having problem while responding...:-(

@ifa225 (14464)
December 20, 2011 6:47am CST
Hi friends..These days i use my cell to respond here but problems occur because the respond that i made often rise twice aka duplicate response When i made a response..the connection suddenly off when i had pushed the post response button ethen i push the refresh button so i dont have to lost the response i had typed When the connection on again and it direct me to the discussion there my respons rise twice i try my best to not breaking the rules..rrr maybe i should stop discuss here using my cell. But any friends here have a better advice? I will really appreciate it. .Thanks a lot
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12 responses
@sajeevking (5073)
• Mumbai, India
20 Dec 11
same thing used to happen with me when mylotting through mobile or pc with slow connection the thing i used to do is copy everything before i hit post response and if there is any error i used to open the same topic in new tab and see whether there is my post if not then i used to paste everything and hit post response it is quite frustrating but can be done this way to avoid duplicates
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
23 Dec 11
Hi Sajeev, i can't make a copy of what i had typed, i only can refresh the page IF the words of my respond still there that is why to save the time and energy i only refresh the page. it is frustrating to re type over an over again
• Mumbai, India
28 Dec 11
Which web browser and mobile phone you have. i have used opera mini for mylotting and use to copy using this
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
I also use my cell phone in responding the discussions here in mylot. It is kind of tiring using the cell phone. It is still different when you use a computer or a laptop. That is why I prefer to use the laptop from cellphone in order to avoid errors.
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 11
Did you use mobile browser applications? I have used operamini for my mobile and it really help me in here.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
22 Dec 11
I dont us the opera minu devilova..my cell can do browser well. It i only the connection problems. It is easier using PC than cell. I can post faster, mobile help me when i am stuck in traffic jam or while waiting someone
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
23 Dec 11
Personally I have only tried responding back in here via my Cellphone a couple of times. It would be nice if there was an easier way to do so, or an ap that someone could do like with Facebook or something just to make it easier to keep logged in. But having duplicate responses would be something that is considered annoying if it is always happening. I would say if this is your only way to respond back here, keep on trying this, and hope for the Best.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
23 Dec 11
Hi Krause thanks for your warm words to encourage me in keeping posting. i think i better use my laptop once again. but when i am travelling or in the public transportation i don't have any choice but using my cell
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
21 Dec 11
Hi Ifa.... I am dealing with this kind situation several time make double post in my discussion or others. But honestly I never dealing problem my Mylot or they deleted my answer because I made double post unintentionally so I think as long we don't made it to many, it won't be a problem. Happy myloting Ifa....
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
22 Dec 11
Hi Nangisha, I had try several provider befor i use 3. I can say that three is cheaper than other with average quality. While otherprovider is more expensive but have the same quality with three. I think i dont have any other choice. It is oke to make double post but it just annoying for me.. Happy loting too Nangisha
• United States
20 Dec 11
I use my iphone all the time to do my mylotting. I don't have any problems doing it. I don't know why you are having problems. You might call your provider and ask why this is happening.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
23 Dec 11
Hi Pointless, i am tired using my cell.. it is harder and longer just to post one respond. this all happen because the bad and poor connection. i had try several times to change my connections but it always end it like that..
@davaome (1826)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
My phone got wet and I needed to use a substitute phone while it is under repair, but I use my laptop to connect to myLot and I have this kind of problem, unresponsive page sometimes. which if I made a very long response i would have to write it all over again. It's good now that I can use the copy,paste function already. Not really sure if I experienced making double posts though, or maybe i just don't remember, hhmmm well anyway i'll like to suggest to you to contact you service provider so that they can address the issue and help you with your connection problems.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
22 Dec 11
Hi Dava it is the customer who have to handle this bad connection alone. They will said that sory for the uncovienient..that is all. Totally frustrating right? Then there is nothing i can do about it
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
3 Jan 12
I responded, and create discussion on MyLot, using cell phones. I did not experience any problems, and I feel comfortable using cell phones. Occasionally, I also experienced the same thing. But, the rest is no problem. It is more comfortable using a computer. But, I am more excited, using cell phones. Because, I can log in MyLot, anytime, and anywhere. In addition, I do not have a computer, so I logged MyLot using cell phones.
@shibham (16977)
• India
20 Dec 11
Hi ifa... I think, you have the copy option on your mobile (u should check). If it is the you copy first whatever you have written then post again if you have found that your response has not posted. I had such experiences but later i applied this method and now i have no problem in mylotting from cell phone. Have a nice time.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
22 Dec 11
Well..the mobile cant make a copy of the typing words that i had made. That is why i use the refresh button coz i am tired to re tyoe again if the connection failed to post my response. I feel more comfort using my PCthan my cell. I only use it when i am travelling. . Have a nice day Sibhie
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
You can always check again the page before posting once more your response. Or refresh the page especially when you are using mobile phone. that's what I did whenever my response seems to gone off upon posting- then pushing the button twice will make duplicate responses.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
23 Dec 11
that it is.. that is the problem i can only check after i get the email notification about comment and re comment of my respond. to load the whole page of discussion is taking so long time.but through the email it is quite faster. maybe because the page only point out the comments in the email.
• United States
20 Dec 11
I have actually seen some responses/comments posted three times! It happens, and it is obvious when it does that it was a mistake or accident. Sometimes it is your Internet connection, but there have been times when this site has been having problems and just about everybody that posted anything during that time period had it post twice or three times. I wouldn't worry about it unless it starts to happen all the time ... then I might be a little concerned and just explain to Admin what is happening.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
23 Dec 11
Hi Purple.. it is hard to direct me to the full one discussion since the more bigger the data the more slow the page loading... even sometimes end in fail to open the page. so sometimes when the internet lost in the middle of posting my respond, i try to respond again sometimes with the same words and sometimes not. i just feel bad if one of my friend here made a discussion and don't respond it back
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 11
Maybe, it's only your cell operators connection.I use axis and so far, I never feel it. Look at fb, there are many of my friend who make double posts.Usually it happen for m3, xl and simpati users.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
23 Dec 11
Hi devil, i try to exchange my sim card to AXIS but guess what... the connection is excellent strength only in center Jakarta i Live in east Jakarta close to Depok. and i can't get that excellent signal in my home. so i switch back to Three. it is good to used Three, cheaper than other..lol
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
Even I am using a laptop to logon to myLot I am also sometimes post duplicate response which is due to a bad connection. In fact I have reported myself for a duplicate comment. After sending it, I realized I have actually posted a response thrice. Well I think admin will not consider you breaking the rules.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
23 Dec 11
I also report my self right way after i know that i had posted duplicate response. i hope with that way i can help admin job