Is it Okay to allow our half-Paralyzed Mother to eat what she likes...

Davao, Philippines
December 24, 2011 7:46pm CST
Our mother is already 82 yrs old and half paralyzed after suffering stroke 35 years ago. Until now she is still suffering from high blood pressure and still on high dose of High Blood Pressure Maintenance, plus another maintenance for the heart. This holiday season when foods with high cholesterol are abundant, our mother would also want to eat all the foods she likes, which of course are not advisable as directed by the doctor. That includes, meat dishes, high calories foods such as ice cream, cakes, pizzas and other sweet delicacies. We want to limit her food intake, but she would argue with us to the point of crying, reasoning that inasmuch as she has a little time left living on this earth, she might as well be given all the food she wants to eat, for her to enjoy and be satisfied in her remaining years...However, we also thought of restricting her diet so as to prolong her life. On the other hand, she would always plead us to let her eat what she wants, for her to enjoy and then not prolong her days of suffering, and she said she also does not want to burden us her children, of taking care of her...We love our mother...But is it okay to allow our half-paralyzed mother to eat what she likes, even if it means for shortening her life?
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7 responses
@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
26 Dec 11
You were fortunate that you still have your mother at her age of 82. I would tell you to be practical and prioritize your mother's happiness. We don't know the pain that she is feeling right now and if food will make her happy, let her have it. You know very well that soon she will leave you no matter how hard you tried to follow the doctor's advice.
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
26 Dec 11
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
25 Dec 11
Shes 82! Let her eat what she likes and enjoy what time she has left.
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@tech2d (338)
• United States
25 Dec 11
I agree!!!
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
25 Dec 11
Oh boy, you're really in a tight position. Speak to her.. Telll her that a mother is never a burden for her child. Tell her that you want to see her live. To my depressed mind, her reasoning seems logical, sorry about it... But rightfully, i don't see it correct... So talk to her and try to convince that it would be such an atrocity to let her eat all she wants... Let her eat a little- not to the point where it'll cause harm... Good Luck to you... Merry Christmas to you and your family...
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
25 Dec 11
If was my mother I would let her eat the things that she wants. I understand why you are worried about her health and wants to restrict her diet, but I think that she has the right to make her own decision. In your situation I would definately hope and wish that my mother would avoid unhealthy things, but I don't think that it would be right to force her to live the way that I prefer. It is her life, and if your mother wants to enjoys the last part of the life and eat the food that she likes, I think you should let her make that decision.
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@kingparker (9673)
• United States
26 Dec 11
As you might already knew, she is old, and she doesn't have much time left to live. As life is short, why not let her enjoy what she likes the most. Although my advise is not acceptable, I would definitely want her to be happy, and I want to satisfied her last wishes as her dear child. I definitely let her eat whatever she likes, and I want her to be happy with not much time left with her.
25 Dec 11
I think a better way is to consult doctor or diet specialist. Maybe they could recommend her some food which is tasty as well as good for her health. I will not advice you to risk her life after knowing that what she wants to eat may her. Try to make some homemade delicious as well as sugarfree food for her. Maybe this could satisfy her. At this age, she will need a lot of love and care, because being ill for so long time may have made her impatient and to starve for such food. This is the common problem with people suffering from diabetes. And, Most Importantly, Your whole family should eat same amount and type of food that you are offering her. I hope this will help.
@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
26 Dec 11
My mothers baby brother my uncle was in the hospital and although he was the youngest he was in his late 40's early 50's. The floor he was on wanted him to dring some ensure. I went to stay with him for a week while he was in to give the rest of his immediate family some relief and rest. After I got there I asked my uncle if he would like anything. He told me he wanted some gingersnaps cookies and milk. So I went and got him some of the cookies and several other things he asked for. I come back and stopped at the nurses station to see if they had some milk on the floor so he could have milk and cookies. The nurse looked at me and said we need to get him to drink that ensure so use that with his cookies. I am past medical and if a patient can have what they want to eat, who the heck are the nurses to tell him he can't have something. So I looked her and replied, "Mam my uncle is dying. We both know that. Why can't he have milk with his cookies?" So I plainly told her if she did not give him a carton of milk I would just go down the the diningroom and get it for him. She finally backed down and gave me a carton. you should have seen him when I come walking in with his gingersnaps and milk. He drank all his milk and evem dipped his cookies in the milk. If they can have anything to eat they want, I say give it to them. To me it just makes sense.