If you could only talk to your younger self, what would you say?

@r3jcorp (1382)
November 8, 2011 2:07pm CST
If I could return back the time, there are many things that I would want to remind myself. First is to be more agressive in finding work abroad and to be more ambitious to give more financial freedom to my family. If that would happen long ago before my children was born, I guess I could do it without a heavy heart. Next is not to trust too much with people around me and to have a reservations on dealing with the supposedly "friends." I don't want to be hurt next time. If talking with my 15 years younger myself would not be possible, and if 5 years younger me would be possible, I'll just remind myself the 2nd reminder and I guess I would be happy after all. How about you guys, what would you say to your younger self?
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19 responses
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
8 Nov 11
That is a hard one... I think I would tell myself to run for my life and not believe my mother anymore. Not to find any excuses for her terrible behaviour. To run as far as I can, to forget all of them and be happy!
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@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
I am right in thinking that you have problems with your family? I don't know your mom, but basically, mothers are the most caring person on earth and sometimes, they are overdoing it.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Nov 11
hi r3jcorp I think that some moms are not like yours and mine and we were lucky. I had a friend whose mom fought all the time with her not matter how good my friend was,seems the mom had never wanted children in the first place, and after seeing how she treated my friend I wished she had never had children. my mom was a love, she and I were so close and she always cared for me, and when I had my first child she was tickled pink to be a grandmother
@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
I am relieved then that you are indeed have a good relationship with your mother. I wish my mom would live with me but she can't leave my sister who is relying too much to her. She takes care of my sister's kids but she visited me and my family every Sunday after the mass. Regards to your mom!
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
We actually have the same things to say to one's self, only difference is that you have kids already while I still don't have which makes it not so difficult to pursue to work abroad. Maybe I could have tell myself as well not to be so sensitive and face how the corporate world runs. Not all people are nice and friendly and maybe I should have take time knowing them before trusting them
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@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Its been very difficult, I hope I could find way to fix my life because of some wrong decisions I did. Yes, its really difficult working for other people or even with the government, bosses here acts as if she owns the place. I should have put a small business for my family and be contented to what it would earn and never applied for a job.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
10 Nov 11
I think that it a good idea. I also wanted to have a small business but our family still need to use the money for something else. So the business' we're planning is still not clear. But if you can you better start it as long as you really think that the business you're gonna put up will be profitable. Low paying jobs will not at all help a family unless you both are working, but once your kids start growing up and has to go to school.. then surviving for a month will be very very tough!
@youless (112466)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 11
I think I will tell myself to study hard when I was younger. And I should work hard for my job, too. Then today perhaps everything will be different. I might choose the wrong job and I wasted some time for the boring work. I should try to fulfill my dreams anyway. I love China
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@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
If this is a poll, then studying is first on my list. My regrets about this is I started getting my masteral degree a year after college but I did not pursue this because of being contented with my work and doesnt want any further promotion. Now that my children is growing, the financial needs are getting bigger and I hope I should have finished it for better opportunity.
@glowin100 (124)
9 Nov 11
I think I would remind myself of what my parents has already gave me advice on and proved to be right. I would tell myself, "hey you, why don't you accept God in your life now, at this young age, so you can be blessed through your life and so you won't take the chance in future time to die and go to hell, so you need to be saved now". "This time, self, marry a Christian and have your children and raise them up to know the Lord, also". glowin100
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@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Wow, good thinking. Yes, we sometimes neglect our Creator during younger years. We drifted, flow in with what society expects us to do. I do hope that someone has told me that before, maybe I did follow. Though I do my Sunday obligation, I am not too active with the church. But I wanted my children to have different ways, so I enrolled them at Catholic Schools so that they will know and accept God even at their young age and that they will serve the church.
@bubuth (1815)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
If i can only turn back the time i will stop my job for me to take good care of my baby inside me..and if i want to earn a lot so i can help my parents in financial because right now i cant make it because i'm married..
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@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
That would be part of my sorrow too. I hope that I let my husband do the financial task and I did the household part. Maybe I will be happier now and a lot more contented. And maybe my former friends would not abuse me financially because they knew that I don't have any money to spare. Our life would be simplier but happier.
• United States
9 Nov 11
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to make sure I used propery protection. I got pregnant at 18, right after graduating high school. I'm not complaining though. Me and Jeremy are happily married and have been for 9 years. However, I know had we waited or had used protection that we would have been more financial stable than we were. My children never go without thats for sure. Me and Jeremy will go without before our children will. But then I also think, if I went back in time and warned myself of this would I currently have the same babies I have now, or would changing that one small detail change everything.
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@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
that would be good. Though you are very young when you got married and become a mother, you had kept your marriage strong and stable. Sometimes, we cannot tell the consequences of the "what ifs", it may never turn out the way you expect it to be. No matter the financial constraint, we could always goes by, what matters most is we are happy as family and the children are growing to be a very good citizen of our country. Thanks for sharing your thoughts...
• United States
9 Nov 11
oh I agree. All that matters to me now is my family! My children have learned that they do not always get what they want, but they always get what they need. There are many children living who get everything they want and then there are others who, unfortunately, don't get everything they need. I'm lucky to have met my husband and married him. We're like 2 peas in a pod!!
@Rtlsnk316 (1197)
• Mexico
8 Nov 11
Nice topic. I think a lot of things would just be the same and regardless, I might've acted the same way no matter what because of my personality, etc., one thing I would try to talk myself as a youngster "Stay in school". A lot of things "woul've, could've, should've" happened differently if I stayed at school and followed up, I really don't know but it is an opportunity I would give to myself (again) if I had the chance.
