What a foolish girl !!!

@ryanong (9665)
September 6, 2012 11:14pm CST
I just read a news in here, there is a girl whose boy friend supposed to get married in the end of this year. She has not much money for her wedding so that she decided to sell xxx to earn money from that. Unfortunately, she is caught by polices and she has to stay in a rehabilitation camp for 9 months. In the news, her boyfriend went to visited her in the rehabilitation camp but he didn't mention about the wedding anymore.. She is too foolish, i think. Why she did have that decision, just because she wanted to have money for her wedding...It is incredible!!!
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18 responses
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
This is one of the reasons why wedding party isn't important for me, whats the matter most is the vows between couple that make the marriage is sacred and legal in front of God. It's going to be a long response I guess...are you ready to read my long boring response? lol ... I still carry on the free coffee discussion hahaha. I would blame the mindset that wedding party is the most essential thing in a wedding, many people says that wedding day is the day where the bride and the groom treated as the king and the queen of the day, that is why many people try to make a fabulous wedding party. I personally dont know anyone who is selling her body to earn money for her wedding party but I know some girls who are in debt to pay the big wedding party because they think big wedding party is important in their life. Im not against anyone who wanted to held a bigwedding party, anyway it is up to them what kind of the party they want, but if they cannot afford a big party better they held small wedding party. Having small wedding party doesnt mean the marriage is less sacred than bigger wedding party. The foundation of marriage is not lies on the wedding party but the commitment itself, many people forgot the essential of marriage and focusing more on something like wedding party, gown, etc. I dont know who is the girl so Im not gonna judging her at all because I think there are many factors that led the girl did that foolish thing although her fault took the biggest part because she was the one who make the decision. What I mean by many factors for example is her society...how is her society? does she live in a society where people would look down on her if she doesnt have a big wedding party? If thats the case she should not listen to what people's say about her and her wedding, it is her wedding anyway not other people's wedding. other thing, Im not blaming the guy but dont they have conversation about their wedding plan? why only left it to the girl's responsibility. I think when a couple decide that they will get married they should talk about everything, the party, the budget, the live after marriage.
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@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
7 Sep 12
I have the same thinking like you, fashionfever. yep, there are many couples full in debt after their wedding because they didn't have much money but they are showy types, they borrowed money, had a big big wedding, went to expensive places for honey moon and then they may take years to work, earn money to pay their debt, it is totally crazy!!! I rather don't have a wedding, just go somewhere nearby for honey moon and preparing money for having kids later...i don't want throw money via wedding if i don't have much money... About that girl, after reading that news, i have nothing to say about her more, she is crazy, if i were a man, i would not marry that girl who could sell her body to get money just because of crazy reason like that.
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@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
7 Sep 12
oh, your friend is "crazy" also...and now she has to borrow money her daily needs, work hard to save more money for paying a debt, just for what? for 1 day in a big wedding? it is totally not worth. Hmmm, why they don't think everything simply a bit to have wedding then they won't suffer hard time later..
1 person likes this
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
Yes, she is crazy and hopefully she learns her lesson well. usually a couple who is planning for marriage will get a marriage counseling in church or by the elderly (like parents or older people), they will be told that the best marriage is not about the party. Sure, she should be blamed for what she did and Im nor surprised her boyfriend decided to broke the engagement. That's so shame not humiliating not only herself but her own family. We should not pay following the stereotype of society who worshiping money and luxury above everything. I have friend who had a big wedding but then after the wedding she is in debt, and she always borrows money from people for her daily needs. She had a big wedding in the name of pride, because she said she is ashamed of her neighborhood if she couldn't throw a big wedding.
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
what the meaning sell xxx?? what is xxx?? i don`t get your point maybe you are too much drinking coffee and you are drunk because of the coffee??
2 people like this
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
Actually - I'm confused with the xxx too
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
how do you know ryanong?? does it happens in Vietnam??
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
Seriously you guys dont know what's the meaning of this xxx thing? or do you guys pretending innocent?
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• India
7 Sep 12
i don't know what is 'xxx', but guess it is something bad, she should not have done for the sake of money, she is foolish i agree thanks for sharing in details
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
it makes many people curious about the meaning xxx
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
you should treat us because you confuse many people here
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@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
7 Sep 12
Just 2 of you...
• India
7 Sep 12
Hi friend, sad to hear about this girls story, really her decision is very foolish and changed her life, her way is very wrong, she can try to earn money in a good way, however past is past, now the girls stage is really very pity
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
yeah..you are good man vidhya.. you are touched her story...
