn't happy any more. I was head-over-heels in love but the feeling wasn't mutual. I learned what I needed though.
• United States
15 Jul 11
Yes, I foolishly fell in love with a player but when we were alone, he made me feel like I was the only one. But I needed someone that needed me as much as I needed him. By walking away from an unfulfillin relationship, I was able to get into a MUCH better relationship. I learned what I really DID want and need by being in that doomed relationship, and it made me a much better woman. It is his loss and his loss alone.
• Portugal
13 Jul 11
you loved him so much but he didnt love you back? thats so sad im sorry that he didnt love you as much as you loved him.. i wish that soon you find the right guy. about this one, at least you did what you could for him. so at least you dont regret. you know, if we let go of someone we love later on we can regret. but you did all you could to make things be happy together. sorry that things didnt work out well for you
• United States
12 Jul 11
With my ex, I gave up because he disappeared . It was clear he said he loved me but he really didn't . So I stopped loving him. But with my guy, I will always love him. the Only reason for me to let him go is if he stops loving me. By me saying I love him means I want him to be happy Always So if he isn't happy with me, I'll leave.
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• United States
14 Jul 11
I'm just glad I can respond. Looking it back , I believe what I thought was love was just desire. And yes , if I hadn't had my heart broken , I wouldn't be happy now. I just hope your guy isn't like my ex. I want you to be happy. I'm keeping the faith.
• Portugal
13 Jul 11
im sorry that your ex said he loves you and then he just left you.. thats super sad and very bad really. at least he could had been honest with you im happy that you found a good guy that really loves you now. maybe that guy was stupid so your destiny would change and you would meet this one. that for sure is so much better than the other one^^ i wish you happiness always^^ thanks sarah for always reply to my discussions^^ i really appreciate that you share with me personal things^^ im happy we are friends^^
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@ladysakurax (1161)
• Canada
11 Jul 11
I think it depends on the obstacle. love is really strong but if in the long term it might cause alot of burden to one of us, it's better to end the relationship rather to end into pain. Movies and books are fairy tales but real life is reality. We cannot be selfish and must consider the feelings of the other as well.
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• Canada
13 Jul 11
When i was talking about feelings, I was refering to stress, sadness, and all the pressure the peron is going through... I know alot of people who were deeply in love and they though that love was all that truly matters. I know a couple where the girl is chinese and the boy is jew. They really loved each other but the parents from both sides rejected each other. She did all she could to get along but still no success. In this situation 'fighting' only means cutting all ties with your family members to be with each other in this situation. This kind of happiness will not last for too long. How about a couple where each has different belief or religion? an atheist who's going to marry a girl who's muslim for example. That person can sacrifice himself to please the girl but it could be uneasy for him to do this for the rest of his life. Or it could be the engine of the guy not good enough for the girl. Ahem...it does sound ridiculous but 1/3 couples i know break up because of that. Why can't that person move on and find someone else who can accept and love him for the way he is? Anyway, this is just my opinion. When i marry with my boyfriend later on, I want to be happy and not think about problms before going to sleep and thinking again when waking up. I'll end up depressed and I can't see myself happy if i have to endure that for the next 50 years. Well goodluck for you and happy mylotting
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• Portugal
13 Jul 11
i understand what you mean^^ there are always obstacles in a relationship. im sorry that things didnt end well to that chinese girl. its sad if we cant be with the one we love. but i see that you mean that sometimes people have to do big big sacrifices. like stop talking with your family just to be with the one you love. sure there will always be sadness bcs of it but if you let go of the one you love bcs of your family you might regret it later. and if your family really loved you they would accept the one you love just to dont lose you^^ happy mylotting for you too^^
• Portugal
12 Jul 11
i agree that we have to see the other person feelings also. and not just ours. i just dont understand why if you love someone why some people just let the person go? i want always to fight for a guy when i love him.. i think its a nonsense to just let go of someone that really loves you and that you love too. thats why i asked here if you would let go of someone you love just bcs you are tired of fighting. if you really love you wont get tired.
• United States
13 Jul 11
Hmmm--tough one! I guess it would depend on the relationship. If the person I loved was not responding it would be easier to let them go despite the disappointment. There is always time to re-evaluate your personality and assess what needs refining. Did you over assert yourself with the other person? Did you not listen to the other person? Were they ready for you? Were you really in love with him/her or just the idea of him/her? Was this what you were looking for? Let me know if it was. :-)
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• Portugal
13 Jul 11
i can say that im really in love with who he is. who he used to be actually. bcs right now he is acting the complete opposite.. thats why is being hard for me to accept that maybe he doesnt love me anymore. i just want to talk with him and make things clear. or he loves me or not. and if he doesnt i will forget, even if is hard. if he loves me i will fight to be with him, if he doesnt then i let him go. what is making me really really upset is the uncertainity. i dont know if he loves me or not.
