A Plane or Passenger ship?

April 8, 2012 10:09am CST
I always travel- from the day I started college in the big city up to now whenever we go to other town for vacation.Back then our province doesn't have an airport so the only way to travel is by a big passenger ship or you can go to a nearby more progressive city to travel by plane.Now everytime I/we go on vacation we are traveling by plane as we want to reach our destination faster. Traveling by ship is pretty amusing,you get to see different cities,scenery and the beauty of the sea.You get to enjoy every minute of it because it takes days before you reach your destination and it's a lot cheaper compared to plane. By Plane,all you get to see are clouds,the blue sky and down below the sea as long as you haven't reached the maximum altitude but you get to travel faster but then it's more expensive. if ever you get to choose which way to travel,which one would you prefer?
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11 responses
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
9 Apr 12
hi there, i would love to travel by boat but i always get sick and i hate the feeling so i would always prefer traveling by plane. my boyfriend and i are planning to go on a cruise in the Carribeans in the near future but i told him i might get sick but he told me it is not that bad and i would hardly feel anything. so we will see
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@bhonti (1246)
• Philippines
9 Apr 12
I prefer to travel by air than by sea. I think I will get sea sick if I travel by ship for a long time. I also prefer plane because the travel time is a lot shorter than ship. Airfare might be more expensive but there are some promos by the airline companies that occurs once in a while. I always wait for these promos to get ticket at a lower price.
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@berting600 (3453)
• Philippines
8 Apr 12
Yes!You are right that traveling in a ship is more pleasurable that you can see several views like the waves of the sea,the flying fish out of the sea,the crying of the birds catching some fish,the islands passed by some are big some are small.Some islands have some building structures and some are just trees and stones with mountains and shrubs.Traveling in a ship is too time consuming yet you could enjoy your site seeing while in airplane it is too rush and you could have go quickly to your business meetings in a days trip.I always travel by plane but I also wish to travel back to a ferry ship.
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@bonding2 (219)
• South Africa
9 Apr 12
if i don't have any important thing to do or when you i am going on a holiday i prefer to travel by ship because of the scene and the camaraderie one can develop inside the ship
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@tinjan11 (75)
• Philippines
9 Apr 12
When i entered college, I usually use either a plane or a ship. When I'm not in hurry, I prefer to ride on a ship because you can see a lot of things such as the vast sea, islands, and jumping dolphins. You can also meet a lot of people and make friends. There are also programs in the ship which will make your travel an exciting one such as musical band,contests and disco. For me, it's more fun to ride on a ship and I love to ride on it only when the weather is good.
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@nivorn (33)
• Philippines
9 Apr 12
I travel several times a year to local destinations here in my home country. During those times I usually travel by ship. For me it is the more practical choice because it is less expensive. And as you have said, it is more fun to travel by see. Another advantage to taking a ferry is that I feel much safer. I always had this notion that if anything goes wrong with the boat (God forbid that it will ever happen) there is still a big probability for me to stay alive since I'm a good swimmer and there are life jackets available. On the other hand, if a plane crashes there are no parachutes available. And if ever it does crash there's a higher possibility that I wouldn't survive the impact. Well, I do take the plan once in a while. Especially when the local carrier sells their tickets for a promo that's extremely cheap. Sometimes when they have promos, it ticket prices are so low that it's absurd for you not to take advantage of it. If you take the promo, it's even cheaper than taking the ferry. You'd be crazy not to take advantage of that. In summary, I should say that taking the ship or a plane for me will largely depend on how much and how fast I would like to get to my destination.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
11 Apr 12
If I am going to visit a place that is very far away or if I have limited time I prefer to fly. If I have plenty of time I prefer to sail. I think it is very nice to sail from one place to another because I get the chance to enjoy the view while I am sailing. I can look at the other ships, the islands that we pass etc. Some years ago my ex-boyfriend and I sailed from Hanstholm in Denmark to Bergen in Norway. I enjoyed the time that I spent on the ferry very much, and the view was very beatiful so I took a lot of pictures while we were on the way to Norway. Another time we sailed from Stockholm to Helsinki, that was also very nice.
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
9 Nov 15
if you have a choice, you can alternate travelling by plane and ship. You can travel one way by ship, and return by plane. That will be the best of both worlds. Sometimes there is no choice, since ships cannot reach mountainous area.
@doggydimon (1369)
• Philippines
14 Apr 12
I would prefer by plane. I tried a passenger ship before going to Coron. I cannot sleep well because of the rolling motion. It is quite the same when you travel by sea or air... At sea, you can only see the vast ocean unless you are near your destination already. And that goes the same with a plane, all clouds no views...but sometimes you get a picturesque view of the islands below. As for the fares, sometimes traveling by air is cheaper than passenger ships especially if you avail of the promos. And of course, the travel time of taking a plane is way way faster than a ship. So I would go for a plane anytime.
@Woody7189 (247)
• United States
11 Apr 12
Well I would personally choose to travel by ship, because you get to see so much along the way. Also, there are many different things to do while on a cruise ship for entertainment. Then again, I am not a big fan of flying, so that affects my choice. It really does depend upon if you are headed for a destination, in which case a plane will be faster. If you are just looking for a fun vacation then I would choose a cruise.
• India
23 Jul 12
If given a choice between taking a plane or a boat while going on vacation, I would pick the boat. A boat is more fun seeing as I get to see more scenery than when I am on a plane. I’m on vacation and not in a hurry to get to where I’m going; so why not enjoy myself on my way there.