How do consider a Friend if he/she is really a friend?

My Friend - Picture taken from free Google pictures. I chose this picture because it shows a heart with a my friend in it. I consider my friends close to my heart and I consider them as a family. My family is my friends and I will keep them in my heart forever.
July 21, 2012 8:30pm CST
Friends come and go for me. I don't really have so many close ones as I stick to family. I have this quote that "Friends come and go and Family stays forever." I have experienced having friends who after using you for what they need and you helping them out, they abandon you. Since I was a kid I have friends that quite disappoint me and left me to be with another. I am a good friend but they rather choose popularity or money rather than real friendship. Ever since I came to gain and lose friends quickly than in keeping them. I don't mind though now that I am an adult. I just think it's their lost not mine. I stick close to my family. They are who I consider my true and real friends. I do have friends but I don't mind now if they have other friends beside me. I just know they are there and we keep in touch every now and then. What about you, how do you consider if that person you know as a friend is truly a friend?
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6 responses
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
23 Jul 12
I have real friends that I can say true by heart. I have been through one of my down moments and they never let me down. They are always on my side and I don't need to say a word- and they feel what i feel. They understand what I need and what I am going through. Since then, I have proved that they the kind of friends that you do not need to say a word- but they are sensitive to read what's on my mind.
@seiya87 (16)
• Philippines
23 Jul 12
I consider a person a true friend if that person sticks with you not just when you're up and cheerful but also when you're down. A true friend means setting aside his/her schedule for the day just to spend time listening to your complaints and occasionally throwing funny jokes just to make you feel better.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
22 Jul 12
I believe that a true friend will always there for you in any circumstance or situation. A true friend will have your best interests at heart as well. A true friend ios someome that you can always count on and want by your side no matter what trials in life may be.
@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
22 Jul 12
Hello p3, I have lot of friends who are nice to me yes there are few people who try to be your friend but in reality they are not the friends they just want to take advantage of yours.One need to recognize such people and strike them out of the friend list yes i know its a bit tough task but then it's life and we find all sort of people in the world.
• United States
22 Jul 12
in my experience, more friends are there when you have money but only few remain when you are in trouble. I'm glad i found one that i consider true and real friend.
@doronk69 (91)
• Israel
22 Jul 12
I can see what you mean. To test my friends I told them lies about me being a bad person with problems with the law and the bad guys. Around 70% of my friends decided that they don't wanna be my friends anymore.. The ones that left are my true and loyal friends.