Does anyone really remember me?

@subha12 (18441)
August 14, 2011 9:17pm CST
Hi all. I was a regular visitor of mylot since 1 year back. Due to many work and many other things, could not post in mylot for long. Do you remember me? Today i thought of loging again and I am here. do you remember me?
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12 responses
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 11
Hi subha, it is nice to see you back to mylot once more. Of course I do still remember you as one who used to grace mylot pages. I have also reduced my activities in mylot due to the demand of my real world activities.
1 person likes this
@subha12 (18441)
• India
15 Aug 11
Oh My God! thanks you too remember me!
1 person likes this
• China
28 Aug 11
haha, you are the same to me, but you are better then me i log in mylot 4 years ago , and i come again today , but so many people welcome me back again , i am so happy
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
15 Aug 11
I definitely remember you.I also remember one or two discussions of yours[one about some incident in a bus, some illness of your father or niece/nephew etc[I have a vague feeling and am not sure of this].I thought you were from C\Hennai but I feel your profile said it was Kolkata[have not peeped in today to cross check but I will do it after posting this ], you are educated and are earning reasonably well[perhaps you are an engineer]. How many were right?
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
Hi subha! Yes, of course! I remember you! I cannot forget your avatar! I have already associated your username with your avatar so I won't really forget you. I've actually seen your avatar somewhere and then I realized that I've already seen it here in myLot and that would be yours! Welcome back!
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
18 Aug 11
it's been a while subha that i have seen you here. of course i still remember you. and how about me, do you still remember me?
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
Hi, I am just a two-weeks-old member here, so I think there's no way I can remember you as I never met you before xD. So, I would like to say a simple words: "Hi! Nice to meet you :) Welcome back and happy mylotting again!"
@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
15 Aug 11
I Remember You! It's your Avatar that triggers my memory. When I first saw it pop up in friends discussions I thought to myself "hey, I remember this person but havn't seen her about in a while" Life gets so busy. I too sometime stray away from mylot but do try to come back when I can... Good to see you back
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 11
Where have you been subha12, for such a long time? I still remember you though you haven't shown up still me remember me huh
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
15 Aug 11
It is really good to see you here again. I was away for a while too and came back. It is really good that you came back with us.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
15 Aug 11
Yes, dear friend, I still remember you:) You have posted so many in the past, how come we will forget you? I am glad to see you are back right now. Welcome! I look forward to seeing more of your posts. I love China
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
15 Aug 11
Welcome back. It is so wonderful that you are back. I am sure you will enjoy continuing on in the myLot community. The community is growing at an impressive rate, with many people from countries around the world joining in. Have a nice time !
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Aug 11
hi oh yes welcome back I remember you very well. and I am glad to see you back again.hatley here I used to respond to your discussions a lot. I am still here enjoying mylotting as usu al older and maybe wiser,who knows lol. but I enjoy being here and have lots of time on my hands so why not.this will seem like old times to see your name here again.[