Being very concerned, right now.

Very concerned, right now - Sometimes we are gripped by serious issues and we get very concerned about resolving them as soon as we can, to feel relieved.
December 7, 2011 10:11pm CST
What are you very concerned about, right now? Are you very concerned about issues around you, in society? In your neighborhood or in your city/state/country affecting lives of a large number of people? Are you also concerned with something that you are right now experiencing and feel like you must get over it soon? Are you an extreme person? What I mean is you are too involved in public & social life that you have no time for personal issues OR you have too many personal issues to sort out which doesn't allow you to really bother about anything else? To give a start: I am very concerned about the negative consequences of corruption in society. I have personal issues regarding long term stability of my career & my father but I do worry about public life as well. Let me hear what bothers you and how much.
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13 responses
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
8 Dec 11
What concerns me is my family and myself Am I being too selfish here? Coz even if I am concerned about society, it's the least that I would consider thinking. My main concern is always my family (that includes my boyfriend - I have always considered him a part of my family). Eventhough I can say that we are having at least a good life than any other poor families, I still think about my family's future. Second would my friends. I always wants them to have a good career and future too. And a happy family life.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
8 Dec 11
early teens ps: in case you want I can push you to the late teens or early 20s too
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
8 Dec 11
Did I tell you that you come at 17.xx for me
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
8 Dec 11
Hi sids I just found out about it now You're included in my friends too - so let's pray for a good career, future and happy family life for you Care to tell me what .xx am I in? o.O
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
8 Dec 11
Hi Pushhya Well the start you gave... that "corruption" is the last on my list So I think I have to do a reverse gear to reach to my top For me, My loving wife is at the top 10 places. the next 5 places are my health. Followed by family, friends, and work (one place for each of them). That makes 18. 5 more: Watching movies, Yearly trips to hyderabad (for health checkups), Sri Shridi Sai Nagar, Learning to Write Better(not included in work as it is a long neglected hobby), Enjoying FOOD. 23 because i was born on 23rd. If it was asked before marriage in 2007, I would have come up with 23 different choices... but now that I am married, the first 15 slots got automatically reserved
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
8 Dec 11
Ooops! No place for corruption, politics and religion
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
8 Dec 11
Religion today is quite messed up you see... with so many views and thoughts around... I made one religion for myself. As there is no other believer, I have no tussle or arguments with anyone. To me my religion is - my wife, family and friends and all the good deeds I can do. So somewhere it automatically takes up some of the 18 Reserved slots I mentioned. On my second response - The religion meant - something like the world interprets it.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
8 Dec 11
Ooops! No place for corruption, politics and religion Religion has a place for me. But not the corruption and politics.
@aprilsong (1884)
• China
9 Dec 11
There are so many things need concerned. First, the air pollution, there are more and more fogs in most cities this year, one reason is the air pollution. If the air that we are breathing is harmful, then our health are at risks. Second, the food safety problems, there are more and more black heart people who just want to make more profit from their products, and don't care about others health. Third, the economic crisis, the graduates are more hard to find jobs now. Which will have a bad effect on the whole society. Fourth, the natural disasters are more frequently than before. I heard major volcano is going to active, i think if that happens, it will be a real disaster for all of us.
• India
9 Dec 11
I quite agree with you aprilsong, that there are way too many concerns before us. Each one of the issues you described is a real concern. And there are so many of them that are beyond us-we can do but little to control them.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
12 Dec 11
For me, I am typically dealing with my own private issues as opposed to having the time to be concerned with issues that affect a lot of people. I haven't always been this way, but this year has been a really bad year for our family because of my husband being diagnosed with cancer and then having to go through chemotherapy and soon he will be starting radiation treatments as well. With that said, there are a lot of times that I feel like I'm not strong enough to be there for him and to a certain extent it is driving a stake through our relationship.
• India
12 Dec 11
dorann: I'm sorry to hear that you are confronted with problems on your personal front, affecting your husband. It is even more distressing to note that it is cancer. I feel you have got enough to back you up through this time of crisis. I wish God gives you enough strength & guidance to deal with your personal challenges.
@Ollanna11 (371)
• United States
8 Dec 11
Great topic Pushhyara2000 What I would like to do with all of the concerns in the world is step back. There are too many concerns for one person to tackle. My plan is to take a break from issues and just be. I want to invest more time in enjoying life rather then being concerned. Small steps I've taken to address my concerns are recycling batteries, shopping bags, and plastic bottles and electronics. I hope to eliminate harmful toxins from entering the earth and water. Politics I see as a big game I don't care to participate in. I believe we are influenced by the media as to what should concern us. So I rarely watch TV. My concern is to enjoy life on my terms!
• India
9 Dec 11
An equally great response Ollanna!! I am quite impressed with the approach indicated by you. Stepping back to reflect, taking small steps & living life on your terms. It feels good to repeat those points you make. And the best is said too: "My concern is to enjoy life..:" In a world where people let themselves be swept by events helplessly and are gripped by constant worries, your approach hits me as a whiff of fresh air! Thanks for commenting with a great perspective.
