Adding things to Carrot Soup?

@gfeef01 (537)
June 6, 2012 11:19am CST
Carrot and coriander, carrot and lentil, carrot and ... what can I add to this classic, either to be puréed or flaked in at the end. I made a batch of carrot soup last night, thick and creamy. It was my guests first try of the dish & it went down well. Even though we all felt full enough to stop after just that, the hubby still craved something more meaty as the evening progressed, and we ended up with a midnight burger. Hence the question. If you've not had carrot soup it made from carrot, onion, and stock, all puréed. It's a hearty soup and a great budget dish.
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3 responses
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
6 Jun 12
You might want to add celery, you might also want to consider adding rice to give the soup more body although I understand not everybody there likes rice as we Asians do
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@gfeef01 (537)
7 Jun 12
I've had it with rice as a thickener, but i prefer it with potato to thicken. or did you mean add it after the purée stage?
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@gfeef01 (537)
10 Jun 12
interesting additions, think both would work. Hadn't crossed my mind about the bean sprouts, not sure how I'd source them but the flavour would be worth an experiment. Thanks
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
8 Jun 12
I think what ever way or stage is just fine, oh another thing, don't really know if this is a usual thing most people do but how about green peas? I think fresh,canned or frozen would be just fine . Another thing came across my mind, I was thinking of experimenting mung bean sprouts (from monggo beans), very nutritious, not sure if it's readily available there but then again it's gonna give the soup an Oriental look, it's somewhat similar to barley I guess like in Campbell's, lots of barley
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
7 Jun 12
That sounds so good, I may have to try it. I can see how hubby was still craving something more meaty though afterward, men have this thing about eating more meat. I guess you grow carrots in your garden or just love carrots in general? I guess you could make some carrot and broccoli cheese soup?
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
6 Jun 12
One of my family's absolute favourite..Carrot Soup, but we love it with either Ginger.......or Curry! And often in summer, eat it as a chilled soup!
@gfeef01 (537)
7 Jun 12
curry sounds interesting, i'd like to try that one. may add i to the list of ideas though it won't add much bite it will be an interesting extra flavour.
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• Canada
7 Jun 12
RE: "though it won't add much bite,"....that depends on the amount of Curry or Ginger that you add! We like to add enough to give it a nice tang..and I forgot to add that we always serve with a dollop of sour cream to the centre of the bowl, looks nice...and it you have spiced enough to "have a bite" it adds a nice, refreshing cool flavour! Enjoy!
@gfeef01 (537)
8 Jun 12
I meant bite as in solids, I was kinda hoping somebody had found carrot soup worked really well with something chunky mixed in. We served ours with sour cream too, though I prefer it without myself.
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