MyLot Payout? Reasons?

United States
February 17, 2012 9:52am CST
What do you set your payout to on MyLot? And why do you set it to that payout? I had mine set to $10 because I didn't really care when/how much money I got. I recently upped it to $50 because I was supposed to go to Florida on March 9th to visit my friend (I live in Virginia), but then my ride canceled on me, so now I'm trying to get around $150 to afford a bus ticket to get down there on March 9th-10th. Do you think that this is an unreasonable expectation? I figure if I can post enough between now and then (three weeks time), then maybe I'll be able to get enough money to be able to do it. My family/girlfriend also said they may be willing to chip in to help get me down there, but I'm not counting on them to follow through just in case. Does anybody else have a story like this?
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8 responses
@emdjay23 (1575)
• Philippines
18 Feb 12
i set my payout to $25,because it hard for me to reach $50 though i put so much effort here.well it's unreasonable because you have goals and nothing to be ashamed of,at least it's your own money and your own hard work to get that$150. Though i'm still trying to reach $50 so that i'll be the one to pay my internet and water bills.
@emdjay23 (1575)
• Philippines
18 Feb 12
what i mean reasonable,sorry for the typo error..
• United States
18 Feb 12
Yeah, I'm just really happy that I don't have any bills to pay right now. I'd be a lot more stressed out about the situation if I did. Thankfully I'm still a bit supportive on my parents.
@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
18 Feb 12
Hello MRconrad01, I know $10 is small money so i have kept my payout to $50 and i have just reached to $10 it looks difficult for me to get up to $50 it will take around 4~5 months to get there but i will reduce it once i feel that i am not getting much time here to participate it all depends on my participation.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
17 Feb 12
I think it depends on several reasons. For instance, if you are a prolific typist and if mylot ss the only way , you can get paid, monthly payment to $20 or above as also if you live in a country that only allows a certain limit and above to put into hour bank account. However for most who will not make the minimim payment because either they cannot think of much to write about, or their interent provider works too slow, the $10 miln. payout is all right. So I feel it is an idividaul decision.
• India
18 Feb 12
i have kept it to 10$ and it has been a long time since i did that . around 1 year it has been and i have not reached my payout of 10$ actually just because i am not here only to earn i am here to express my views and discuss and read few interesting topics on which i want to know about and need help on them . Because this is the best social networking site i have seen which is paying people as well.
• Philippines
18 Feb 12
My reason is to get easy to cashout for me that amount.10usd i usually set in my lot..And also is not heavy for me and not to wait for long to reach the high minimum.. Just to make me excited..
@lekhya (819)
• India
18 Feb 12
Its good that you are targeting at such a huge payout.I don't know whether it is feasible or not.But it is not wrong being optimistic and putting great effort.Make use of all the features available here in mylot.Mostly the article writing section in the tasks so that i would be easy for u to reach your desired amount within that limited time.I have kept mine at the minimum so that it would be easy for me to use it when required.As of now i have no plans.I decided to store the amount in my paypal account and withdraw it when required.I think i will be able to reach my payout sooner.I am happy for that.All the best!Happy mylotting!
@marsha32 (6631)
• United States
17 Feb 12
I only recently hit my very first $10 here on mylot. It has taken me about 5 years! I'm not very active here at you can tell by how long it took me to reach payout. I really think I should change that though. You have a good goal of earning the bus ticket. Best of luck to you! Marsha
@duke1000 (100)
• United States
17 Feb 12
Nothing is unreasonable if you put forth the time and effort it would take to accomplish this. To be able to make this much you would need to post quite a bit. I would have to say that you would probably need to do some of the tasks and post alot of comments and discussions. But like i said its not unreasonable but you really have to tackle the task at a full head of steam to make it possible.