@ritanoot (123)
• Israel
8 Dec 11
I'm concerned one how to earn money when i leave my job in january I know that i can keep my job but i didn't like it not more I want to make a new beginning to earn money with my computer, finnaly to find a job that i like
• India
9 Dec 11
Hello. You seem to share almost identical concerns as mine at this moment! Very much alike. Even I'm very keen to take up freelancing online. I am trying a few ways but yet to get a good break. Sure, you may have chalked out clear plans of how you like to go about. Good luck.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
8 Dec 11
I am very concerned about my whole country and how it is being run, the lies and changes in policies even though they promised otherwise before they were running the country, I am very concerned because people in Australia do not vote for the right reasons, at the last election a lot of people voted for our Prim Minister because she was a woman and because she has red hair, big mistake on both counts then we have the people who vote for one party just because their parents did and their parents did, its all so scary and now we are paying for it.
• India
8 Dec 11
Though we are continents apart, lilac, it is interesting to find that peoples' behavior in certain matters is just the very same. I'm referring to your observation on how Australians vote. Its the same in my country too. People neither think of basic issues that must concern the larger interest of fellow countrymen nor are their priorities in sync. Though most uninvolved people may think why should it concern them, at some level the collective indifference affects all and hence each one of us, sooner or later. I am noting that you are not highlighting any individual concerns here. I assume all of have concerns of varying importance and intensity but if they occupy smaller importance, may be you have a macro perspective of issues, which is praiseworthy.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
25 Jan 13
I am concerned with the health of my sister and my father. My sister now experience head paining and I don't know what's going on her head. I sent her to the doctor but the doctor finds it's only a stress but until now her head still paining. I need to bring her tomorrow to eye doctor for thorough check up. Hope everything will be find.
@shibham (16977)
• India
8 Dec 11
Yes, i ma concerned but my consciousness cant bring a good result at any point regarding society. Unless i am being Hitler or Lenin, cant change anything. Our corruption is started on "A" and ended on "Z". so, no way.
• India
8 Dec 11
Your cynicism about the rot that is corruption is not completely misplaced. But I just keep wondering why do we feel so helpless in dealing with the malaise? Especially if the number of rogue elements terrorizing the society and making lives of millions miserable. That perhaps is an indication that the corruption club is not short of members. There is dearth of staunch practitioners of honesty. Otherwise, if even 6 to 7 out of 10 people were sworn to honesty, it would not be difficult at all to correct them.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
8 Dec 11
I normally take care of my family, the complex for which I am secretary and am concerned or worried over these issues only. Of course two days back I had been to Madipakkam where my daughter has bought a house-- I found there is a vacant plot opposite to her house and in that plot people have dumped all waste products and made a mess of it. In the locality I saw a few other plots also wherein people have spoilt them like this. Apart from this I am not worried at this stage of my life about big issues like the one you mentioned. I know these will have an impact on the lives of my children.
• India
8 Dec 11
Let me try to get it this way: each one of us take care of core issues that affect family & neighborhood and if all the people do so, the larger issues get addressed as well in the process. That's a pragmatic approach too. Yes, if not for us, for the sake of posterity, we have to record our impressions about the way things are headed. Thanks for thoughts.
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
8 Dec 11
very concerned now. I am always concerned about my family about how you are if you are healthy if everything will be fine. We are very anxious time for those things for our families all around us. I just sometimes wonder how'll last month with a budget and then worry about these things. nice day!
• India
9 Dec 11
nezavisima: I'm sorry to note that you are very concerned about financial matters in relation to your family. I am sure you will be able to manage them. I suggest a quiet reflection on issues and resolving one by one. The family will discuss & support it all together I am sure. Have a great time ahead!
@sjvg1976 (41132)
• Delhi, India
8 Dec 11
Hello Pushhyarag2000, I am not in the category of people who are much concerned with what is going on in the society i am sort of a person who thinks for myself and my family first as i find its difficult to sort out problems of my family and left me no time to think of other things but we must be concerned with the social debacles like corruption,inflation,politics etc as we are the ones who can change things if we take interest in these.
• India
8 Dec 11
Quite understandable, sjvg. Family issues must be always top of mind. There is no happy society without happy families. And no happy nation without happy society. True, if we work from bottom upwards, we can expect a strong social foundation to deal with other issues very well.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
8 Dec 11
I am concerned I will complete break down at the day I leave abroad for my wedding. At the moment I am so tired that I am even not able to sleep anymore. So my energy is low, my immunes system is and if I can't find that rest in the next 8 days I will probably be seriously ill
• India
8 Dec 11
Kitty: Being so gritty, I can't picture you anything less! Oh, really, feel concerned about you too, now. Its bad you are losing sleep and in the grip of energy drain. Wish you'll collect yourself and find some way to rejuvenate well in time for the wedding. Take good care. And Hoooray! Happy weeding.