Enjoys My vacation in Kitchen...

@Dassodils (2010)
July 2, 2012 3:18pm CST
Hai friends.. I am passing through the last days of my vacation time..Now I turned back to see that what I did on this vacation..I realized that I spend the whole time in kitchen..As the vacation started,It was my job to do all things in kitchen..My mom concentrated on her office works..I carry the all responsibilities in the kitchen..Now my sister and her baby are her in my home..that makes me interest to do all thinks in the kitchen...Thanks in Advance
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149 responses
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
2 Jul 12
Your very nice in staying and working on the kitchen during your vacation. For sure your a good cook now and your mom very thankful for having a child like you. Like you I took all the responsibilities in the kitchen even I am working because my husband is also working and no one can able to cook and do all the things the kitchen but me.
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• United States
3 Jul 12
test test test
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
4 Jul 12
That's nice to hear Bhebelen.. I know that I have to take all responsibilities after marriage..But I am studying that's why I said so...
• China
24 Jul 12
Cooking for the people we love is happiness in our lives. I always remember my mom cook for us.When she saw we had a very delicious food,she would have the most beautiful smile in her face.I think if I had a family, I will cook delicious food for my loves happily.
• India
6 Jul 12
I am glad to know that you enjoy your vacation well with the activities inside the kitchen. For my last vacation I wished to learn some cooking from my mother but noting came into practice. The days was just falling and I couldn't learn anything from my mother. I hope I will learn them well in my next vacation days.
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
6 Jul 12
Ya..Don't worry..There have enough time to study it..It's not that much tough..It's an easy task always..
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
4 Jul 12
Hi Dassodils, one of my sister in laws having the same interest in preparing dishes in the kitchen. I always tease her that kitchen is her wonderland Other than cooking, she keeps the kitchen neat and comfortable. We could see the great different when she is not at home. Yeah, her younger sister would "force" her to have vacation in her house in neighbor country for a couple month. she would do the same thing and indulging most of her vacation time preparing dishes, as well as cleaning and tiding her wonderland in foreign country as well. She is the type of person who really enjoys in kitchen work. She feels the great pleasure watching the kitchen looks decent and comfort. I could see her appearance with satisfaction seeing us really enjoy in her delicious dishes and desserts. Happy posting
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
19 Jul 12
Really, kitchen is the essential place in a house. And I haven seen a house without kitchen before lol...How great to have someone who love cooking to prepare delicious as well as nutritive and healthy foods for us often. Yeah, my husband's sis enjoy spending most of her time busy in the kitchen, as she never feel bored to prepare this and that. She has great interest in preparing new recipe when she finds any new one while watching tv cooking program or getting from our neighbors. Welcome to mylot gerlieann Glad to learn that you and Dassodils having the same interest in cooking. though I don't have considerable time in cooking. I do like prepare dishes for my family sometimes. I feel the great pleasure when they show thumbup after eating the food served I love pretty kitchen wares as well. Hope your dream will come true very soon and enjoy cooking in your beautiful kitchen with all sort of pretty kitchen wares.
@Dassodils (2010)
• India
4 Jul 12
I also like to make my kitchen a good look..But I give most concentration on preparing foods.. :)
• Philippines
19 Jul 12
Hi i do have the same interest with you. I love to cook food for my family and i love it more when they say that they love the food. I dreamed to have a beautiful kitchen and kitchen ware. I like to see those pretty kitchen wares.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
2 Jul 12
You are not the only one! I spent my first week of vacation in the kitchen, too. I planned to use the first five day of vacation for cleaning and doing all the things I postponed during the workdays. I feel great after finishing all the work I planned and after that work I got the real vacation, as a reward. I hope you still have a few vacation days only for you. Please do something for you in those last days of vacation. Go somewhere where you like to be or even try to visit a new place. You'll feel relaxed and you'll forget about the days you spent in the kitchen.
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
4 Jul 12
Thank you friend.. Today, I entered in to the 3rd year of Bca course... :)
• China
5 Jul 12
i learn from that ,u must be a love clean and cook,right ?