• United States
13 Jul 11
I hear you! It's hard to see a person you love change so fast and not be able to do anything about it. Been there and understand it. One time my former said sorry too often and I let him know that wasn't enough anymore. Why? He was open-minded before but as he lost control over his health, he tried to dominate me. I tried to help in whatever way I could and I did speak up. He would apologize but soon afterwards, it be the same thing. Eventually I just left. He claimed to love me but wanted to dominate and that isn't love. Understandably, more than I could take. So as painful as it is, you may have to do some hard thinking. If needs be, write down the positives and negatives on a sheet of paper. Tell him what is bothering you but don't attack him. If he's not sensitive to your needs, you may have to start thinking beyond him. If he is taking you seriously, give him time to adapt and check in every so often. I'm not trying to give you false hope but you need to do something. Good luck!
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
same here my friend.. i am also not one who lets go of someone i love
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
14 Jul 11
Yes i do not let go of someone i love as long as i know he loves me too..But if i know that he does not and he loves someone else then i would give his freedom. There is no point in keeping him when his heart is already with someone else.
• Portugal
13 Jul 11
thats great jazel^^ that just shows that when you love someone you really love him. i really wish that you find a good guy and that he doesnt give up on you also. you deserve to be always happy.. i think that if you let go of someone you love, it means you dont love this person deeply. bcs when we do, its impossible to give up. thanks so much for your sweet answer and i wish that too too soon you find your prince charming^^ and that he values you so much^^
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
hello cat, If he doesn't love me anymore,I guess i will let him go thu it would hurt me. There is no use of holding back a love or someone who doesn't love me back or doesn't acknowledge the love. It is better to move on and start a new life with new love than keeping someone who can't love and respect me as i do. have a good day always sis
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• Portugal
13 Jul 11
hi j how are you?^^ i understand what you mean^^ we should only fight for people that are worth of it. someone that loves us truly and doesnt hurt us all the time right? im almost giving up.. i will just wait awhile longer to see what he says to me. i dont want to regret later. and sure we shouldnt be never with someone that cant loves us or respect us. we deserve to be happy and if are with someone like that its impossible. have a good day always too^^
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
Just like you, i will only let go of my love one , if he doesn't love me anymore. I will fight for our love, no matter what. I know that if i let him go, i cannot be as happy as i am , when i am with him.
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• Portugal
13 Jul 11
thats great that you wouldnt give up on him^^ if the person loves us back we shouldnt let it go. doesnt matter how hard it is for you to be together. its like people say: if we want something, we must fight for it. i will fight to be with him. thats for sure. but i cant fight if he doesnt love me anymore. right now, i think he doesnt love me any longer. but i dont understand him :( bcs i would do all to be near him :( why love is never easy?
@najibdina29 (1309)
• Indonesia
12 Jul 11
over time there must be something that interest you that in that way is easy to forget something that is not thinking about it .. looking for something more interesting .. would you think that used to haunt the mind will gradually get away from us .. keep your mind active you now ..
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• Portugal
12 Jul 11
i work a lot so my mind is usually busy with work but i need love also in my life. everyday i just wish that i get much money to just go and see him. you know, each day that pass i feel that im losing him more and more. he isnt talking with me like before. i just feel like a stupid bcs i trusted him so so much and i love him. i just dont get his attitude. he isnt a mean guy so i dont get the point of this. maybe he just wants to forget me forever..
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
12 Jul 11
Well, why don't you tell my ex that. I was burned and burned bad. I will never in a million years take her back even if she begged. What she did was inexcusable. I went down with a fight but I went down none the less. Now, I will never sink again. I am with someone who loves me more than my wildest dreams. And it feels right.
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• Portugal
12 Jul 11
im happy that you are with someone that really loves you^^ im sorry that your ex just hurt you so much. but dont even think about sad things anymore. what matters is that you found someone that value you so much. in the end, thats what is important. i wish that you can be happy with this girl forever. i remember that you told me that you loved this girl since so long ago so i think what happened with you and your ex was just to join you with a better girl^^ the one of your dreams. like people say: everything happens for a reason^^
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
I'm willing to let go of the one I love. If i think whats best for both of us especially for him i'm willing to sacrifice things. It hurts but as long as he will be happy and for good then ill be happy too.
