Is watching tv series bad?

@yiart65 (146)
April 10, 2012 10:25am CST
Our parents have often told us that it is bad to watch too much tv. But it depends on what kind of program we are watching. If it is something that enables us to learn new information, then it is not a bad thing. Sometimes, even if it is a drama but still enable us to learn new stuffs, it is still good to watch. But still, we shouldn't spend too much time in front of the television. Although we can learn new information, watching too much television is still bad for our eyesight.
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6 responses
• Canada
10 Apr 12
I don't think watch television is a bad thing... and I don't believe it really matters what kind of programming is viewed either. There is nothing wrong with having a pleasant diversion or some entertainment for a little while. It doesn't have to be educational to be valuable. Everyone needs to have fun, too - to laugh, to feel good, to be engaged by something intriguing. Agreed there are certainly some quality things on television and some that are decidedly not quality... but the act of watch tv itself just isn't "bad." It's been said since probably the 1960's that watching too much television will damage a person's eyesight and this is largely held to be untrue. (Just one sample article sourced from Scientific American: ). There is nothing about tv itself that will permanently damage the eyes. Yes, you can experience eye strain if you watch for a really long time but, generally, after turning it off and getting some rest, you are just fine. The more likely negative health impact comes from being sedentary and sitting for long periods doing nothing but staring at the tv. There is already a crisis of children and adults being overweight to obese - sitting, rather than doing some kind of physical activity, is certainly less healthy. Television exists to be enjoyed... it's simply one form of entertainment to which almost all of us have access. Just be conscious of the amount of time spent and learn how to turn it off, get up and do something else
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
12 Apr 12
Well, have you noticed that these kids shows from Disney and Nick...Hanna Montana and SoRaven and the on the shows have no common sense, they act stupid, they have not respect for other people, their parents and just act like they are the dumbest things ever on the planet! I mean, I had my GD (11) one summer for most of the summer nad every day she'd have her time on TV with these shows..about 2 hours straight. I watched with her. By the end of the summer...I told her no more. You can watch other things, but I can't stand those kids/teen shows. They are just the dumbest things imagenable. They talk back to adults, they act stupid, they have no values, no morals no intelligence..nothing but stupid word-sayings nad things like that. And seeing her act like those girls on those shows, say those things, be like way... not my kid, not in my house. Walt Disney I am sure is literally vomiting in his grave to know that his wonderful legecy has turned into such garbage and crap and stupidity.
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• Canada
12 Apr 12
There's definitely a lot of garbage on tv these days, I completely agree with you there. When my girls were young, they were allowed to watch certain children's programming that they liked... Thomas the Tank Engine, Theodore Tugboat, Fred Penner, Magic School Bus, among others. Like you, I watched and I listened and, when I found nothing objectionable in the ones they liked, they were allotted a certain amount of time each day and that was it. The tv went off and they played outside or in their rooms, etc. TV has become a major babysitter now and it's not right. Children do not get healthy sitting or laying around all day in front of the tv, often snacking at the same time. I wouldn't have let them watch a lot of those shows you described either... too many "kids" on those shows that, in "real life" are not even kids at all... already acting like grown-ups and doing things you wouldn't want a young son or daughter to be doing. Even if they don't see them acting that way on the television show, they certainly see them in the media (like Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens, etc.)
@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
14 Apr 12
I think television can be helpful, as I watch the food channel to help with meal ideas. Also Wheel Of Fortune helped my daughter learn her letters and I encourage parents to have their child (ren) watch shows on PBS. Sesame Street, Reading Rainbow and several others really were helpful. I agree that some people do watch way to much television. People need exercise and to do others things each day. I use to watch television 7 days a week and no longer watch anything on Saturdays. If I'm wondering about the weather, I check online.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
12 Apr 12
I think it depends on what you watch. TV has gotten so bad these days...nothing "good" on. Just blood, guts, gore, violence, killing, murders etc. Who is sleeping with whom and divorce and no family shows at all. Case in point...these CSI, Criminal Minds and the shows about real life murders etc (like ID) these shows are just showing the crime and then show how the criminal did it and how they got caught...which just shows real criminals how to do it and how NOT to get caught! These ID shows...they take you through a case from start to finish, even tho the "finish" might be 20 years later that they find the see what hideiou things they just gives demented people the ideas and the how-to's to do it in real life. I think it is just much information...that doesn't need to be revealed. There are limits, but in TV these days...doesn't seem to matter anymore. I watch ME TV and TV Land and HUB...they have all the good old shows, sitcoms and dramas from the past..mainly the 70's and 80's...back when tv was good.
@lakantar (1573)
• Greece
10 Apr 12
Well if you are addicted to tv series then yes it is bad, but if you watch 2-3 series it is good I have to say. It helps time pass in certain times of the day and If they are good too it is enjoyable to watch :)
• Philippines
11 Apr 12
It depends on the viewer, it's good if the viewer watch's it as a t.v. series, it's bad if the viewer takes it seriously and applies it in real life. Sometimes a person imagination goes deep and wants to make it real.
@krizzy (237)
• Philippines
13 Apr 12
Sometimes parents tell us watching too much tv is bad because they know you can't do anything else aside from watching tv. Like doing household chores, running errands, etc:)