is it still good to make friend to your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?

hearts:)) - two hearts that can be connected as one once again:))
August 16, 2011 8:20am CST
hi guyz!!have u experienced that relationship from the past like your ex's turns out to be your good friend or bestfriend???well for me, with my past relationships, some of them turned out to be 1 of my bestfriend..but do you think it's fair to your present relationship??is there anything wrong about it???what do you think guyz??i;m sure lots of you can relate this..:))
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8 responses
• India
16 Aug 11
i dont think anything wrong there,but after break up it is really difficult to maintain any kind of relationship with you ex girlfriend or boyfriend because in my case whenever i meet my ex girlfriend the old topics restarted and thats why we both not feel comfortable with each other now we are friends but not best friends and we are happy in our present life.sometimes she wish me on my birthday and on some festivals but now our relations are not good as in past.
16 Aug 11
yeah warrior007..i can relate to your story as well...i know that we have to set limits to befriend with our ex's:))
• India
17 Aug 11
yes we need to set limitations with our ex's ,as we are humans and doing mistakes are our habits.
@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
17 Aug 11
Although I haven't experienced it personally, I do still think that it's possible for someone to be friends with their ex. Personally, I don't see why this couldn't be possible. Sure, I can understand that it might not be easy for this individual's current relationship. I can certainly understand how this may be difficult to do, but that's the way it can go sometimes.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
16 Aug 11
I only had two ex boyfriends and I am only in speaking terms with one of them. i am not looking firward to talk to the othrr one because I cant forget what he dis to me.. .so no I wont want to be friends with him.
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
16 Aug 11
I can't relate to this simply because I have no ex yet, but I think that maintaining or keeping friendship with anyone can really help in life.
@koperty3 (1876)
16 Aug 11
Sometimes my ex write to me emails just to let me know how is he doing and I answer him just to let him know that I'm fine. We both moved on. I have partner and I love him so much and my ex knows about it. I don't know if you can call that friendship. Maybe. Just I have no idea why we keep inform each other that we are fine. it's almost 5 years. I have never seen him since that time. We never spoke why we broke up but we are polite and somewhat interested how we doing that's all.
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
I don't think that would be possible. But in my case,my ex never became my friend, or maybe because we don't see each other anymore. But there was a time when i thought of befriending them if given a chance. But so far, i didn't get the chance to have some chitchat with my ex.
@zhawee (873)
• Philippines
16 Aug 11
maybe, or not because if you still have contact to them you will not move on.. its better you far away from them,
@cindy12 (88)
• China
16 Aug 11
I wish I can keep the best friend relationship with my ex boyfriend. After all, we loved each other before, it is hard for me to accept that he left me. I know there is a saying that:If the two lovers broke, and they are best friend after the departure, it means that one of them do not love the other before, or they cannot be the friends. But I really want to be friends with a good guy.