You Never truley know

@cormiera (278)
United States
October 17, 2011 6:18pm CST
wow i am now in Portland Oregon and you would not beleave the amount of homeless people there are people curled up on side walks against buildings some even wrapped around poles right on the side walk it is sad i was in this one truck stop and a bunch of people were crowded in this TV room trying to sleep a little and they got kicked out because they weren't drivers but i went and walked into another truck stop and all the people that got booted out of the other one were now sleeping in the TV room of this truck stop like they all migrated but it is really sad and it kinda tore me apart to see so many people suffering including me they are worse off than me but still i have a vehicle and some money but yea we need to get the economy back up and running
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3 responses
@petersum (4522)
• United States
17 Oct 11
Sounds just like Karachi, Bombay or Calcutta. (Yes I know the names have changed!) The USA really is a third world country now! Now if it would just stop making wars all over the world, and look after it's own people, perhaps the rest of the world wouldn't laugh so much when it claims to be a superpower.
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@celticeagle (163207)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Oct 11
I so agree. It is very sad. I like to walk along our greenbelt here. It is a pathway down by the river. Alot of the homeless live down there. I hate to see them. I am so low myself but not homeless it is depressing to see. Our community does have alot of soup kitchens and such help them.
@celticeagle (163207)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Oct 11
People can get into one if they try.
@celticeagle (163207)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Oct 11
Sounds like it. I am lucky to have what we have here.
@cormiera (278)
• United States
25 Oct 11
i have called allllll over this dang place and they are all full so idk like i said im okay for right now but its harsh
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Oct 11
Sadly I was born & raised in Brooklyn, NY & this is not at all uncommon. Homeless people can be seen everywhere. Now I know some of them are con artists, but there are some who truly can't catch a break. I look at them & know that just as easily this could be me & my husband. Yes, right now he has a good job but anything can be taken away just as soon as you can blink. When I think about all the money that our government wastes on these big fancy parties with all these high political people attending it makes my stomach turn. I'm sure they spend money foolishly in other ways too, ways that we don't even know about. I think to myself that if they just took even some of that money to help provide better jobs or any jobs for that matter for these people, then maybe just maybe we wouldn't see as many homeless people as we do now.
@cormiera (278)
• United States
25 Oct 11
well see i have been homeless for about a week now and you don't really notice them as much when u arnt homeless yourself i mean i didn't but here it is bad i just wished the economy would look up a little bit then maybe i could get a job idk i have been in worse positions but nothing like this i am gettin by tryin to be an online student as well but idk its not easy and con artists yes i will have to agree there are alot im always having to watch my truck because other homeless people are always watching *scoping* it out i have all food etc in back but idk its just crazy