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• Portugal
12 Jul 11
i understand your point^^ but for me i dont think that the best for the person you love and that loves you, is to be apart from each other. if you really love someone you cant stand to be away from him. i say this bcs all these days, i been checking to talk with the guy i like even he was the one that hurt me so much. still i care so much and show him my feelings. even if i shouldnt after he hurts me. i will just wait to see if he says something^^
@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
I will never let go of him unless he's sO stupid and doesn't love me back. Just same as yours sweetloveforeve. Love is hard to find so I ain't planning to let go of it. Evey relationship has it's hard time,ups and downs. If you really love each other you'll hold into it and fight for your love. I ain't afraid of fighting for what will make me happy. Usually go for what i love. :)
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• Portugal
13 Jul 11
thanks clare for understanding me^^ im happy that you took some of your time to answer my discussion. i think you are right in not letting go so easily. life isnt easy and its not everyday that we have the chance to meet the guy of our dreams. you know i just wish that he sees how much i love him. and that he can be the same wonderful guy with me again. thats all im wishing in this life. that he cares for me again so so much^^
1 person likes this
• Philippines
10 Aug 11
You're welcome..I wish you all the happiness in life.
@jdex_143 (1093)
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
Letting go of someone you love is so hard to do especially when you already believe in yourself that the person you love is the one you will live with for the rest of your lives. But depending on the situation, if I see no hope for us to be together anymore, I think I could let go of my love even if it hurts like hell.
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• Portugal
12 Jul 11
my situation is like you say. i thought that me and him would be forever. you know, i always saw him as my prince. i dont think i can love a guy like i love him. from now on i cant trust a guy anymore. i thought that me and him would last. bcs i saw he was honest and really loved me. but we are so far so maybe he just wants to give up on me. i just wish that he was the same guy again. that he could love me again like before. but maybe that wont happen anymore..
@shibham (16977)
• India
12 Jul 11
It will depend on the deepness of the relationship. By the way, i have less heart to feel it ........ dont know why? but sometimes love seems a miracle to me. have a nice day.
• Portugal
13 Jul 11
i think you are right. if you really love someone so so much you cant let him go. i say this bcs this guy. so many signs for me to let him go.. and still everyday im checking if he says something to me. its just too hard for me to accept that he changed so much. i know that he loved me and is hard for me to think that he forgot all he promised me. thats why im still waiting to see if he be the same guy again. he was so wonderful..
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
If I know the guy loves me and the feeling is mutual, I will not let him go. I will fight for the guy. Of course if no other party will be hurt and that I know that I am doing the right thing, I will not just give up and let the man I love go. I will not risk myself from getting hurt for letting the guy go. It's better to try to save the relationship first rather than giving up without even trying.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
I would give up on someone i really love when loving him would mean hurting other people. A friend of mine is in this kind of a dilemma. She's married and yet is in love with another man who's also married. They didn't plan to fall in love and that's what she told me. I believe her sincerity but i just couldn't condone what she's doing. So if i were in her case i would really give up on the person that i really love if other people will get hurt.
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• Portugal
12 Jul 11
im sorry for your friend toni i think that the right thing to do would be that she was honest with her hubby and tell him that she loves other guy. and that guy should tell his wife that he loves your friend. its sad that your friend will hurt her husband but will be much worse if she stays with a guy that cant make her happy. that way your friend and her hubby wont be happy bcs there isnt a true love in their marriage. honesty is the best thing in her case^^
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
i would if its for his good and for mine as well. which do u think proves to be a sign of strength? accepting defeat due to proper reasons or fighting for someone as though you are against all odds? im confused myself, but id rather let go. as for you, i think you should let go sis. you are too stubborn like me, you know that! i cant blame you, you are too in love. but i hope you weigh the positives and the negatives.
• Portugal
12 Jul 11
yes sis im very stubborn bcs i dont get his attitude you know? he loved me so so much why now he is acting this way? if he loved me so so much how could he just not even ask how i am feeling these days? i knew he was sick and i just asked so many times how he is. he doesnt come online at awhile i dont know if he is still sick or if he is better. also his sister i didnt receive an answer from her so i dont even know if he is ok or not.. im just too tired of this situation sissy.. i will just wait a few more days to see if he says something..
• Indonesia
12 Jul 11
Ok sweetloveforeve... I love with your discussion that you are started. Mostly about love, so it's very romantic. That i think you are romantic person. For me. love is about how we gaves a sense of care and attention complitely, we certainly want see someone that we love is happy. So, as long as the people that we love are happy and comfortable, i will do anything, including when i have to take off she went. If we should wish to happy, but let those that we love not happy, for example, it seems very selfish. And i think that is wrong definition bout love...
• Portugal
12 Jul 11
i totally agree when you say that if we want to be happy we cant just let the other person we say we love unhappy. thats not love but very selfish. i agree with that bcs im feeling that right now. if someone loves you how can you just stop caring? love can disappear ok but how can you just ignore someone that loves you so much? thats too stupid and a nonsense. if you really love someone you cant stand to see this person crying or broken.
• Philippines
2 Dec 11
it depends. if the person that i love loves me back then why would i let him go? finding true love is a rare thing and you are one lucky person if you have found it. it's worth the risk. as for me, i wouldn't let go of it.. i'll fight for it. i mean, if we are really for each other then i would be very strong in standing up with any challenges that comes along our away as long as he's their by my side fighting with me.