Out from Mylot...Back to Mylot...

October 31, 2011 4:06am CST
Hellllooo friends, It has been sometime since I came to Mylot. I started missing old friends-- as many left and then I somehow found the discussions repeating. The worst thing that I last found was the piles of advertisements that I needed to cross, before finally, landing at my homepage. I made some greatest friends from Mylot. I came to know some of the best human beings and its always have been a pleasure to start and respond to discussions of my choice. er.. well.. almost (there are always exceptions ) Just to make this a discussion, have you ever left mylot? If you are new here do you think you can quit Mylot...? It gets addictive Would you come back for your friends? Happy Mylotting
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6 responses
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
1 Nov 11
Hi bodhi. Welcome back! Yes, I've left mylot before. But not by choice. Either my PC was down or I was having trouble with my phone line (yep, I'm on dial-up). I was also terribly sick with the flu before and couldn't get online at all for a few days. However, I always seem to find my way back here. I guess you can say I'm addicted to this site! My life has changed a bit since you left. I'm a working mom now. So I don't have as much time to mylot, but I do try to make time for it...just like I am doing right now. Anyway, it's good to see you again. I hope you'll stick around this time. Happy mylotting!
1 person likes this
• India
1 Nov 11
Hey Sacmom, its good to see you here The last time we "discussed" you were appearing for Interviews I remember. Its good to see old friends back here and would prompt me to come visit again.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
1 Nov 11
Dang, you have a good memory. LOL Even though I have a job now, I've still been looking for other work. As a matter of fact, I had a couple of interviews last month (one was a 3 parter). I got hired by one and have my first orientation today. However, I don't know if I'll be able to keep it as I just found out yesterday that I'll be getting more hours at my current job. We shall see what happens. Hopefully the hours won't conflict with one another...
• India
8 Nov 11
Good luck mon ami
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@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
31 Oct 11
hello my dear brother, Welcome back and I hope you still remember your sister here It's really nice to see you back after a long time... Yes,long time...a year or more than a year since the last time you visit here? Wish you came back and will never leave again
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• India
31 Oct 11
Heyyyy,, Yeah it has been a long time Didi.. How have you been?? I would try to stay Lots of catching up to do eh? Pray you are well and doing good too.
1 person likes this
• India
31 Oct 11
See you Didi
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
31 Oct 11
oh yeah...I am fine my dear bhai...
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Nov 11
yeah i have had long breaks from mylot due to not having time or not having time to really think of responses or discussions to have since i didnt want to just put out junk and i am really disappointed in my long absence but im back for good now hopefully
• India
8 Nov 11
Three cheers to that my friendHope you are doing great... er.. we all do go through a "writer's block" for a certain period of time
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
7 Nov 11
hi bodhi, i wasnt able to see this discussion for a week. i didnt have much time and today being a holiday, i went doing things in mylot and luckily i am able to answer back. being away in mylot - most of the time is unintentional. like i have to finish something else hence i have to just peep in mylot and then close it and do the much priority thing. it is mostly office paper works that i bring home. i have read friends quitting on mylot... but then they come back. ann
• India
8 Nov 11
Its good to be back and see you once again. I do understand how things in "real" life takes priority. Ah.. and how dearly I wish I could find all my old freinds here again. Did I mention that it was your sweet message that brought me back here..
@syoti20 (5293)
• Philippines
31 Oct 11
I don't know if you consider break of day off. But I do that once in a while especially if I have important matter to check.
• India
31 Oct 11
Hi Syoti, We all have a real life and pressing issues. So assuming virtual life do get difficult at times Obviously taking a day's off isn't an absence. Good that you maintain a healthy balance
@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
31 Oct 11
Hello Bodhisatya, No i have never left MYLOT.I joined it 6 month back and its never been a day when i had not logged in to it. I have felt that its not easy to leave MYLOT once you make friends over here moreover if you continue it for say a month definitely you are going to be addicted. At this stage i don't think i would be leaving MYLOT or not finding any reason to leave MYLOT but can't say about future.
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• India
31 Oct 11
Hi Sjvg, Since you are six months old here I guess you would be at your peak of your interest. Its a good place to spend time and once you have made friends here you are tempted to come more often. To be honest with you I recieved a message from an old friend and I couldn't resist the temptation to come back here. Happy Mylotting