Living and enjoying life!

@cream97 (29087)
United States
October 29, 2011 1:19pm CST
Hi, everyone! I am back again! I hope that you all are doing fine. Life is forever changing with me. Right now, I am visiting my in-law's and I will be leaving from here, possibly by today. Plus, I will be moving to a new location, in the same town soon too. So, if you all don't hear anything from me, in a while, just know that I am alright and I always think about you guys too! When I become settled, I will get right back to posting like I used to do before. Take care you all, and have a blessed and wonderful day!
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24 responses
@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
30 Oct 11
Welcome back cream97! Good luck with your plans I hope it will be for the better and be settled for good. Okay see yah soon. Nice hearing from you though! :D
@moondancer (7433)
• United States
29 Oct 11
Hi cream I'm glad things are coming together for you. Take care and many blessings to you and your family dear.
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@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
29 Oct 11
Glad to see you back. As such this is how life goes on for most of us. We move far away and then return. The world is round. So, it is nice to connect old friends. It is great to know that they are okay. I hope things are going good for you now. Have a great day ahead.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
29 Oct 11
Hope your time of change is an exciting and positive time. Then you will be ready to spend some time sitting at the computer again, right? Have fun.
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@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
29 Oct 11
hello cream, Oh so this is the reason of your absence here in mylot dear. Thanks for giving us info and updates. Wish to see you active again and having inter-action with friends. take care and have a good day always
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@rameshchow (4426)
• India
29 Oct 11
Hi friend, we miss you really. You guys also doing well. and come to regular my-lotting. Its a great community to share all our thoughts. have a great day.
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@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
2 Nov 11
Well its good to hear that your back, and everythings alright and your enjoying life. I was wondering what happened to you. Can't wait to read your post when you get back, take care and God Bless...
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
30 Oct 11
Nice to have you back with us! I was just beginning to wonder if we would see you again and then here you are explaining your situation to us all. I am glad to hear that all is well with you and that in time you will be back with us. You take care and I will look forward to seeing your posts again soon.
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@missybear (11391)
• United States
31 Oct 11
I wish you all the best on your moving and hope it's all for the better
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
30 Oct 11
mylotters will still be here when you get back. Do take care and good luck with your new location
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
3 Nov 11
I've always maintained that when myLotters disappear from this site, it's because they've gone on to live their lives. Having fun and enjoying life. Although it's just for few days that you've gone, I'm still glad that you had fun. And I'm also glad that you're back here again.
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@atleya (946)
• Indonesia
2 Nov 11
My response is probably too late, however I fully hope that your moving to other location was run well, and you enjoy your new place. My best wishes,
1 person likes this
• Italy
30 Oct 11
Thanks for this post and your wish to us. Enjoy your life and be always happy. Have a nice day!
1 person likes this
• China
30 Oct 11
I always want to make my life a sea of happiness for me.And I want to enjoy each moment in my life.And I believe if I have enough optimism in my mind,there would be no sorrow in my life.I have kept a certain amount of records of my happy memories.Although I can't expericence the memory again,the happiness is still there.I hope all the friends in mylot would enjoy his life to the fullest!
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@veejay19 (3589)
• India
30 Oct 11
friend, life keeps changing everyday for everybody because nothing is permanant,everything is transitory.Good to know that you are back and soon to move to a new location. Anyway settle down first and then get back to mylotting.Wishing you all the best.
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• India
30 Oct 11
Hi, welcome back :)
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 11
Hi cream!!! No wonder I can't figure you here. You are busy with the offline life. We missed you and discover your missing but I feel glad that you are keeping a good life while you are not being here. Even if I rarely get here these days but I know that you are not here and never mind me too busy with the offline life. Hope you will be back soon and a blessed and wonderful day to you too~(^^)
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@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
30 Oct 11
Hey there, long time I had noticed I hadn't seen you around for a while now hehe or is it that I am not much on here too these days Hehe anyway I am doing perfectly fine, just been busy right now and don't have much free time. I can't wait for everything to be over and be back on this site again Anyway I hope you have a wonderful day too and good luck for the moving as well :)
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• Philippines
30 Oct 11
Hi,how are you , iam here doing great and hope you too..Well, i also think ing some in here sometimes not online because of their busy life but is okay..And you will back here in normal ways of posting..
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@vasumathi (436)
• India
30 Oct 11
That is nice to hear that you are alright. Have a nice day !!
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