I hate pessimistic person

@bulastika (5966)
September 25, 2012 10:08pm CST
I'm really frustrated right now. I hate pessimistic person. Right now I'm thinking many things on how to make a living or how to open business online as I really need source of income. Problem is that instead of encouragement what I only hear is all about negative things about online business. The funny thing is that they don't even know anything about online. They don't even know how to open a facebook account but when they give their opinion as if they know every thing about online business and how bad online business is. Ironic is it not?
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18 responses
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
If you become successful or not, it's none of their businesses already. Putting up a business is a risk. If you are ready to take a risk, then go start your business right away. Don't mind these people. Online business is already trending now. Goodluck. I hope there will be no more pessimistic people around you in the future. Happy mylotting.
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
Wow, that's great to hear. Don't allow anyone to hinder your plans in life. You won't be successful if you will listen to them. They should mind their own business. Happy mylotting. Wish you luck in your business. :)
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
I started trading in forex right now and Invest 300 dollars. I hope that I can have 100,000 dollars capital in forex trading and earn 10,000 dollars a month. But that's remain to be seen. 300 dollars is a small capital but its going to be a good start if I really want to be successful in forex trading.
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
Hi Bulastika, It's better to ignore those people. Anyway, they don't know what they are saying because they haven't tried doing it. I have friend who succeed in online business. I also tried myself and it was fun and a good source of income. It's better than doing nothing at all and earn nothing as well.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
That's true. right now its so hard to find a job especially if you are getting old. that's why its very important that you know how to make a living online. Because at least you are at home and still make good money. I hope that in the long run I can make good earning also. I really need to make sure that we are going to be good in earning online just to prove that we are right and they are wrong.
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
Wether we like it or not, people will mainly focus on the negative side of things. Waiting for us to fail with what we want to do but when they see that you are right with your decision to do such things that's the time that they would shut up their big mouths.
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
Do not let yourself get influenced, because pessimistic people are everywhere. These are the person that has a high IQ in almost everything that when you ask the reason they do not bother to answer. Instead of giving you advice, they let you down because actually they do not know what they are talking about and avoid to get influenced from the way they think about life and you. Try to talk on people that will truly understand you, like us, here all the people in Mylot can give you some advises on what you are planning to do. Move away from them. Sometimes life is hard, like everything is hard from the beginning. I feel the same way at present and I think I am panicking, i do not know what to do but keep on trying and see what happens. Right now I am still reviewing some products and trying out transcription. Hopefully the result with my transcription job will be positive so that I will not lose hope, cross fingers. Are your friends an online person or not, because as you said they do not know how to open a Facebook account?
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
That must be really hard. Or maybe you stop talking about it there are your home since it makes you hate them rather than spending time talking. There are times I experience it at home, with my father. He is the critic but I am not enjoying what he says whenever he is against what I am doing.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
Problem is that you can close your eyes. You can close your mouth, you can even hold your breath but its hard to close your ears. I'm wondering why nature does not let us protect our ears. lols. Its hard not to get influence if you see those persons every day. They are not only my my online friends, we are living in the same house. lols.
@ladysakurax (1161)
• Canada
26 Sep 12
I think it has nothing to do with pessimistec people but rather ignorant people. It's only natural for them to say that because they have no clue what it is about. How you tried to get advices from people who have done that? I think you might get more encouragements from them.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
That's true. Its better to ask persons who are on online earning. But it seems right now I feel that those I know earn less than me. Right now I'm earning 100 dollars a month on average. I know its not much. as right now I need to earn at least 1,000 dollars a month to pay for the house rent, electricity, water, food in the table and maintenance medicine.
• Canada
26 Sep 12
Earning 100$ a month is not bad for a start. I wonder what you are offering. Just don't give up. You will earn some working experience in that and you will know what to change (add or remove things) to improve your business. Maybe is it because not many people are aware of your business? Could there be a way to increase the popularity? Don't give up! At least you are gaining something from it so it can only be positive. Good luck! :)
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
Run away from these people! As far as you can! It can get to you and their negativism can influence you. Go instead to like minded people. You know, come to think of it, most successful people did not start out with an attitude of "what if it won't work?" Classic story? Thomas Edison who failed (was that 99 times?) before he was able to come up with the light bulb. So, don't mind these negative people (stay away from them as I suggested because they're contagious) and just do your thing. We know better than them, right?
