The best way to indroduce a new puppy at home

November 24, 2011 1:52am CST
I have a Stafford shire Terrier at the moment.... the most loving dog ever!!! Its a female, but the issue i have is that she has been alone for 6 years now, and is very over her space and belongings, and i was looking to get another puppy, Whats the best way to introduce the new puppy into the household and have my current dog accept the situation?
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3 responses
• United States
24 Nov 11
Slowly is the key. Do not just push them on each other. A good thing though is most shelters/rescues will allow you to bring your current dog to meet any pup you may be interested in, and you can make sure they get along before you make the commitment. You'll be able to see what kind of personality your dog will get along with. Something else you could try once you get the new pup home is give your dog a treat as soon as she see's the pup. This way, you dog associates the puppy with something good (getting a treat). As your dog gets closer to the puppy, give her another treat (as long as she behaves). If she growls or snaps at the puppy, don't punish her, just tell her no and seperate them for a little while and try again. Something to consider, sometimes female dogs don't like other female dogs. My sister had 2 female dogs that were fight anytime they were together, but they both got along with the male dog. This is another reason it's good to do a shelter visit first. Age may also be a big factor for you. Is your dog really mellow, or is she an aged puppy? If she's a really calm, mellow dog she might not like a puppy. You know her better than anyone, you'll be able to figure it out. Good luck with your new pup! I hope I've helped.
24 Nov 11
Thank you so much! that really did help. Im just slightly worried about my dog as she is very over what belongs to her (The house)and i really can't be sure how she would take an intrusion. The idea with the treat sounds promising though as Polo(current dog)will take edibles over anything else, literally! So i think that could work quite well. Thank you again
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• United States
25 Nov 11
I'm glad I've helped! The treat thing will work well with the toy/territory issue too. Let Polo (cute name!) see the new dog sniffing and looking through her toys, and while the new dog is doing that, Polo gets a treat! Then she learns its fun to share her toys! lol It's like training kids to share, btu easier!
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
26 Nov 11
Lots of great suggestions..from LilyofThorns! One thing that I did was to "doggysit" my friends dogs...and it really helped my dog to adjust to a new little playpal! He loved, eventually "having play dates," and when I introduced a NEW permanent dog...the transition was easy.
• United States
30 Nov 11
Thank you perga That's a really good idea too, and something that will come in handy for me when I start my animal rescue!! Thanks for the idea!
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• Canada
3 Dec 11
Thank you ..ladies! Sorry, so long in responding, we are having a really rough start to winter here in the Pacific Northwest...extremely high winds, (unusual), so living on an Island, lots of power outs(just finished 5 days)so NO internet! My current dog..Brui (a JRT) whom is a rescue dog and enjoying a NEW good life, is always extrememly happy when I bring new animals/birds home. Besides him, I have a "rescued ram (sheep) and a whole flock of chickens...and he just enjoys his new friends...bursting out the door in the morning to visit his new family. What a treat! Lily...I do a lot of rescuing...(not humans, I gave up on them) SO am very happy to hear, another dear soul is opening arms to look after animals!
28 Nov 11
That's excellent! another great suggestion... i cant wait to get my dog friendly with another now! :-D Thanks pergammano
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@rencarl (620)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
hello sebby. i have a funny experience.when i was young, my mother always tells me to move a puppy around the house ten times so that the puppy will feel at home.of course, as a child, i did it because i believe it is true,hahaha. i don't do it now though. i don't really know the exact solution to your might play with your old dog together with the new puppy so to introduce them slowly but gradually.