In the hospital ...again

@daeckardt (6237)
United States
April 18, 2012 8:53pm CST
Hi everyone! I bet this isn't what you wanted to hear from me after my last update...I haven't been doing a very good job of keeping up on things in here lately. If I hadn't seen posts from one of my favorite friends in here, I might not have remembered to post this even now... I also received a late response to my last update so I was able to look at it and see if I can reconstruct the last two weeks or so. I got my third cisplatin treatment last Tuesday and I guess it went ok...They were thinking about letting me go home that evening, but I started getting red in the face and one hand. They didn't think it was a reaction, but they went ahead and gave the benedryl and steroids just in case. I got the neulasta shot last Thursday and by Saturday I was hurting all over like they said I might. I still did my Red Cross class that day and then went home and helped my roommate celebrate her daughter's and mother's birthdays which had occurred during the week. I ate too much and didn't feel well the rest of the weekend. I started drinking a bottle of water Sunday night and by today, it was only about half gone. Normally I would drink at least two of those bottles a day. I was supposed to have a CT scan on Tuesday, but since I wasn't able to keep my breakfast down on Monday I didn't eat or drink anything most of the day so I didn't drink the contrast either. I called the doctor today and they told me to go and get fluids and they did an abdominal x-ray which looked ok she said. She came down after I finished the fluids and told me to check into the hospital for even more fluids and they want to try to give my belly a break and get the CT done here in the morning. Maybe after that they will let me eat. The doctor said she would probably keep me at least two nights to give me a break from my roommates and to make sure that I could eat without a problem again. I just hope everything goes well with all that. I will try to do better on keeping you up to date. Have a great week!!!
12 responses
@marguicha (221915)
• Chile
19 Apr 12
Dearest Deb, I know the feeling you have when you can´t even hold water. I had that on November and ended up with a week at the hospital which is not my idea of having fun. Fortunatly one forgets about those problems. It seems we must live each day, one at a time, and make the most of it. Just keep in your mind that the treatment went ok. and so did the x rays. It´s a shame that we also have to suffer side effects, but I guess that´s the way it is. I´m having a CT scan at the end of the month. Until then, I have centered my thought on a hair that takes it´s time to grow. I am promising myself that I will let my hair grow up to my waist for all I´ve missed it Take care!
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
20 Apr 12
They finally got the CT done today, but I have not heard the result of that yet. The doctor came by this afternoon and told me about another test result they ran yesterday. It turns out that a lot of the problem I have been having is the result of a c-diff infection and now the nurses have to have gloves and gown on to come into my room and if I leave my room I have to have the same. Oh well... As far as the long hair, you can have it. I am used to the short hair and I get it cut whenever I feel like I have to start combing it again. I hope your test goes well! Have a great weekend!!!
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
22 Apr 12
Actually I am told that it most commonly occurs in the hospital with those who are immune compromised. It does seem funny that is where it happens, but most of the people who are in the hospital are immune compromised in one way or another.
@marguicha (221915)
• Chile
20 Apr 12
I´m so sorry you have c-diff infection. I know about it because a man friend I once had got it, funny enough at a hospital. It´s difficult to mange but it can be done. Take care.
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@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
30 Apr 12
I'm sorry to hear of all your problems, I wish my new roommate could read of your problems, maybe she'd stop complaining about hers... nahhh - she's the center of the universe...
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@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
1 May 12
She called the house today and told the roomie that "You have the sensitivity of a toilet brush." ??? You know, if the roomie was sitting around going "oh woe is me! I broke both arms! feel sorry for me!" that might be one thing... but she's not She is furious that she's having to rely in ANY way on ANY one. Or, as another friend (that the new roomie called later) said "She doesn't feel sorry for ANYONE! Not even herself!" And then told her she was ungrateful. All I can say is this gal has burned the bridges with her family and she'd doing her darnedest to burn them here! I told the roomie that she needs to tell her "Don't make me regret asking Elic to have you move in." Maybe a threat will work when being a friend won't...
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
8 May 12
Wow! I just wish that people could realize that other people have lives and issues of their own. I would make such a threat and follow through with it if this person keeps up. I was ready to do that with my roommate after a problem this past weekend, but I finally talked to her yesterday and found out her take on what her husband had said and I had "tuned him out" and apparently missed the part where he had said "if I wanted to eat I could prepare my own plate" and only heard where "I never lifted a finger when it came to cooking and cleaning". I didn't eat anything there for two days after that. Oh well...
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
1 May 12
I sometimes feel like I am that way...but it is mostly because I often complain to the people around me. I just wish that people would realize that everyone has some kind of problem and not everyone wants to hear about them. Thanks for the comment.
