A Female Stranger Walks by with a Red Blotch on her White Pants....

@Jshean20 (14348)
September 2, 2012 5:21pm CST
Today I observed a woman in the mall that I felt bad for, as she was walking around with a huge red stain on her WHITE pants. You could clearly tell by the look on her face that she was aware that her monthly friend had made an untimely arrival and that everyone in the mall was looking at her stained pants as she walked by. I felt bad and wished that I had a sweater to offer for her to tie around her waist but I didn't, I can't imagine how embarrassing this must've been. Could I have done anything to help her really? Besides offering a tampon or pad of course? Have you ever been in an embarrassing situation like this? Thanks for commenting.
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7 responses
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
2 Sep 12
I might have went into one of the stores, bought another pair of pants cheap and asked the saleslady if I could go into the dressing room and wear those as I had an "accident" of the monthly kind. After I had purchased them of course. It is an idea, hopefully I would have had some extra $ on me and it might have saved myself some royal embarassment. However waiting on line to buy the, might have been on ordeal in itself as well as more stares would have occured. This is an unfortunate incident. I dunno if you could have offered her any help but I know alot of people would if they could.
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
2 Sep 12
I could tell that this lady was making her way to the exit, she wasn't wasting any time anywhere she just wanted to get out of there. Hopefully it didn't ruin her weekend completely.
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• Philippines
3 Sep 12
Poor lady, I also feel bad for her. I had been on similar situations a few times before. I used to wear an all-white uniform during my school days, so whenever my monthly friend came unexpectedly, it would create an obvious red blotch on my skirt. Luckily, during those times, I was with my friends so they would walk closely behind me toward the toilet so that my stained skirt wouldn't be seen by other people. We were all so paranoid with this unexpected guest that we would always ask each other to check out each others' skirts if they have stain.
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
4 Sep 12
Oh wow, I would've hated having to wear a white uniform all the time as this doesn't seem fair to the females. I probably would've been so paranoid that I'd be wearing a tampon daily which is not good either.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
5 Sep 12
I cannot stand the feeling of a pad. I used to wear them all throughout highschool and finally decided to try tampons, I'll never go back! I do however wear both a pad and a tampon to bed at night during heavy times, just for the extra coverage.
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
Yeah, it's difficult to wear white all the time. Other classmates even suggest wearing diapers so that when their monthly flow gets too heavy, they wouldn't have to worry about staining their skirt. Tampons by the way aren't very popular in our country.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
3 Sep 12
I have been in that situation once, but I was much luckier than that woman. Instead of white pants I was wearing a patchwork skirt that consisted of lots of different colours and patterns and the red spot on my skirt almost looked like a part of the pattern and I am pretty sure that almost no one noticed the blood on my skirt, but of course I still didn't feel comfortable walking around that way so I went straight back to my home and changed my clothes. I feel bad for the woman that you saw, it is embarrasing to walk around with a red spot on your white pants and I would have offered her my sweater or something else to tie around her waist if I had something.
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
4 Sep 12
You are so lucky that you were wearing something like that during that time. I find as I'm getting older, my period is becoming less predicatable so if I'm wearing a light color I will wear a tampon even if my period isn't due for awhile, I'd rather be safe than sorry!
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
2 Sep 12
There are way more women in this world as there are men and they all have their period most of the time unexpected. So why feel bad for her? Embarrising this is only if you feel like that and most of the times others make you feel that way.
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
2 Sep 12
Just putting myself in her shoes I would've felt so embarrassed regardless if it was mostly women who witnessed the ordeal.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
2 Sep 12
This is a very embarassing moment that I hope I will never experience! If I had this problem, I would have definitely bought a new pair of pants from the cheapest store that I could find and I would go to the bathroom to change. Alternatively, I would buy a scarf to put it around my waist and cover the stain and I would go straigth to my home. It was unfortunate for her to wear white pants on that day and I am sure that se regreted it afterwards.
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
2 Sep 12
You could tell that she just wanted to get out of site from everyone, she was walking very quickly towards an exit. I wonder if her period showed up unexpectedly, surely she wouldn't have worn white pants if she knew it was coming.
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@BabyCheetah (1911)
• Australia
3 Sep 12
I had this happen once when I was in high school. I was on my way home though and lucky my pants were nave blue and I had a jumper to tie around me. It was just unusually heavier than what I usually got it was so horrible. This poor woman I couldn't imagine. This is why I never wear white pants
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
4 Sep 12
I can't imagine having that happen either. I've also had this happen to me but it was never when I was in the view of people walking directly behind me.
• United States
4 Sep 12
Yikes, I think all women can sympathize for this lady. But if she was in the mall, couldn't she have gone into a store to buy new pants or a jacket? There's not much to do but cover up the pants. A red blotch surely sticks out like a sore thumb on anything white. Before I started birth control my period was irregular and I would go months and months without having one and then out of nowhere I'd get it. I was always so self conscious if it ever got through and stained my clothes and I would make sure to go to the bathroom often to make sure it wasn't leaking through. Those kind of things are definitely embarrassing and I would never want to be out in public and have that sort of accident.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
5 Sep 12
She could've gone into a store but I think her goal was to get out of the mall as quickly as possible at that point, spending time in a store would've just drawn more attention and she just wanted out of there!