I am over a 1.00 now

@Pegasus72 (1898)
September 13, 2012 9:34am CST
Ok I think I am getting the hang of this whole mylot thing. Although I don't have many friends yet I am gaining each week, and trying to keep up with reading and commenting on others posts. If anyone can give me some pointers how to increase my productiveness here in the making money part would be awesome. At a 1.01 and climbing.
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5 responses
@Tina30219 (81559)
• Onaway, Michigan
13 Sep 12
You are doing good.Keep on posting you will get up there. The sad part for me is now that I have earned enough for payout here once they take it for my payout I will be down to the beginning again but once that happens I would like to see how long it takes me to get back to the minimum payout again from the time they took the payout.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
13 Sep 12
I am always saddened when I see users listening to instructions concerning the use of myLot that other members on other sites dish out - because so often theyhave got it totally wrong. Now that you have spent time commenting youwill see for yourself whether it is worth it or not when earnings update. Surely it stands to reason that if myLot is a discussions ite, and we had comments which turn topics into discussions, that we get paid for doing so? In the FAQs myLot tell us: "[i]Use myLot, post discussions, respond to discussions, comment on discussions, or perform searches. Post quality content. For example, generate discussions that engage other users and provide insightful responses and comments to other users discussions to further the topic[/i]" http://www.mylot.com/o/faq/faq6.aspx#14 Once you know that you were given incorrect information, you can go and inform 'someone on Gather' that they are hindering rather than helping
@Tina30219 (81559)
• Onaway, Michigan
13 Sep 12
It sure would. I will definitely keep you posted. I heard as long as you are active and try to keep your post to a certain length don't make them to short and doing the tasks and using the search are also a few things I was told about that would help with your earnings on here.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
13 Sep 12
That would be good to know. Make sure you keep me posted on that. I got some great tips from other mylotters just waiting to see if they pan out or not. I wasn't responding to my discussions because someone on Gather told me that you don't get paid for responding back, so time will tell if this will make a difference or not.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
13 Sep 12
To be able to help you get more out of the time that you spend here, I went to your profile and there, alas, it was as I feared. MyLot is a discussion site (not a question and answer site). I see that, with this one, you have started 3 topics for discussion and they have received responses but you have not gone back and commented to those who respond. You do not earn for what other people post. You do not earn for those responses. The people who posted them have earnt for them. When you start a topic YOU earn when youg o and comment to the responses, adding something which furthers the topic and making it into a discussion. It is never too late to do that so you can go back and do that right now. The second thing that shows is your star, which is very low. You should concentrate on making quality posts so that others will give you plus ratings and get it moving upwards. Then yousill see your earnings increase too. Off you go. Don't worry about just responding. Get busy discussing with comments because that is what makes a discussion and that is what we earn for here
@Pegasus72 (1898)
13 Sep 12
You said plus rating, but how can I rate others? I don't understand how to do that. As for commenting back that takes me a bit with having 6 kids but will try to do it more often and see where it takes me. Thank you for the tips, and hope to see you around more often.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
13 Sep 12
You will see me around a lot if you are in the same places that I am Concentrate first on commenting back to those who respond on your dicsussions and then, when you have done that, go back to responding on other topics. There are +/- signs beside each post. You should rate those posts with a plus if you think that they are worthwhile and add something to the discussion. Only use the negative rating if something is really bad, like abuse or spamming. Basically do unto others in the same way that you hope they are doing to you. MyLot explain it here: http://www.mylot.com/o/faq/faq17.aspx
@Pegasus72 (1898)
13 Sep 12
Thank you that is great to know. Just so you know I have responded to all of my comments as of right now. You have been a tremendous help. Thank you.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
22 Sep 12
Congratulations for reaching your first dollar mile stone. The best way to earn on here is to leave long and meaningful responses. Never leave a response that is less than 4 lines long. 4 Lines seems to be the key.
@ASHUDEEP (1774)
• India
13 Sep 12
HI friend i am really happy to know that you cross 1$ and it is good if you keep to do work like this and to earn more and i think you have to be earn money in all ways you earn in mylot like as you mention you are taking participation's in discussions so friend their are other ways also to earn more and best way is tasks that really help to boost earnings and getting active referrals is also good and we earn more if our post is full of quality so friend please give attention towards quality and best of luck from me hopes you earn more and more.
@ASHUDEEP (1774)
• India
13 Sep 12
yes friend tasks are great way to earn hopes that you are able to earn good from tasks .
@Pegasus72 (1898)
13 Sep 12
Thank you looking forward to checking it out thank you for letting me know about it. If we are not already friends and you would like to add me I would really like that.
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@Pegasus72 (1898)
13 Sep 12
Thank you for telling me about tasks will look more into that in the next few weeks to see if I can figure it out thank you for another great tip, will work on better discussions and getting back to others sooner.
1 person likes this
• India
23 Sep 12
Great! I was at $0 when I joined myLot last month. Today I stand at $10.11. Looking forward to getting paid next month. Others have already given you advices as to how you can earn more. I'd just like to add that from now on use myLot search engine only. I've stopped using any other search engine now. I only use myLot searches. From time to time I receive rewards for using it. Since I joined last month, I've received 18 rewards so far, the accumulated total of them is $3.34. So you see about 30% of my earnings come from searches. Thus, I advice you to use myLot search engines more often apart from participating in responses and discussions. The fact that you'll be rewarded for using the search engine is clearly mentioned here: http://www.mylot.com/o/faq/faq24.aspx#3 Good day!