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
That's true. Problem is that if you are financially ruin you have no choice to stay. I guess I can do that once I'm financially stable. So right now what I need is a decent job, a decent savings and I can start living on my own. I'm hoping that this online business of mine will one day going to make me live a good life.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
Well, I certainly hope for the best for you. But, in the meantime that you're looking for a job, you can come here and earn some money. I gather that you live with your detractors. Continue hoping and looking for that job. If it means floating your resume to a hundred companies, by all means, do so. One of them is bound to call you sooner or later. I really wish you well.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
26 Sep 12
Having an online business is also one of my dreams bulastika. I am glad that you are also planning to have one. If you need my support, don't hesitate to tell me. I will do everything that I can. About those people who discouraging you, consider those as part of the game. Put them on the risks area for you to address in case those things really happen. Good luck to your business. This is the perfect time to start is because Christmas is coming. Have a nice day!
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
Thanks. Right now I'm prioritizing forex trading. I see good future in forex trading. Hope that I can have 100,000 dollars capital and earn 10,000 dollars monthly. If I can earn that much each month I'm sure I'm going to be happy with my earnings already. I just hope that I can make that much money in the long run. But right now I only have 300 dollars capital and earn 30 dollars a month on average.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
27 Sep 12
Wow! That is already good bulastika! I don't even know about forex trading. If I have time can you teach me also?
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
27 Sep 12
why don't you tell people that say that if you already haven't. you should just say "you don't know anything about online activities so why should i listen to you?". you know pessimism can be like a virus that spreads. people literally do it because others around them do it. yeah its actually funny that people would give advice when they don't even know anything about it. however, optimism can be the same way. it can be spread from one another like a virus as well. lastly i would like to tell you money can be made online because i have done so through many websites. an online business though would take quite a bit of money to start in order to profit. the exact same thing could be said for a business that isn't even online. i've heard from knowledgeable people that starting an online business requires at least $5,000 in order to get it off the ground so one could try and profit from it. it may be more now though since i heard this years ago.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
That's true. But sometimes you also want to put some reservation. Because if you fail then its going to boost their ego that they are right and you are wrong. I'm happy that right now I'm earning good and earning well in forex trading but still its not enough. My earning right now is just 10% of the amount I need in order to have a decent living.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
Well if you know their negative comments have no basis then just ignore them. Ask opinions from people who who have the authority to say this and that. Better listen to people who can give you useful tips whether it be positive or negative. And most of all do your own study and research if you are really interested to start that online business. You have to be fully equipped in all aspects before starting a business in order to succeed.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
28 Sep 12
That's true and you can get some good tips and advice also. Its really good if I succeed in this online business. Although its more like a dream than reality right now. Slowly but surely if every thing going to work fine I'm sure I will going to be successful.
@GemmaR (8517)
26 Sep 12
I am trying to set up my own business as well, and a lot of my family have been constantly telling me that there is no way that I will ever be able to make money because there are not enough people who would want me to write for them. However, I am now proving them wrong because I am making money online just as I had always planned to. It might be hard to listen to the pessimistic views, but it is important that you have to listen to them as you have to be prepared for all of the bad things that could happen to your business as well as the good things.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
That's good. I'm just wondering if its okay with you may I know how much you earn money online? I want to make sure that I can earn good amount of money in here. I know forex trading is the best way for me to earn right now but if theirs other online opportunity then why not right?
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
27 Sep 12
Hi Bulastika, Look at the positive side: if the people around you are pessimistic and you don't let them affect your plans, when you succeed they will have the biggest disappointment, and you, the biggest triumph . I say if you feel good about doing it, do it.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
That's is a big if. But if I failed then I only not loss my earning opportunity they also make their point that they are right. So get it? If I success they will only say congrats. But if you fail they will say lots of things that's what pessimistic person do. put you down and if you fell down they will going to stomp on you.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
That is also one reason why until now the supposed SPA Business that my sister in law and I planned to put up since last year could not push through. A lot would be telling that it is not a good choice for a business..blah blah blah! I mean a business is like a gamble. You wouldn't know if you will succeed or not unless you try putting it up. As with your online business, I don't think you would be spending a lot for that. Go with what you want you want. Do good and show them! Good Luck!
