Earrings from the dark side!

@sulsisels (1685)
United States
March 30, 2012 10:32pm CST
Hi Friends I don't typically watch these type of reality shows, but last night 2 of our guests on the boat were watching a show called Jerseylicious or something close to that. Anyway, I was still in the galley but could see the t.v. in the reflection of a big mirror in the main salon. My question is, what is up with the earrings all those "Jersey" girls are wearing. My God, one girl's were so big that they could have been mistaken for tire rims on a car. As the show went on, more and more girls were shown and 99% of them all had HUGE earrings on. I guess they are in style up north where the fashion is so far ahead of ours here in the South. In style or not, I would not wear earrings the size of doughnuts. I think they look kind of stupid and also your eyes go right to them. You don't notice what they are wearing or really anything about them because all you can see is the ginormous jewelry. Do you wear BIG earrings. I do not mean to offend or disrespect anybody, I just don't understand why anyone wants to throw out their back by wearing these big heavy earrings?
3 responses
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
31 Mar 12
I have no idea about the show but I do know about big earrings and definitely not my favorite. I don't like heavy things cling on my ears, do not want my ears suffer from it and it amused me to watch people wearing them. I am sorry but it looks funny to me~(^^)
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
1 Apr 12
Hi CT Oh, I know, me too. It's like if you got a flat tire and ruined the rim by driving on it, you could go up to just about any girl in Jersey and say,"Hey, can I borrow your earring? I need it to mount my tire"! Try to catch a few minutes of the show. It's on tonight, I think around 9 or 10..if you need a laugh, you'll get it there.
@atwilson (540)
• Indonesia
31 Mar 12
honestly, i havent seen the show. I am wondering about that.
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
1 Apr 12
Hi atwilson You have to check it out...It's on Sunday night on the style network. Watch it and get back to me!
@GardenGerty (159033)
• United States
31 Mar 12
I have not seen the show, but I have seen lots of people wear hoop earrings that are big enough you could get your foot tangled in them. Often in jobs where they are at risk by misbehavior of students or clients. I got my ears pierced because I wanted to wear tiny earrings. So no, you will not find me wearing too many big earrings, although I do have a few that are decent size. I feel that they balance out with my large body.
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
1 Apr 12
Hi H...You probably look in any size earrings. I think that when you like yourself, you can make anything work and I mean that only in a complimentary way.