Does kids nowadays still play in the rain??

August 24, 2011 11:46pm CST
Have you ever experience playing in the rain? I used to play in the rain when I just a kid. I love the feeling of being oblivious to the problem that's happening around you. Just goofing around. Nowadays haven't seen kids play around when it rains. I wonder why? What do you think my fellow mylotters?
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4 responses
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
27 Aug 11
I am not certain if I used to play in the rain. I know that as an adult I had the biggest desire to go outside and dance around barefoot on the soft green grass. Feeling the earth squish beneath my feet. I am sure I must have with such a painted picture of this. And even describe the feel of being in the moment. Because I always want to do this I have urged my own children to go out and play in the rain. It will be a moment for them that they will always remember.
• Philippines
25 Aug 11
Oh yes, definitely. When I was a kid, I try to always plead with my parents to let me play in the rain. Sometimes, they'd let me, most of the times they don't. But imagine the delight when they let me. Actually, until even now, whenever it rains, I still think of wanting to play in the rain coz it's something that I haven't done in quite a while. It's really funny and amazing what simple joy playing in the rain can provide a human soul.
• Philippines
25 Aug 11
There are still many kids who played in the rain. Here in our country, whenever it rains, we can see kids running, playing tag and sometimes swimming in the flood. My brother an I also used to do this when we were young. It is fun. But back then, water that comes from the rain is still not dangerous since back then acids rains is still not eminent unlike now. Hope those kids that plays in the rain does not get sick..
@SydneyJ (902)
• United States
25 Aug 11
I think some kids still play in the rain, heck i still do! Not all that long ago I was watching a little girl (about 2 years old) and we decided it'd be fun to play in the rain so we did and we had a ton of fun! I think a lot of people don't play in the rain very much is because parents are parinoid that the kid will get the sniffles.