I don't like being LATE!

@arystine (1273)
October 30, 2012 9:15pm CST
I'm the type who wants to be early in an appointment. To make it in time, or be there ahead, if possible. I value the time of the person waiting for me. I hate being late. I try to do this by leaving early. I do not want to be stressed at the thought of being late while travelling. I like arriving early because I have time to spare. Time to relax, prepare, go to the restroom, before the start of the appointment. I leave early because there might be contingencies, such as rush hour traffic or bad weather, which might make me late. How about you myLotters? How do you avoid being late?
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24 responses
@STOUTjodee (3572)
• United States
31 Oct 12
I totally agree with you! I'm the early bird for work and appointments, you never know when something might unexpected happen on the way to where I'm going. I'd rather be early and sit and wait than to do something last minute. My husband, on the other hand is the exact opposite and it's really irritating!
@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
LoL!!! My husband is always late also, he puts things off until the last minute! :D but of course I easily forgive him 'coz I love him. Thanks for the response. :)
• United States
31 Oct 12
Oh, I know I love my husband with all his little irritating habits!
@md_som (29)
• India
31 Oct 12
i do agree with you.....being a student i always used to get late during school and college time .even my friends and teachers faculty used to scold for getting late and all...its all because i used to be lazy but one day one of my teacher told me one story about a person who lost something precious just becoz he got late..and that story turned me into a punctual guy..now almost everywhere i reach there by time or you know before time..if i have exam i reach the spot before one hour to get get rid of stress of exam and all... thanks..
@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
Sometimes we need a wake-up call so that we can change our ways and value the time of other people. I'm sure you are very grateful to your teacher who told you that story. :) Thanks for the response. :)
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
I was known to be a person who is always late. Whenever I come to office early, they would be really surprised and would even ask if it was really me. Got warnings from the HR Department twice and so decided to make some adjustments. Well, for the past 2 months, I've been doing very well. I only have 1 late this month, and 1 undertime That's pretty perfect compare to my previous records. I always have 10+ lates and absences. But what is funny is I hate waiting. Well, I don't usually come late to many of my appointments as I can dictate the schedule, unlike my work schedule that is fixed.
@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
It's so nice that you've been able to adjust your schedule and come to work on time. :) There was a time that my shift on work was so early. I was late several times because I was not used to getting up that early. Thanks for the response. :)
@seliokas (346)
• Lithuania
31 Oct 12
Hello, I am always early in my appointments, I am never late :).I hate making people wait for me, i just don't like it. I avoid being late by passively taking a look at my clock and remembering things i have to do. Happy mylotting!
@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
That's a very good attitude and I am proud of you for never being late. :) There are times when I came in late but it is due to reasons beyond control. And I am not proud when I am late, I am so ashamed when I am late because I know I kept a person waiting and wasted his valuable time. Thanks for the response. :)
@Sindelle (824)
• United States
31 Oct 12
There is an old saying I like to use. If your on time you're 15 minutes late. I try to be fifteen minutes early for work and appointments. That way I don't have to rush and should I get stuck in traffic I'll still be on time. I have a friend and sometimes I take her to the mall with me. She always says she is ready to go but when I arrive at her house I'm stuck waiting at least ten minutes. I know she doesn't mean it but it comes off as kind of disrespectful. Also she lives in a bad neighborhood and I do not appreciate having to sit in my car as she applies that last coat of lipstick.
@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
For me, making people wait is kind of a disrespect, especially if the person exerted effort to be early. I hate waiting on people who take forever to move!! Thanks for the response. :)
• China
31 Oct 12
It seems we have the same idea on this issue. I hate being late,too. Usually, i check the place exactly and find out the best route, then estimate the time that i need to get there, and be sure to leave early. Of course, sometimes, it is inevitable to be late.Then, call or message the person whom you are going to see in advance, and apologize when you get there.
@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
Yes, sometimes being late is inevitable. And I give my sincere apology to the person who was kept waiting, because it is not a good feeling to wait. Thanks for the response. :)
@urbandekay (18278)
31 Oct 12
Me too, I usually arrive early. To arrive late is rude and more so if many people are kept waiting all the best, urban
@mayka123 (16589)
• India
16 Nov 12
As a kid whether it was going to school, church or visiting anyone I was always taught to be in time. So it has become a habit with me to reach in time wherever I go. I always ensure that I leave the house a bit early to take care of any emergencies like traffic jams etc.
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
Yes. Me too. I hate of being late...so what I usually do is that I prepare 2 hours ahead of my appointment. In that way, like you say, I still have extra time whenever I will face some contingencies....
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
31 Oct 12
I would rather not go at qll than to late in going somewhere. It s a feeling developed from my my childhood i think. now i pnai,c in being on time. can't stand to be the late arrival that everyone stares at.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
31 Oct 12
Hey you're back! Welcome back. I've been away from here too these past few days/weeks, as I've been busy with work. When I didn't see you in discussions the past months, I knew you're just going on with your life. I hope everything is well with you. I too hate being late. But I think it's not so much the feeling of embarassment because I'm late for work or for an appointment, but the feeling of being stressed-out as I desperately make the time. I try to leave early as much as possible.
@succeednow (1633)
• Singapore
31 Oct 12
Hi arystine, I'm also like you as I will always be punctual for any appointment. I think it's quite rude to be late especially if there are no good reasons. Some people are just indifferent or inconsiderate and they are habitually late. Must be something in their DNA. I'll usually not make any future appointments with such people after dropping hints which fall on deaf ears. Better make new friends who are more considerate.
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
I agree.. i have been like this ever since i was little.. Since my parents also forced me to be early.. at first, but now i know how important it is. i am rarely late at meetings and everything, what i just hate is if that the one i am meeting is late, it is so tiring to wait.
@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
I totally agree. It is so tiring to wait for the latecomer. Thanks for the response. :)
@gilz20 (12)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
i am a kind of a person that really hate to those person who are not responsible for the time being implemented.Yeah its true that there are sometime cases that you can not handle the time,but if there is commitment then time management will do to avoid being late.And if possible, be there ahead of time to show the value of time that being implement between two of you.And if you can not really avoid of being late then call him that you will be late so that he will be inform.How about you mylotters?How do you avoid being late!
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
I used to be late all the time. But I don't hate being late. And I just don't feel any regret being late. May be because I just fell normal about being late always. :)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
Just like you, I deem being late without valid reason a form of disrespect. I avoid being late by leaving early so that I could show to the people I am meeting with that I respect and value their time. I don't mind waiting for a bit just as long as I am not the one who is late. But, I would appreciate it if the people I am meeting with has the same respect for my time.
@shaqziad (655)
• Malaysia
31 Oct 12
Yes, me too. I prefer to be early to classes or gathering. i hate being late because it is hard to focus on study while catching breath. besides, coming early lets me adapt to surrounding, and reduce any nervous feeling. i remember entering a competition in other school as a child, and the teacher bring us early so that we can get used to the other school place. the familiar feeling increase our confident.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
31 Oct 12
I am the same way, I show up to everything early. Now, my brother hes later for everything.
• India
31 Oct 12
Hi Arystine It is very important for a person to be punctual and value the time of other people. Being punctual a person show his concern about the task given to him/her. I personally feel we should be before time regardless of it be a appointment, an interview or any other occasion. It adds to the image of the person.
• Indonesia
31 Oct 12
Being late..well, I will try to be honest, some times I get late when I go to my office or go to my friend's house for appointment that we have made. I can not always be on time. But I always try to be The best in my life to keep on time. One my best tip is always setup my watch alarm