Create Gmail Account - $0.05 Reward

@oindy54 (3445)
August 20, 2011 4:55am CST
There is a task available under the tasks section which asks the task-taker to create a Gmail account and then submit that Gmail address and even the password of that account to get the task approved. The reward for getting the task approved is $0.05. Now my question is why would someone invest money in getting people to do a task of creating a Gmail account on his behalf? Why cannot he do it himself? Secondly,he is asking for the password of that account. So overall it seems very confusing to me. When anyone can create multiple accounts on Gmail why would a person pay $0.05 to others for getting 100 Gmail account addresses with passwords? The task has 100 slots. What is your say on this? Please give your comments.
17 responses
• India
20 Aug 11
i think he is looking for the fake accounts so that he could send spam messages without any risks,or for some other wrong activities might be to promote sits,voting,commenting,etc.there are lot of things he could do with those accounts..!
20 Aug 11
Spot on. Lots of gmail accounts needed so he can spam people. And the thing is, those accounts will be registered under YOUR name, so you'll get the backlash for spamming, not him. Bad idea.
1 person likes this
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
20 Aug 11
But, I think people that accept this task wouldn't want to use their real name in that Gmail account Ah, that doesn't matter though. That task is still suspicious
@oninomar (505)
• Philippines
20 Aug 11
I can't see that task in the section? well, WTH that you will give your real name on that account? Of course If I will make one and submit to the task creator I will not give my real information on that account... Also, I think he has his own reason for that on where he will use it...
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
20 Aug 11
Maybe someone can create multiple accounts on Gmail, but creating 100 accounts... it sounds bored, right? So, I can understand why that person are willing to pay people for creating Gmail Accounts. xD Well, I can't say for sure what will he does with that accounts. He can use it for creating multiple accounts on a website. But sometimes it would be hard, as some websites also detect IP address besides the verification of email address. He can use it for spreading spam emails. But, again, why should he need 100 accounts? 10 accounts would be enough to do so Maybe we should ask him directly?
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
20 Aug 11
It does not necessarily mean that all the slots were taken. It is also possible that admin removed the task as it was promoting fraud.
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
20 Aug 11
Yes what an idea!Let's ask him directly!The task is no longer available though as I can see.It means he has been successful in making 100 people do the job for him!Strange task creator and strange creator! Yes 10 accounts should have been enough and he could have created them himself!Why waste money asking others!I am sure that it is for spamming.
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
20 Aug 11
Yes, I think it is Admin who remove that task Maybe he was noticed from your discussion
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
21 Aug 11
I am not getting a good vibe from this concept at does not sound ethical,and sounds as though it could backfire on you in some way!
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
21 Aug 11
Yes I felt the same way as you after looking at what the task was asking us to do!But now the task is no longer available so good riddance! What say?
• India
20 Aug 11
Well actually i myself firstly participated in it but then realized that i can myself be in trouble if these accounts are used for illegal activities and for a few pennies i do not want to do something wrong. If some one want a gmail account or even 100 he can just make them of their own and can distribute this among his or her friends. Also the profile of the task creator is new so i guess we should not take any risk by doing this task.
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
20 Aug 11
Yes I noticed that the task creator is new so that really seemed a risk.Moreover,the 5 cents reward was a little high which coupled with the strange task that was asked of the users,made it look even more suspicious!
• India
21 Aug 11
I made gmail accounts without the use of mobile phone. It is recommended by gmail to give their phone number for verification but is not mandatory as this step can be skipped.
• Brazil
20 Aug 11
I guess it's not possible to create 100 gmail account right away, because you need a code sent to a number of cell phone to confirm the email. And this codes are limited for a period of time. But, still, I don't think that someone would need 100 gmail accounts to do something good.
• India
20 Aug 11
Its just for spams and other illegal works..
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
20 Aug 11
They are not allowed but those people think that anything is worth a try until they get banned.
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
21 Aug 11
Yes right!Good if they are banned!
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
20 Aug 11
Yes I agree with you.There can be no other reason.Such tasks should not be allowed to be created in the first place!
@hafiz008 (450)
• India
20 Aug 11
To be frank, if you give me $100 I will never give you username and passwords of my gmail account. As you hear about annonymous message sent by terrorist group and also hackers will make use of it and I will have to go to prison for that. I just dont understand why do need my or other gmail password and username. What do you want to do with it. Are you trying to test whether any one will his private matter for money. I hope not
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
20 Aug 11
Hi, You got me wrong.I am not asking for anyone's email address and password.There was a task under the tasks tab today few hours ago that was asking users who took up the task to do such a thing.It raised many questions in my mind.That is why I started this post to alert others and discuss about the issue. Have a good day.
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
21 Aug 11
Yes absolutely!
@oninomar (505)
• Philippines
20 Aug 11
yeah.. maybe he is not reading or understanding your post..:)
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
21 Aug 11
I guess the guy had ill motives.Why would someone offer tasks just to have it's member's account.Maybe this guy would sent spam mails to each members that accept the task.I don't think it's a good idea to do the task.
@JasperTore (1275)
• Philippines
21 Aug 11
The answer is simple. Is he has a lots of fake accounts under him then he can do some dirty jobs online. $0.05 is cheap to pay the person to do the task. Its like asking someone to make a fake account for you. That person is planning something to earn money in an illegal way. We should be careful about this things since we can be a victim of fraud.
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
20 Aug 11
Anyone can open a Gmail account. So that man has definitely a bad motive. I think no one will agree to do this task.
@skjee10 (438)
• India
20 Aug 11
Well at first i started to creat one account,then i realize, it might be used for any illegal activity.Mylot has to prevent such task to publish.
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
20 Aug 11
Yes you are right.The site administrator should take care that such tasks do not go unnoticed.They should not be allowed on the site.
@naseemkum (1803)
• India
20 Aug 11
I wont accept such tasks even they offer me one dollar to do it. Remember that our ip's are recorded when we create mail account. Being creating mail for urself its ok but dont create for others it wil get u in major risk .
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
22 Aug 11
Yes you are absolutely right!Taking such tasks is dangerous.
@Judy890 (1644)
• United States
21 Aug 11
wow and I was thinking of doing that task a few minutes ago thank god I read this post.
@daud4ms (218)
• United Arab Emirates
21 Aug 11
i would never do that task, come on, a person asking for password too, creepy thing, and more over at free to open account service - Gmail, this seems weird
• India
20 Aug 11
Hi oindy, for few pennies if you are exposing your email id and password to others then it will certainly cause trouble to you. These mail account might be used for illegal activities, even if you give a wrong information in the account there are ways through which others can get your details.Who will give money to other when they can do that work by themself.
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
20 Aug 11
Yes precisely so! That is why I felt suspicious about this task and started this post to know what the others have to say about such a task.It is the fist time that I noticed such a task under the tasks tab.100 slots were there and now no slots remain!That means 100 users have completed the task!Goodness gracious!
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
20 Aug 11
It doesn´t sound good. I would even contact mylot about it. It is a pity that this sites is used to do illicit work. I´m sure that spamming is the least of the bad things you can expect if you give anyone the password of your account.
@kripa_db (578)
• India
20 Aug 11
Since the user is willing to pay 0.05$ it must be for spamming or something illegal. Better to stay away from the task.
• Philippines
20 Aug 11
I think they are going to use that for gaming purposes. There is a tack there that requires you to give 3 facebook account. It can be real or fake. I thought of doing a fake one but realize, it's tedious. Hehe first, you need to create an email account, of course, i will not give mine, then verify the email second, create a facebook account. then verify to your email account. Doing this for three times is kinda tiring and unfair because you will only earn a few cents from it.