
June 4, 2012 4:48pm CST
I have noticed that everyone on mylot is so friendly and nice and that's great, but do you think that many people might just be being nice because they are getting paid?? You know like how you have to be nice to EVERYONE at work! Just a random thought...:)
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5 responses
@flapiz (22871)
• United Kingdom
3 Aug 12
Well I guess there are really a considerable number of people just playing it nice not only here but in the world itself. So it's up to us to recognize them. Although some may not be sincere, there are also some who are true and honest.
@flapiz (22871)
• United Kingdom
6 Aug 12
Well it's nice to know that 85% are real. I think so too.
1 person likes this
• Canada
6 Aug 12
Yeah I agree! After all is said and done we must have some faith in humanity over all.
• Canada
5 Aug 12
Yeah that is true. some people are just fake and it's hard to tell sometimes. For the most part in life and on this site as well, from my own experience about 85 percent are nice:)
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
5 Jun 12
Been here for....ummmm couldn't remember. Over two years maybe. That's not long compared to the veterans who's been here for 5 even more years. And for two years that i've been here, trust me, not everybody has treated me well. There are those who said mean things. A number of mylot people also left because others were so rude to them. I guess you're just lucky to have not encountered them and i hope you won't. Again, welcome to mylot.
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
5 Jun 12
You're welcome Joe! By the way, i'm only kind to those who are nice to me. And i accept friends who have at least made 50 discussions. See, i'm not that kind after all!
• Canada
5 Jun 12
Thank you! I can see you are very kind and here for the right reasons. No I have been lucky so far actually and not encountered any one rude yet. But then again I am still pretty new:) Thanks for being on my friends list:)
• Canada
5 Jun 12
Haha.. I guess I am lucky because I have made no where near 50. But I do answer alot:)
@peavey (16936)
• United States
11 Jun 12
While there are a few people who are rude now and then, myLot is amazingly friendly and I don't think it's because of the money. I wonder if being able to report bad or rude posts helps; also the number on your star tells the story of your friendly or not so friendly participation.
• Canada
11 Jun 12
Good answer then:)
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
4 Jun 12
I am nice offline too MyLot is teamwork. If we all get on and help each other out then we all benefit. The longer you stay here the more you will realise that too. Many of us become friends and are in contact offline too through 'meeting' here on myLot. I don't even think about the fact that we are getting paid when I am here. I just get involved and have fun when I see something interesting, just like I would offline
• Canada
4 Jun 12
I have to admit that the site does sort of captivate me. Yeah I am enjoying for darn sure. And hey yeah I am pretty nice offline too:)
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
4 Jun 12
I had no doubts about that
@celticeagle (163201)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Jun 12
I am sure that in some cases that is true. Or the answer has been visited so many times they feel comfortable with it. I think that many in my friend's list are just normally nice and want to help. There seems to be a certain type of personality that is a part of most of the people I assoicate with on Mylot.
@celticeagle (163201)
• Boise, Idaho
11 Jun 12
It really is. I am here daily and off and on most of the day.
• Canada
5 Jun 12
Yeah I bet most of the people are pretty good:) The sites nice and I notice a wee bit addictive!
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