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
That's true. Business is a gamble. the more you want to earn the more you need to learn more about the business that you want to open but in the end even if you are earning good you can still fail from unforeseen event. That's why its very important that you know what you are doing in and out to be successful and weather some problem that will going to arise along the way.
@Rasniki09 (183)
26 Sep 12
Use that negative attitude as fuel to motivate you into accomplishing your goal. Some people are plain hateful and refuse to see anyone have anything good, so there only choice is to be mean and negative. I agree with most of the post though, you need to clean house and distance yourself from people that only wants to bring you down.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
My goal is set and I'm on target but the big question is can I be successful? Because its not about settings goal its about achieving goal. If I can't achieve my goal then I just going to end up losing money in forex trading and I'm going to end up feeling sorry for myself since they are right that I can't make it on forex trading online.
@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
26 Sep 12
We cannot avoid these kind of people, they're everywhere to shoot your dreams down. Just try hard not to mind their words, you know for yourself that they are not by all means knowledgeable in whatever they're saying. Just hear them in one ear, out in the other. Surround yourself with positive and supportive friends. You don't need them. Or you can challenge yourself to strive harder and to succeed to prove to these people that you can do anything you set your mind to. Good luck!
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
I do agree and I'm sure in few years time I can prove to them that I can earn good amount of money. I know I have big chance in making money online. I just need to make sure that I can do it. I know if I really want to make good earning I need to dedicate myself in order to be successful.
@cbarnst (13)
• United States
26 Sep 12
It certainly is. As soon as those doomsayers hear the word "business" they automatically think you're setting yourself up for failure. I'm sure you already know that starting a business online or offline is risky. However, there are plenty of resources to help you make your business a success. I hope you continue trying to open an online business, and wish you much luck and success.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
That's true and the best way to know if you are a failure or not is by starting a business because you can't say your business is good or bad unless you tried to open your own business and once you open your own business that's the time you can say that you are doing the right thing and you can become successful.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
I think those people who are trying to discourage you are just scared and jealous of what you might achieve in opening your own online shop! Go for it, make them more jealous, ignore their words! As long as you know what you're doing and how to avoid joy reservers and bogus buyers online, you will do great!
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
I guess that's true also. But same time I don't think so. Since its my family is so pessimistic. I think they just afraid of failures that they just don't want me to experience failures also. But I guess I'm adopted. Since I'm optimistic type of person and not like them that is pessimistic. lols.
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
Hi there, just don't mind them. They don't even have the right to comment or to give advice since you yourself said that they don't know much about online business. I heard many good things about online businesses and this is almost the trent nowadays as it does not require a place or a space. You can even start an online business at the comfort of your own home. What I also heard is that you have to have a good marketing strategies. My husband created a website for my father in law who is currently abroad. He is doing paintings and sketches as a part time job and really, having a website of his own where he can showcase his talent and skill has really help him to gain more customers.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
I guess you are right. But sometimes back in your mind if you fail then that mean they prove themselves right. I'm happy that some how right now I'm starting to earn few money in forex trading and this is my main goal right now to make good profit in forex trading. I hope that in few months I can earn good money enough to make me pay all my debts.
@ChinthyD (18)
26 Sep 12
Online business is not easy as you think. Its a very difficult thing. You must have courage and dedication for that. And a little bit of courage. Unless you are out of the game. But if you have all mentioned above you can earn many in doller bags, Because its the most profitable business in the world. There s no stop in here. Limitless. Just try it. You will definitely win.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
Right now I only earn 100 dollars a month but sometimes its can go down as low as 50 dollars only and can go up as high as 150 dollars. So Its really money in the bag the way you put it but its a chance that I'm willing to take and hope that I can master it.
• China
26 Sep 12
i think you can listen others' advices,but you must decide by yourself,if you try to do it,you can find the different results from it which you can't image,i think,you need to act,and don't pay attention on the pessimistic person .good luck!
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
I don't have problem listening but I guess my ears right now are now deaf because of this and that, etc, etc. I think I have more pressure coming from their mouth than pressure coming from doing online business right now. But still I don't surrender. I feel sorry to myself but I won't surrender.