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@riyauro (6421)
• India
8 Jul 12
Even I love to cook. But I not only do on holidays, but everyday..lol
• India
4 Jul 12
Hi friend, Good to hear that you spend your vacation in kitchen and helped a lot to your mum. Really you are a person to be admire. Now the modern girls are not interested in cooking and they don't go to the kitchen. But you are different in this sort and enjoyed your vacation in kitches
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
4 Jul 12
I was not interested in doing cooking..But in my family, It's usual that the girls should study cooking before marriage or doing degree..Thank you..
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Jul 12
hi again dassodils wow your discussion really took off so this is another arena in which you are a master. I am impressed. course when we talk food who is not interested? great discussion. hugs f rom hatley
8 Jul 12
Hello there. i am new on mylot and want to be a part of this kitchen too ;) i am doctor and have two kids. Cook myself. who cooks at your home dassodils and hatley?
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
9 Jul 12
In this world, whatever positions you behold: may you be rich or poor; fat or thin; young or old, you really need food not just to enjoy your appetite but to nourish your body to stay healthy. This energizing stuff could be found in the kitchen. As for me, I am really lazy pertaining to cooking but at my friend's house, I am the one who did the chore to please his parents. In there, I realized that it is an enjoyable work. I applied it in our house. I also discovered one thing, that i have the ability to cook because the dish i cooked tasted good and they all love it.
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• Philippines
9 Jul 12
i should have requested you to cook for us during my stay in our previous school. hahhaha.i really missed those times that we ate together. My parents taught me my first steps in cooking. Mom is an amazing teacher in picking vegetables and buying meat! Later I learned a lot from my aunt in law who was a very accomplished cook. Since childhood I loved to collect recipes and later I started buying cookbooks.
@Dassodils (2010)
• India
12 Jul 12
Ya..In my home,all of the people like my cooking and appreciating me to continue it..I don't know that if they are praising me to fix me on that daily job.. ;)
@Dassodils (2010)
• India
12 Jul 12
Ya..In my home,all of the people like my cooking and appreciating me to continue it..I don't know that if they are praising me to fix me on that daily job.. ;)
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
3 Jul 12
Well..that is good for you it can teach you how to be a mother i am here at the kitchen whether it is holiday or not i guess i need you to replace me. ..Lol
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
4 Jul 12
Ya...may god bless you to be a good cook and mother in future.. :) :)
• China
24 Jul 12
That's ...In real life we are easily fed up with the things we always do.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
2 Jul 12
I love the kitchen but hate the dishes! it seems like you find cooking and baking very relaxing. I love creating things in my own kitchen but I can't do anything with kids under my feet or else I get an anxiety attack, and since I'm visually impaired, I'm most likely going to step on a toe or bump into a kid. I have a very tiny kitchen, not even enough room to eat in, just a small rectangle room.
@Dassodils (2010)
• India
4 Jul 12
Then who makes food in your home??? Your partner??
• United States
23 Jul 12
i am like you i love to cook and bake and sometimes it gets really hard with kids around i love to turn on the music and let the kids dance and make them think they are helping me. however this only works for kids above 1 and 1/2.but they enjoy it.
@pandora22 (868)
• Romania
7 Jul 12
This reminds me of my Easter vacation. I had a free week and while my mates in the university were relaxing, I was working like crazy. I spend all my vacation taking care of a baby as a babysitter, I worked also for the clinic where I usually do my practice and besides, I did some on line work. At the end of the week I was so tired. That was not a vacation for sure.
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
10 Jul 12
I also feel so..After my entrance to kitchen,my mom became very lazy to do something in the kitchen..
@viji_v2 (727)
• India
4 Jul 12
I think people in your home would enjoyed your food much. My vacation is going in the same way. Most times in kitchen and in the other time in front of tv. I have to find alternative to spend my vacation.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Jul 12
hi dassodils me too as I would rather surf the net and find things I like to do than watch a silly sitcom with a canned laugh track. theres so much we can do on our computers for sure.
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
4 Jul 12
Nice to hear that.. I will not spend more time in front of the television..I spend my time by using laptop..Thanks
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@viji_v2 (727)
• India
17 Jul 12
It is good if you wont be sedentary.