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@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
8 Sep 12
umh..i am not generous like vidhyaprakash does, i pity her bf only, she is too crazy with money then she sold her soul to devil to earn money by that way.
• India
8 Sep 12
There is no need to feel pity for her bf, simply he will find another girl and have a nice life with her, but the girl's life is very misery, she lost every thing due to her wrong decision
@Juliyan23 (600)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
what is xxx?:D Well, I must say - the dumber is the boyfriend. How could he couldn't notice their budget for wedding - and let the girl "did the rest" for that? He should make sure the girl to not worry about anything which it is the obligatory stuff for him . The one who couldn't or just doesn't want to do that is a coward / lazy man, trying to pamper to his woman The man should ask an apologize on his behave that made the girl so desperate and wanted to sell anything just to make their dream comes true. Why the boy didn't seem to feel guilty at all ? anyway, have a wonderful day , Ryanong
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@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
7 Sep 12
She lived in hanoi and her bf lives in another city. He didnt know about what she did till he knows she is in the rehabilitation camp. I don't think the man's fault... Dupremo is right, he did the best to visit her already.
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@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
7 Sep 12
I know in some place, when a couple married, a man family has to pay all money for anything related to the wedding including for a woman side. But in here it is not like that. A man family just give presents and a little money to a woman family in their engagement. When having a wedding, a man family should pay much more money than that of a woman family. When read that news, i don't think a bf's fault because if she doesn't much money, they can have a small wedding. Even she doesn't have any money, she just speak out to a man, then they can arrange how their wedding is. not just hide a bf and then did bad thing like that. If say because of money, it is not a right reason...
1 person likes this
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
well, honestly I just said based on the information that I took from the discussion . I don't know what the exactly happened , so I am sorry if I said something wrong . I don't know if the boy did best - but I still wonder why the girl still worry about the financial then?
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• Kenya
7 Sep 12
yes but we do foolish things from time to time and her only mistake is being too in love to reason well and got herself in that situation, the good thing about this situation is that she got to see the other face of her boyfriend before she committed herself to him. 9 months is a short time and hopefully she will get over that boyfriend who is not worth of her love. All the best to her.
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
wow..so it means the girl want everyone can attend to her marriage and she must be lucky one because she have a great wedding party..right?
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
7 Sep 12
well, she is crazy...i don't think a man fault because in here when preparing a weeding, a girl family never take all responsibility for the wedding at all. That girl just wants to have much money and have big big wedding so that she did like that..poor her but if i were a man, i would not marry a girl who could sell her body to get money.
• Kenya
7 Sep 12
Ok now I get the full picture, so sad to have to stoop to that low for a big wedding. I hope that she has learnt her lesson and will not do so in the future and I see why the guy don't want to marry her now.
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@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
8 Sep 12
Ryan, it is a very sad story. The girl is too desperate until willing to take such a foolish action. I think by now, the girl should be regret for what she had done since her boyfriend not willing to accept it as well. I think it is always wise to think twice before decide to do anything in our life. Life is too precious to be abandon that way.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
8 Sep 12
yes, 9 months in a camp, she has much time to think of all what she did and for sure she regrets it. I hope it is a good lesson for her and she should think carefully before doing something later.
• China
9 Sep 12
Yes really foolish! If she has no enough money to get married, I think it would be more wiseful to tell this to her boyfriend and they can think about how to solve problem together. She don't cherish herself at all.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
10 Sep 12
Yeah, you are right. If she thought carefully and spoke out with her bf and family, then she would not lose everything and stay in a camp like right now.
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
7 Sep 12
Yes it was very stupid of her to think about that. A wedding is the most important even in almost all women's life. It's something that's so special they would go through all sorts of things just to have a great wedding to remember by. Some do that to make their friend's jealous. Others just want to be happy on that very special day by spending all of their hard earned money. I guess that girl just wants to have a grand wedding ceremony. Just like most of the brides to be.
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@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
7 Sep 12
Umh..i don't understand. If they don't have much money for a big wedding then they can have a small wedding. The most important thing is they can live in happiness forever, the big or small wedding doesn't effect on their life later. She is too foolish, hix hix..i regret for her.