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@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Thanks Rtlsnk. Definitely, your life would have a better shape if you stayed in school. Education is always a lifelong experience, there is no limit in the age, maybe there is stil time to cope up. Goodluck!
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@sriram19 (111)
• India
8 Nov 11
Why didn't you start playing football at that age? This is what I would ask my younger self!
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@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Nice... and maybe you are a football star by now. Is it to late to pursue that younger years' dream? Maybe not, try it sometimes. Goodluck!
• United States
8 Nov 11
I would tell myself that it would all come together one day. I would tell myself not to worry about the weird phases I went through, because it's all necessary in the process of finding who I am. I would tell myself that everything would fall into place and I'd look into the mirror in the near future, and recognize who I see and how I got there...And I'd be able to accept every piece of it.
@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Very inspiring one, I am thinking that you had a tough days during younger years. And based from your comment, I think you already rised from everything and pull things together. I hope that would happen to me too in the near future and would like just laugh if I reminisce again the pain I am going through right now.
@sunli123 (538)
• China
9 Nov 11
That is a dream. But I would like to say to younger myself, focus on what you are really interested in and work for that. Don't be afraid of uncertanity, failure, and confessed to the guy earlier. Don't be concerned too much on the past and future. Just enjoy this moment. Actually, it is still not too late to tell these to my current self.
@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Reality check would tell us to face today and not dwell on the past. But there are many lessons in the past that's worth to be remembered not for our sake alone, but also for our children.
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
9 Nov 11
If that is possible,i would choose to tell myself about ways to direct me to realize my dreams.It's important and maybe i could not feel confused then.At that time,i was youner and maybe i have the experience to tell myself to have know clear about what i want,and less regret.Thanks for sharing this topic,it's interesting.
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@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Thanks for the appreciation, it really crosses my mind because of a lot of "what ifs" and "I hope that" that is bugging me. I didn't actually dreamed of being famous and rich, I am very much contented with what I had. If only this current problems did not came, maybe I'll be happier.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
9 Nov 11
This is one thing that is not possible. we cannot become younger even by one day. Leave along 15 years. we cannot rewind even one year. I wish I am able to do that go to my forties when I was very active, doing more work, playing with children. gone are those days.
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@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Of course we will never return time but thinking of it will make us understand the reason of what we have or do not have now. And we could tell it to our children or friends so that they will not commit the same mistake that we've done years ago.
@myrnz626 (112)
• Philippines
8 Nov 11
i had that second thought, that i think i could go back the time. i should be working in a big company, or have established a business and or should be in other countries , to be more financially stable, and with much happiness to give to my family. But when i am seeing my kids, now grownup and good children i have, i just thank God for whatever blessings we have.. not the financial goods, but the good and lovable children and husband , same as like us, not a career person , but a good , religious man. and now, stay happy, stay young, we still young of course, we have a joyfull activity for us. :)
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@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
If i were too ambitious in my younger years, maye I'll do the same you mentioned. But thinking today, I am lucky too like the way you do, because my children are good, intelligent and happy children too. Looking at their school card is very satisfying and enought for me.
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
i'd say, get more education..don't stop on learning new things..choose the course you've always wanted, that is, to be an architect or an interior designer..but since finances were tough back then, i settled on getting a two year college course-tourism.. no regrets though because having been a travel agent for 13yrs gave me opportunities to travel in places other people could only dream about but that period in my life has ended and now as a stay home wife i couldn't help but wonder if i had pursued my dream course i could have been building or decorating houses and earning larger income from it until now while enjoying what i've always wanted to do..
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Nov 11
if I could talk to that younger s elf I would say have self confience you are somebody you are unique, one of a king do throw back your shoulders, hold up your head, and smile and laugh at the world.I do that now as old age does lend us the ability to be a bit bolder. I am somebody I am unique and God made me so he does not make trash.
• Chatsworth, California
10 Nov 11
I'd give myself a list of things that I've done or been involved in explain them in over dramatic detail to scare me then tell her "Don't say you'll never do something, because everytime you say never, somethings gonna happen." znd "Brcsreful what you wish for cuz you just might get it you idiot" then ramble on for 3about 30 more minutes end with "...if you think sbout it you csn't even trust a frog and don't loan money either you wont be paid back if it's s large amount" Or just leave myself a note saying "whatever it is you're thinking of doing do the opposite.
10 Nov 11
If I could possibly do that, talking to my younger self, I would tell myself to be more God-fearing to avoid the mistakes I did and the sins I committed. I would also tell myself to be the best student in college, to become stronger in faith, and to become a better person. ^^ Blaming others, like my father, for my failures would not be in my system if I am to go back to my younger years. :) Anyway, despite all these, I thank God for everything! ^^
@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
10 Nov 11
From everything you've said, I knew that in God's eye you are not sinful. He already forgiven you and everyone of us who committed a sin. By acknowledging our sins and our commitment to renew ourself, I know God will never forsake us. True enough, we could never blame anyone for what had become to ourselves, and our future. We decide for it, we should stand for it.
@phillyguy (3005)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Wow very interesting topic I would tell myself to join mylot! kidding aside I think I will not tell anything to myself even if I could. Because even a simple tip from me to the younger me may can possibly have a big effect in my life. I think all of the things I experienced in life makes me who I am right now even though my life right now is far from perfect I love who I am and what I have become and I don't want to change anything.. Uhm maybe the winning numbers in lottery for the next day?
@phillyguy (3005)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
that last part is to make my response ironic and regarding the numbers there is internet dear I can always search that, but if everyone of us do that the winning pot will be divided to us all then it will be just a small amount
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• United States
13 Nov 11
I would tell my 13 year old self to get more confidence and go get my high-school sweetheart who is now married to some other guy and lives in another state :/