@suni51 (3429)
• India
6 Jul 12
Oh what a nice place to enjoy your vacation, I am sure you shall be enjoying while trying out some new dishes. Your mom too must be pleased that you are getting prepared to be a better cook. I know some people love their being into kitchen but some of them don't as much.
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
6 Jul 12
That's good..But my mom will not allow me to go out for time pass.She permit for some serious reasons..
• India
6 Jul 12
I love to be a nice cook and I love to learn all the cooking tips but the problem is my vacation is got over. My vacation days was fantastic. I was always with my friends and I do not find anytime for learning cooking but I learned, the role of friends to make the days a wonderful one
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• Bahawalpur, Pakistan
7 Jul 12
Waaaoooooooo..... I really admire this fact beacuse my younger sister is also on vacation and She is also busy for the whole day from morning breakfast to night dinnner, very little time she spends in other activity, She is very sad about the cancelation of her trip to a hill station from her school, So Enjoy you Holidays with your loving family, Thanks.
@Dassodils (2010)
• India
10 Jul 12
Oh please tell her that to don't worry.. my best wishes..
@unicornz (24)
• India
9 Jul 12
wao.. what you learn to cook.. i think you can make at least two three delicious food. waiting for your recipe.
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
12 Jul 12
I learned to cook the all types of dishes..Main recipe that I mainly studied are that Chicken and fish curries.. :)
• Philippines
7 Jul 12
that is good to hear that there is someone who is always mostly stuck in the kitchen. When I started my summer vacation, my mom was busy with business things so I was in charge of handling groceries and the food. My mom said I was a good cook so she trusted me in preparing meals for our family. I will never forget that summer vacation. I felt like i have contributed to my family in my own little way :)
@Dassodils (2010)
• India
10 Jul 12
Ya..I was getting the same feeling..I felt very satisfaction on that time... :)
@anex08 (868)
• Philippines
7 Jul 12
Well, that's a great vacation! meaning you have done it in the most productive ways. You have served and help out your mom and your sister. You've done a great job. You know, things will become much easier if anyone is willing to lend a hand out and help.
@Dassodils (2010)
• India
9 Jul 12
ya..But in my case,there had no one to give me a hand for helping me or appreciating me.. :(
@allknowing (132070)
• India
6 Jul 12
Kitchen it is for everyone I suppose, specially for those on whom everyone else around depends for their survival! You are indeed an asset around and if you have enjoyed what you have been doing that could be the best way to spend one's vacation
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
6 Jul 12
Now I entered in to my studies..Because of kitchen work,I didn't got time to relax.. :(
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5 Jul 12
your same like my mother he always on the kitchen and very interest for cooking anything, tank,s to for my mother she is presented all the best for me
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
6 Jul 12
Best wishes for you and your mother..May god bless you..
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• United States
6 Jul 12
hi dassodils! this is an interesting discussion..i think a lot of women (and some men) go through this...when i was a younger woman i used to feel frustrated that i spent all my time in the kitchen cooking and cleaning during holidays with special guests and didn't get to spend time visiting...but then i learned to really enjoy cooking and wanted to make special efforts with the food to make the guests happy and that was fun...now that i work at home, my studio is part of my very large kitchen and i enjoy that because while my paintings dry i can cook things, or while things are cooking i can paint! and my studio kitchen is adjoined to mr. psychoartist's study where he is working so it is all very nice! i hope you have whatever kind of vacation you want next time dassodils!
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
9 Jul 12
Oh..You are a great person..Nice to know about your vacation..Thanks
• India
6 Jul 12
Oh that's great. I'm sure while you spend vacations you might learn few new dishes. Make a list of that and post article on directories. You will find it very interesting.
@Dassodils (2010)
• India
6 Jul 12
Nice thought..Thank you..
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• China
7 Jul 12
When I was in the university, I stayed in the kitchen every noon during my summer vacation as my parents have no time to prepare lunch. That's very good time for me and that I can take care of my family. Now I'm work in another city which is far away from my hometown, I still usually stay in the kitchen but just for myself but not the family again.
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
10 Jul 12
Oh so you miss your family..Right??? Sad to know that.. try to reach there soon and stay some days with them happily... :)