i should have chosen that and not this...

@chiumee (850)
October 15, 2012 10:01pm CST
when i went to college, i was planning to take nursing course. but due to the drop of employment rate for nurses while physical therapy was booming then, i changed my mind to take physical therapy instead of nursing. nowadays, i'm doing things away from my field. business. i realize too that i should have chosen a course when i can be my own boss. that i can be good at managing my own business. i worked outside my country and under the management of too many bosses of course. as much as many of us hate pleasing our bosses while we are already stressed pleasing our clients/patients, i thought what would i have chosen then? but here i am now, doing my profession as my sideline, and having full time with different businesses.
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11 responses
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
17 Oct 12
I, too took up a course in College which was really not my choice. I wanted to be a medical doctor but took up Dentistry instead coz my mom discouraged me from taking up Medicine. I graduated with the title of DDM but never had the chance to pursue a career. Right after College I engaged myself with different businesses from working in a pharmacy to putting up my own businesses and just recently had been working online with various back office jobs as well as article writing, blogs and a lot more.
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
lucky you, still called doctor. i was once called a doctor for what valid reason i don't know. coz when i worked in egypt, they consider and call physical therapists (physiotherapist) as doctors. i only understand that in their language, physiotherapy is transliterated as natural medicine. i didn't feel the difference though. about your different businesses, i guess you have more rewards then when you are just sitting in your clinic doing consultations. have a nice day ahead.
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
oh, i forgot to call you Doctor. i hope you find yourself more active and fulfilling life in your businesses. happy mylotting, Doc.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
I didn't actually pursue my career in Dentistry. You can just call me Jenny.
• Philippines
17 Oct 12
Oh, I guess you still have some advantage. You're working full time and you have a sideline for an extra income. I guess not all people are blessed with that set up. I guess you can still study if you want to. However, you have to adjust your schedule and maybe you'll sacrifice your sideline for awhile while studying subjects related to business management. Goodluck and happy mylotting.
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
i guess so i will have to divide my time again. but i think i can. with just a few months of further studies, it will help me much in the future anyway. thank you!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
25 Oct 12
That's the spirit. Yes, you can do it for sure. Study while you can. It's one way to make our future greener and successful.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
17 Oct 12
When I was in high school, we had these tests we had to fill out to find your interests and because I had great motor skills, I was put down for office work. Well I was not interested in it and I never was that good at doing secretarial or stenographic work. I had a creative bent and would rather have written on my own rather then fill out forms, etc. But then if you could not take nursing or teaching, you were stuck then in office work. I was not good at house work, but when I got married I stopped working outside for home. Now I do a lot of writing, singing, and playing the piano, and I think maybe if I had taken creative courses, it might have worked better. At least I would have enjoyed myself more.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
18 Oct 12
I like writing and finding out things. I do take time to do my housework and everything else, because sitting at the computer all day drains your brain and also expands your behind. I certainly do not want to look like a good year blimp. The thing is that there were years I missed, because when I was told I was good at typing, I had to take the general program and that mean none of that extensive vocabulary that one usually gets in the academic stream. So then I had to learn on my own. And of course in a Scrabble game, my sons beat me because they went to university and knew all the difficult words
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
17 Oct 12
i can't say anything more than that. i just came back writing on mylot by the way. happy to be back too.
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@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
17 Oct 12
It is possible to be your own boss in any field but it is probably easier to start your own business in some fields compared to others. However, by starting your own business your focus would be probably different than if you are working for someone else.
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
17 Oct 12
i was advised by a client before, if i plan to go into business, i must have some knowledge how to handle it. at least i must get a crash course of accounting or management or the like. but i also believe, experience is one of the best teachers if not it.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
17 Oct 12
its a matter of decision at that time,dont feel repent or bad about it.just feel happy with what you choose and try to shape it well
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
i think i have shaped it well enough. i just didn't get the best benefit of shaping it well, that's why i asked myself like that. not so bad though, because i still received what i worked for. thanks for sharing.
@olliekobra1 (1825)
17 Oct 12
I think that we have all done a few things in life that we regret but the best thing is that we can always go back to college and retrain if we want to change out job. I am not particulary happy in my current role so i am also thinking about re-training.
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
with education, age doesn't matter. we are always learning and we should. to keep our minds sharp. afterall, no one else could help us maintain or improve our intelligence but ourselves. i'll count your suggestion in my plan list. thanks!
@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
16 Oct 12
Many times I find getting a job is just being in the right place at the right time. We can't go back and do it over, but I know many of us went to college and end up working in a different field like me. Good luck and whatever you choose its important to be happy as I tell my friends life is short.
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
yup, i didn't regret why i took my profession. not at all. i just want a new horizon opened in front of me. and i am enjoying it too. i can always go back to my profession if need arises. like i still receive clients who need therapy.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
14 Dec 12
hi, we can not go back the past so we should need to be a flexible one,i also graduated in a course where my third choice,but here i am,applying it to my work now,and because my parents are good business minded person i have learned from them on how to manage a business.
@prashu228 (37524)
• India
16 Oct 12
i too thought like this ,many times, when i was in college, but we cannot change what has happened, so better enjoy your work, or else try for something new if you are capable.
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
i already did. and i am enjoying a different atmosphere of where i am now. thanks God for all the opportunities in front of me.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
16 Oct 12
Hi chiume! My course is also in line with business but my present job deals with administration and supervision but not on business but on government officials. Although this job is not related in any way to my completed course, still I am trying to cope up with everything. I love my present job because this is about service to the people. I am also planning to enter into business but I want to achieve it together with my present job. Who would think that I will be able to get this job? If I had known it earlier, then perhaps I should have taken law or public administration. But no one can tell what our destiny is. So far the best that we can do is to do our best to perform well in our present job. The fact that we are hired on the particular job that we have right now, it only means that we are the perfect person for that job. Have a nice day!
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
flattering. yeah. i felt the same when i worked abroad. everyone was like looking up to me because the people there knew that i know a lot too. perhaps even a lot more than they do. so they kept asking and pointing me that i know better. but i ended up being squeezed till my last drop of blood for their own interests and benefits. so i learned it too, that i don't have to be the best at times. i just want to hit the minimum or at least the average, receive my salary at the end of the month, and keep myself and sanity on the go. staying out of stresses. thanks for sharing.
@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
16 Oct 12
We can never be sure of anything in life. Even if you chose something else, there's no assurance either that it will be fitting what you currently have now; you will also not be assured that it will make you happy. I do have these thoughts sometimes, but I just try to make the most of what I currently have. There is no sense in looking back and thinking those what-if's and what-could-have-been's; it will just slow me down. I am by no means an expert when it comes to career guidance, but maybe you can try to do something that you really like, but before quitting or switching, make sure that you already have a job that is waiting for you. It is one thing to be stuck in something that is not making you happy, and another thing entirely if you are stuck in a situation wherein you have no job.
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
i strongly agree with you. though at times i realize when will we be able to make any change then if we keep on waiting for another job before quitting your current work. i've heard it many times from people of all walks of life, we all agree and know about this reality. but i've also seen a number of people who finally realized to themselves that they would have not been able to find their satisfaction if they didn't quit their previous work. and, i've seen myself and many others got stuck in their current and old jobs because of imagining and trying to work out on getting a new job first. for the family persons, this is very vital of course to keep your source of income before moving to another work.