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@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
8 Sep 12
It is a big world and there are 7 billion people living on it, it is impossible to know everyone but I am sure that every second there happen such things which will make us sad. I feel pity for the girl but at the same time hate her because she gave up. Then again I think that everyone have their own life and I don't care what others do with their life because no body really cares about the others in this world.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
8 Sep 12
Well, we can care each other but whatever we do, we have to face to the result ourselves even though it is good or bad. And in that girl case, she had to got a sad ending...because of her big mistake. If she thought carefully and really respected her bf, she would not do stupid thing like that...
• India
8 Sep 12
Yes you are right, if she had respect for her boy friend then she should not have done that. I never heard this kind of case before. The boy friend should have understood the situation well before and should have acted accordingly to save her from this stupid mistake. If there is a good understanding in the couple then such things never happen.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
12 Sep 12
This is the first time i heard about this story. yes, i agree with you, if both of them do share and understand each other more then it wouldn't happen. But in here i think it is a woman fault, she did it, no one else...
• India
7 Sep 12
Many of us people take many foolish decisions in our life. Like that it is a utter foolish decision taken by a girl. If she tried at her best she can surely find many other way to get some money for her needs but this is really a very bad way. Such stories or such news tells us the importance of thinking twice or thrice more about a decision which we take in our life. So try to take the best decisions in your life. All the best.
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
why the girl didn`t discuss the serious problem with her boyfriend??
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@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
8 Sep 12
I have the same opinion...
• India
8 Sep 12
Each of us people had different opinions and different ways to do a thing and it changes from person to person but I am damn sure that the girl took a very bad decision.
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
7 Sep 12
I think she is selfish, she hurt the people. She needs to be serious in life. Now, she needs to face the consequences.
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@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
8 Sep 12
Well, there are many ways to earn money. With a woman, it is the worst when she earns money by selling her body as what a pros. does...
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
7 Sep 12
Yes, i agree with you too. Before doing that thing she should think of many things else, not just because of money...
7 Sep 12
unfortunately she was forced to do all that, to me her boy friend need to anticipate her intention and love for him
• Italy
7 Sep 12
OMG!! That's horrible, i had heard people say crazy things when they are in love, but she did not do that for love, she did that for money for wedding. Money isn't that important, as long as you have your loved one.
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@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
7 Sep 12
Yes, you are right, the most important is we have our loved one, not a big wedding or money...And now she has to get a bad result. Sorry that girl, If i were in her bf, i would not get married with her...
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• Philippines
7 Sep 12
uh oh.. i think it is not a desperate move.. rather, it is a very stupid act. Well, there isn't really such a thing as "easy money"....If they wanted to get married, they should have prepared earlier.getting married..is really expensive, but the wedding is just a ceremony.. It could be simple, that she didn't have to do such "idiotic" act.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
8 Sep 12
You are right, we can choose to do a small ceremony if we don't have much money for a wedding. If that girl could think carefully before she does something then no bad thing happened...
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
10 Sep 12
If a couple wish to get married but they haven't enough money they could have a small and cheap wedding. I watch a television program about saving money and it featured a couple that have spent the four thousand pounds given to them for their wedding. Mrs Money Penny told them to arrange their wedding in three weeks time for just two hundred pounds. They made their own decorations and instead of presents asked the guests to bring food and drink to the wedding reception. The lady was very silly to do that and now she is in a rehabilitation camp alone. I guess their wedding plans are off.
• Philippines
7 Sep 12
I feel sorry for the girl. I think her intentions are good but the way she did it is not wise enough. She should have consulted it to her boyfriend first before doing something illegal. If she only sell something which is not illegal, then it will be good for her. I hope that boyfriend will marry the girl.
@fatlex06 (895)
• Philippines
7 Sep 12
Oh my. Is this true? I think she must be very desperate to have the ideal wedding that she's been dreaming. A luxurious wedding won't work if one did bad thing to the other. A simple wedding would do I think. But, it's already done. We can't do anything about that. I just pity the girl. I think she's having a hard time right now, because of what she did and because her boyfriend isn't gonna marry her anymore. This is really absurd. Tsk tsk. I hope she'll get over with this soon.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
8 Sep 12
Yes, it is a real story in here.. ya, if she thought of a simple wedding, then she would not got this trap...i pity her bf
• Singapore
7 Sep 12
I guess the girl wants a memorable wedding especially with someone she loves.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
8 Sep 12
We wants many things...but we should know what is right thing to do..she is crazy when choose that way to earn money...if i were in her bf, i would never tolerate her