Do you sometimes dislike your in-laws?

@Zamara69 (130)
United States
September 20, 2011 6:32am CST
I was planning to get married and my fiance now my husband says to sister wants to take you out to dinner to ask you a couple of questions about what my intention was for him and how many kids was I planning to have with her brother also, what my plan was for the future. Lol!!!..I said to him, who does your sister think she is your mom? I said, tell your sister I don't I need her permission to marry you I think you're a big boy and you can make decisions on your own, besides it's not me she'll be jumping in the bed with. Anyways, I didn't take the offer of having dinner with her..but, a free meal would've been nice.
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10 responses
• United States
20 Sep 11
Well, i think it wouldn't have been a bad idea to have a free dinner and know what her intentions were. May be she wanted to jump on the bed with you .. lol Jokes apart.. the way you replied to your husband, the same way you could have replied to his sister as well.
• United States
21 Sep 11
lol :D you may have been crushed. By the way, thanks for adding me as a friend. I visited Las vegas 2 weeks back and had lots of fun. I wish I could have stayed longer.
@Zamara69 (130)
• United States
21 Sep 11
Thank goodness it's ON the bed she wants to jump into and not ON me..she's a little!!!
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
20 Sep 11
When we just adopted our twins, my mother-in-law felt that she could take better care of them, told me I was holding them right, and because I did not give birth, I was not as good a mother. Later on, she decided that what I liked to watch for Tv was not good, that if I thanked God, it was like taking God's name in vain. And her house was so clean you could eat off the floor. While I liked it a bit more natural. At those times, I did not like her that much.
@Zamara69 (130)
• United States
21 Sep 11
Sorry for that..I hope you get along with her now.
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@GemmaR (8517)
20 Sep 11
I don't really have all that much of a problem with my mother in law because I think that we get on well, however I have to say that my father in law is not the same. We have never actually met each other, despite the fact that we have been together for almost three years now and are planning a baby together. He seems to think that I am going to hurt his son, despite the fact that I would never even think about doing anything like that him intentionally, because I love him and honestly think that we're going to be together forever.
@Zamara69 (130)
• United States
21 Sep 11
Sorry about that..if you don't get along with your father in law now..I wouldn't want to meet him..just sayin'....
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
ha ha ha a very protective sister in law you have there! in-laws can get out of hand, nasty, cruel, demeaning, etc. there are exemptions to the rule though. as to the question, 'i do' is the answer. no elaboration.
@Zamara69 (130)
• United States
21 Sep 11
Sorry, for both of us..
@jeannames (303)
• Turkey
20 Sep 11
I don't like laws enforced
@Zamara69 (130)
• United States
21 Sep 11
Thank you..neither do I
• United States
20 Sep 11
That seems a bit weird that his sister would want to do that. Maybe she's just over protective or something. I know my boyfriend's older sister is protective of him but she's never rude or intense with me because her and her family believe that I'm really good for my boyfriend. I think it's pretty natural to not like your in-laws very much. I'm not married but when I do marry my boyfriend I really like his family, except his dad. I love his mom and his sister but I can't stand the dad. It's ok not to like everyone and just because they're your in-laws doesn't mean you have to like them, just act like you do.
@Zamara69 (130)
• United States
21 Sep 11
Thank you...
@celticeagle (163201)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Sep 11
Good for you! Yes, in-laws can be fun. I have had good ones. Was married four times and two out of the four were good ones. Divorces are the pits cause you lose those people. But such is life. So, hope you didn't have any other problems with your in-laws. Taught them their place immediately.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
Had i been in your place i would have done the same. I am marrying their brother not them, so why is there a need for me to talk about him with them. But to be honest, i do sometimes dislike my mother-in-law though. Since we live with our parents-in-law , them , being senior citizens already, i would sometimes get irked of her assisting him when he eats when it's me who should be doing it. Other than that, i do like them though because they are so kind .
@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
hello, i really don't know when having a in-laws? Hmmm but I know that I will go to that position. Well, I am not sure of what you are feeling but maybe your sister in law wants to know you better? haha.. but I think you have a point that it is your husband decision to marry you and not hers. wooh? when I get married I don't like to have in-laws but I know it is impossible. right? ha ha good luck to you!
@Zamara69 (130)
• United States
21 Sep 11
Thank you..
@fantabulus (4000)
• India
21 Sep 11
Some time our thoughts are not matched so problem may arise but really sister cant power or right to ask any question about future.. I also face this problem once.