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Apr 12
I am so sorry to hear that everything's been going so sour for you lately. No wonder you haven't been to active and keeping us updated, but you have to remember your health comes first, you need to get well and well hydrated in order to continue to keep up us upto date on your conditions. I hope that you are doing a bit better, it's been a few days since you posted this, as you can see I am still a bit behind schedule in keeping up with my discussions, but I am at least proud to say it's only a few days and not weeks later. Anyways, like I said I hope you are doing better and I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
1 May 12
I went to the doctor again today and they said that I will be having my next treatment tomorrow. I have been eating and drinking, but because of the "dizzies" I have been getting nauseous. Fortunately that mostly happens when I lay down after geting up at night. Oh well...
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
23 Apr 12
I just got home this afternoon. I still don't feel that great, but I will live. I will keep drinking as much as I can and eat when I am able also. Have a great week!!!
• United States
26 Apr 12
I am so happy to hear you have made it back home, I do hope you are doing better and keeping your liquids and food down.
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@fjclolazy (859)
• China
8 May 12
oh i haven't been here for a long time and i just come back and start a new discussion titled "future dicides future".and then i get ur bad news about ur illness.i feel sorry to hear that.and how r u now,get better?u should be more careful next time.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
8 May 12
It's quite alright that it has been a long time. I don't get in here often myself. I have been in and out of the hospital several times since the last treatment that occurred almost a ago. I am getting the fourth round today and it is right on schedule rather than being delayed a week due to low counts like last month. I got over the infection I got following the last treatment. Thanks for the comment!
• Philippines
16 May 12
I'm not visiting mylot for almost three months now and I'm glad I'm back. You are the first one I tried to visit asap. Not so happy to know that you are again visiting the hospital for some medications you needed. Hope you will feel great soon. Take care and God Bless!
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
16 May 12
I think the worst part of all of this is that I'm not feeling any better. I have been in and out of the hospital all year and I really need to start getting over all this. Thanks for responding and I will try to stay in touch.
@rashme317 (250)
• Philippines
16 May 12
so sorryto hear about you being ill ., hope you get well soon ., the nurse maybe is just protecting you from being infected ., and antibiotics will be given for a week or two ., just comply with the doctor's orders and everything will be fine ., hope you'll get well soon .,
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
16 May 12
I did finally get over that infection, but there seems to be another problem now. I am still not feeling well. I just hope things improve soon. Have a great week!
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
19 Apr 12
so sorry dear. it just seems like one thing and another at times dont it. how much i wish they could find a cure for this dreadful plague once and for all. one of my aunts is going through it again also and they said she might not make it this time. iam glad to see you are still with us and really hope it gets better and easier for you soon. my blessings and prayers are still with you.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
20 Apr 12
Yes, I am still with you! I intend to be around for quite a while still! I don't give up that easily and you know what they say...when the going gets tough, the tough get going. I am tough! Have a great weekend!!!
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
19 Apr 12
Hi daeckardt, I just wonder how you can type posts in such a serious health condition. You are an amazing lady. I salute you. I appreciate your patience.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
20 Apr 12
Thanks for the kind comments! I just type what is happening and don't really think about it I guess. Have a great day!!!
• United States
19 Apr 12
You do what you can when you can. Vent your emotions and know your in our prayers.
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@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
19 Apr 12
Wow daeckardt, so so sorry to heard about your illness...I have not been reading your previous post about you being sick...I went through the same thing with that Neulasta, it always made me feel like I had the flu for three days after the shot... I truly feel your pain...take it easy amd feel better ....
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
20 Apr 12
With the way things are going right now, I'm not sure what the plan will be. I'm glad that I'm not alone on the Neulasta problems. I hope that the current situation resolves soon. Thanks for the comment!
@dazzledlady (1618)
• Philippines
19 Apr 12
I hope you got the fluids replaced. Do not let your body be dehydrated and try to get enough nutrients in the food you eat. I know that undergoing such treatment can cause you to lose appetite. If you do not feel well it is best to consult your doctor to be on the safer side. I hope pass this trial. Be strong! :)
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
20 Apr 12
Thanks for your kind comments! I found out today that most of the problem right now is an infection in my gut and right now the nurses have to have a gown and gloves to even enter my room. I just hope that the yuckky antibiotics they have me on right now clears this up fast. Have a great day!!!
• United States
21 Apr 12
dear , I hope you feel much better.I hope you win your fight with cancer,i have family members fighting the same battle.good luck!
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
22 Apr 12
Thanks for the kind words. I think I might win this battle, but I don't know about the war. I hope your family members are doing ok.