If you won the lottery would you still continue to work?

@Jacruz25 (1124)
October 9, 2011 11:03am CST
Say you won $20M would you still continue to work? Me not of course I'll start a business.
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18 responses
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
9 Oct 11
I wish I could won that big in the lottery.Probably I will work in my own business and try to help others.
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@Jacruz25 (1124)
• Philippines
10 Oct 11
That's true. I will stop working and start my own business then share some of my money (maybe around 10%) to charity and to build a new church.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
9 Oct 11
wise decision, even Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, and most of the famous riches people are into business and not working with boss....
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@Jacruz25 (1124)
• Philippines
10 Oct 11
That's true. I hate working with a boss. I want to work it my own and run my own business as a boss.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
9 Oct 11
If I won $20 million I don't think I'd work anymore. At least not a hard job I hated. I'd find something fun to do just to be productive. $20 million can go pretty fast if you aren't careful. I'd get college educations for all three of my kids and build us a new house on a nice piece of property. I'd probably put a huge chunk into the bank and live off the interest.
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@Jacruz25 (1124)
• Philippines
10 Oct 11
You're right about depositing some in the bank. $20M maybe huge but it will go fast if you don't know how to spend right.
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
11 Oct 11
STarting your own business is still work. Yes you won't get employed but owning your own business would require your brain to work 24 hours. Why, there's a worry and a big risk in losing. If i win in the lottery i would deposit it in the bank and just spend the interest.
@redyps (44)
• Philippines
12 Oct 11
I would invest most of it to Stock or Mutual fund, put up an apartment or grocery store as a business, invest it to e-gold and enjoy the remaining amount, maybe around 10%. $20M is too small if you don't know how to handle it. Reward your self first but make sure you will prepare and invest for the future.
• India
10 Oct 11
Why the hell would I slog when I can do wonderful things with the lottery money. Yes I would go ahead and start my own business and then build a beautiful team and churn the money to do something worthwhile. If I had to win $20M I would start-up on a fashion portal that highlights street fashion and not brands. This would help those millions of craftsmen who are shrouded in darkness as they have no where to go. I would want to give them a platform on the web to go Global+Local=Glocal.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
10 Oct 11
i think i would continue to work... until i make sure that the money is safe, tucked away and earning a steady interest. :D I would like to have a business of my own but i would do that not immediately because i still need to make sure that what i am getting myself into is what i know, i do not want to lose the money i've won to thhe business that i do not know how to run.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
10 Oct 11
It would depend on how much I won. seeing as I am 53 years,it is likely I would not continue to work. IfI had enough money to have nice home, money for retirement, private health insurance and enough for some travel, I would be satisfied. I would also put aside money for my daughter suniversity edcuation and her life after uni. I would want to pay for my fathers nursing home as well. I dont require a high living lifestlye,just a bit of comfort. If I didn't have to work, I wouldn't. I would spend my free time on volunteer work.
@musicman6 (2407)
• United States
9 Oct 11
Me, if I won 20M dollars, I would not give anyone any money at all, not even my kids ! But I would pay for my kids to get more education, until they got degrees in a field that they would like to work in, especially, in the business degrees ! I would continue my education, and then go into teaching others how to survive the economy that we are living in now! And if there were any money left, next I would finance a club where me and my band can play at, and give opportunities to other musicians to come and play music that they otherwise would not get a chance to play ! I would also manage and book other bands, that show good potential for providing some 'decent' music ! You see nowadays all the music you hear is electronic or 'karaoke', and that doesn't show any talent at all! And I am against that! I support performers that perform in person and for real, and shows off their musical talent! This I would finance and support!
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
9 Oct 11
Hard to say what to do, well i'd buy the property i want along with a few other investment places. Probably pay of the loans for my parents for the farms they have. Put a heap of money in term deposit, so it can still earn something. but yeh i'd still work maybe just not as much, or do something different. Then have an account set up for my son and any other kids i had by then, in term deposit form so it can earn again. It would be very boring sitting around not doing much all day, but the worry of not having the money to do something will have gone.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
9 Oct 11
I would probably still work, but I would not keep the job that I have today. If I won a lot of money I would spend some it on a expensive education. I would like to become a psychoterapist, and I have thought about that for a long time. It is a private education which means that it very expensive. I wouldn't be able to pay for that education out of the money that I earn in my job today, but if I won a lot of money I would be able to pay for the education. I love working with people and I think that it would be really interesting to work as a psychoterapist. If the job is interesting I would continue to work simply because I enjoyed the job.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
9 Oct 11
If we won $20 million, I know that my husband would quit his job, he is miserable where he is at. I would keep mine fora while. I am having fun with it. Or maybe I would just spend all of my time working with different charities. My hubby wants to open a lazer tag/indoor mini golf place.
@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
10 Oct 11
Hi Jacruz :) Twenty Million Dollars is a big money. I will not continue to work. Instead, I will start my own company. How I wish I will win the lottery lol.
9 Oct 11
I would take 6 - 8 months off working and spend say $2-5Mill in that time with the rest in the bank gathering up cash, once back from the 6 - 8 month holiday I would then begin investing half of the money in different things such as stocks and local businesses etc. From this I would generate a small Stock portfolio which would give me a sold income for the future and then spend a few million on buying a few homes to rent out also giving me more steady income and financial support. Whatever's left I would then spend for myself. I wouldn't be working exactly but I would set myself up as an investor helping out local communities and businesses while making a profit of course :)
• Southend-On-Sea, England
9 Oct 11
I'd definitely not continue working mainly due to my age, although if I were younger I might consider investing the money in something similar to you, e.g. starting a business. At this point in my life (my late 50s), I'd keep some back so that I could live in luxury until I die, and the remainder I'd use to help out family, friends, and contribute to various needy charities...ones that don't receive a lot of cash due to not being high profile.
@GemmaR (8517)
9 Oct 11
I would continue to work, because I simply love doing the things that I do in my life at this moment in time. I write articles about the things that I am interested in, and I genuinely love waking up knowing that I will be able to write at least ten articles during the course of the day about the things that I enjoy to talk about. If I was in a job that I didn't like then I could understand why people might not want to carry on working, but I just know that I wouldn't be able to sit and do nothing all day when there are things that need to be done.
@singuri (571)
• India
9 Oct 11
I will still continue my work even i got the lottery.I love my job and hard work,even if we get money i feel it is just a part of my life i like to invest some of that money in business and some i will spend on poor people.In simply getting money is not the important thing if we get money freely that wont make our heart fell happy.Work hard and get money that makes every one to feel proud.
• Calgary, Alberta
9 Oct 11
I might still work, basically ifI won the lottery, I will migrate to another country, save some money in the bank and pursue the career I always wanted, I'm not purely confident about starting a business like a resturant, time deposit in banks will multiply the money while I'm doing nothing. I might build Apartments, Thats like the best business, Its the business were you can get money doing nothing,being a landlord rocks/!