having a home delivery

August 30, 2012 8:25am CST
Given the choice would you choose to have your baby at home or in hospital? I had myu first in hospital and it was scarey. It was a military hospital and the midwives were soldiers and not sympathetic at all. I was sedated and I hardly remember the event. My second baby was born at home and the midwife was one year older than I (I was 22) and it was her first solo delivery. I felt in control of myself, my baby and the labour. The midwife did a good job although she was nervous. Personally if there is no problem anticipated I would choose to have my baby in my own surroundings.I think it is more natural than going into hospital.
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14 responses
@jureathome (5361)
• Philippines
30 Aug 12
I don't know about having a baby in the house. I delivered both babies in the hospital, and the same hospital with the same doctor, at that. I feel that the hospital is more equipped with all facilities and medicines that may be needed in the operation. Perhaps, its fine if your delivery is all normal, and the midwife is pretty confident you wouldn't need any special treatment or surgery.
• Greece
30 Aug 12
It used to be common practice in England to have a baby at home, I suppose there weren't the same facilities in those days. I did not have a choice in the matter. So many babies are C-section births too these days. I still prefer the old fashioned way.
• Philippines
30 Aug 12
I think so, too. Before, it was more convenient for midwives to go to the patient's house and deliver the baby there. But, now, most pregnant women would prefer going to the hospital where they get all the care and assistance they need. I think in far off provinces here in our country, home delivery is still in practice.
• Philippines
30 Aug 12
Oh my, that's a really big baby, especially for you. I wonder how long labor was and how many attempts at pushing your baby out you made before he finally came.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
30 Aug 12
Wouldn't that be even scarier? Although hospitals are horrible people there are prepared to what might happen to the woman while at home if something happens the woman will go through all the way to the hospital. It seems to be so painful this home delivery.
• Greece
31 Aug 12
Thank you for all your comments, it is a subject close to our hearts. I recently read 'Call the Midwife by Jennifer Worth and it is all about home deliveries in London in the 1950s. It's well worth reading, or seeing the film. It is a piece of medical history now but the book is written by a midwife and based on true cases.
@kaka135 (14918)
• Malaysia
3 Oct 12
I just gave birth to my second baby three months ago, and when I was pregnant, some friends recommend me to try home delivery. Frankly speaking, I do not dare to do so, though I have heard from my friends how wonderful the feeling is, and as you said, it's more natural. My first baby was emergency c-section, as his size is too big for my body frame. I also anticipated my second baby would be the same, because her size was even bigger than her brother. I do not have the confidence to have home delivery, and my experience in the hospital is pretty good.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
30 Aug 12
I'm surprised that you would let somebody barely had any experiences to deliever your baby... I'm glad that things went well! Congrats! I just had a baby at home, it is my second baby and I was kind of worried to have done it at home but at the end when I started going in labor, I felt everything was in my control according to the instructions to my midwife, I felt more comfortable to do it at home than in the hospital a lot!
• Greece
10 Sep 12
Midwives need to have the experience of delivery on their own and they have to start somewhere. I wasn't given any choice but it was a long while ago when we all simply took the doctor's word for it.
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
This is a very nice topic cause I can relate to this. I had my second child delivered at home. A t first the idea of home birth was really scary but I weighed the pros and cons and I decided to do it at home. I was really cautious. I did all my check-ups and ultrasound when I was still pregnant so that I can see if there wont be any problem on the delivery. I trusted my delivery with a licensed nurse and I had a service ready if in case something happened. The delivery was a success without any complications. Now my son is one and seven months old. I was glad I made that choice because not only was I comfortable in my own home, it was really a lot less stressful. :)
@kemak28 (724)
• United States
25 Sep 12
In the hospital for sure. There is no way I would have a baby at home. Its way too risky.
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
31 Aug 12
Given all the resources, I will prefer to let my wife give birth to the hospital. It would my my out-most priority to have my wife and the baby safe. I would do everything on my power to make sure that they both have a better chance of life. Pardon me if I don't like the idea of giving birth at home.
• India
1 Sep 12
well we have three kids, the eldest is 46 now, my wife gave birth to all in home assisted by a trained midwife, but my daughter in laws, daughter gave birth in hospital by CS only,the doctors scare you so much, like the baby is in wrong position etc etc So you go for cs only.. all that they need money lol.
• Philippines
31 Aug 12
That's a little tricky. But if I'm going to have a baby, I'd prefer the hospital since I actually feel safer there contrary to having the baby delivered by a midwife. I'd feel more at ease around competent doctors in a hospital with good reputation of course. My mom had both my brother and I at her home with a midwife and turned out okay.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
2 Sep 12
My Photo on my very first passport - This was taken for my passport when I was about 6 months old
I live in the city and so I had all my babies delivered in the hospital because it is the safest way to have them. We might not be aware of some complications that could arise during delivery, so it is much better to be in a fully-equipped hospital than to give birth at home under the care of just a midwife.
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
2 Sep 12
I preferred to deliver the baby in the hospital because it more clean and i feel secured. My husband and I both nurses and we knew how to deliver baby we always consider the safety and health of the mother and baby then for us hospital is the better place. Although both of us had an experienced to help the laboring women to deliver her baby in her house everything went well and they both healthy and safe because we made sure that everything was clean and germs free..
• India
30 Aug 12
Hi friend, good to hear you give birth to your second baby in your home, as you mentioned your first baby was born in a military hospital and you are not comfortable with it, you like giving birth in your home without the hospital situation and you are blessed to fulfill your dream
@daisy777 (214)
• South Africa
18 Sep 12
I had quite a pleasant hospital delivery with both my children, so I would opt for a hospital delivery again.
@fatlex06 (895)
• Philippines
30 Aug 12
I would definitely give birth to a hospital. It's much better there than at home because they have a complete facility and things that are needed for giving birth. But I am still young. I have to wait for a bit more. :)