What do you think about couples sharing the same Facebook Account?

November 8, 2012 4:27am CST
My husband and I used to have our own profiles, however, my husband don't update his regularly. And, he would ask me to upload his pictures. It has gotten annoying to be updating two profiles with the same pictures (sometimes), since we are always together in our trips. It is seldom that we have separate trips with friends. So, we decided to just have a merged profile, and we kept my account active, since it has the most updated photos and more friends. Would you do the same for you and your partner's facebook accounts? Or, this set up won't work for you.
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32 responses
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
I don't think that would work for me. We have different sets of friends. He doesn't really like me to be connecting with former classmates. He'd rather want me to be chatting with friends that he knows. Unfair, right? So, I'd rather have my own.
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@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
We've been married for 17 years. He grew up seeing his mom to be just at home attending to their family business. She doesn't go out, doesn't have friends that see here often. So basically, he grew up knowing that a wife should be just that "typical".
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• United States
9 Nov 12
How long have you guys been married?
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• Philippines
9 Nov 12
17 years?!?! Isn't that long enough to drop all doubts and negative thoughts? I was thinking that once a married couple reaches at least 10 years of happy togetherness, you're off to a stronger and a more stable relationship.
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
8 Nov 12
Me and my husband have our own accounts but that is because we have different friends that we talk to. We also check ours from our own phones and stuff so it's cool for us to have our own. That and I think it would confuse some people when one of us or the other was using it.
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
9 Nov 12
It's not because we have different friends. It's also the fact we don't need to share an account. We might have different friends but that doesn't mean we don't have the same friends. I like having different things that we like and stuff we are two different people and it would be way to confusing for people when they are talking to us if we had one account.
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
That's reasonable. I guess, for couples like you who have different circle, then it's really better to have different profiles, afterall, that's the purpose of having a Facebook account.
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• Philippines
11 Nov 12
Oh well, if both of you are active facebook users, then it really would be crazy to have the same profile. It won't work for you.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
9 Nov 12
I think its a neat idea. As couples should share everything. These might as well share facebook accts.
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• Philippines
9 Nov 12
Hey maria and miami, you have your opinions, and just like in real life, different set ups apply for different situations. Not all couples would appreciate having the same profile, and others would be better off having a joint one - not just in banks.
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• United States
9 Nov 12
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@Sindelle (824)
• United States
9 Nov 12
I personally would not like to share a Facebook account however for some people it makes sense. I know many couples where one gets jealous about what the other is doing on Facebook. In fact I know a few people who tell their significant other they cannot even have a Facebook account. By combining Facebook accounts it eliminates the distrust and reservations.
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• Philippines
11 Nov 12
It may not be the partner, but some people may have past experiences of disloyalty or unfaithfulness, and that may have clouded their minds, and can't help but think that their partner may cheat on them one of these days.
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
You know, if that is they only reason - jealousy and pretentious trust, I guess an unfaithful person will always find a way to cheat and do monkey business outside.
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@Sindelle (824)
• United States
9 Nov 12
The funny thing about it is that in at least the cases I've ran into they have no reason to distrust their partner. You're are right though if someone is going to cheat they'll find a way.
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• Indonesia
9 Nov 12
i think you should have 3 account first for you only it made just for your activation second for your couple only it made just for your husband activity and third for you and your couple same activity
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• Philippines
9 Nov 12
Oh no, that won't work for me. I didn't want to manage 2 separate accounts for him and me, much more for 3 accounts. The reason why we got just one account, is so I could do updating just once.
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• Indonesia
9 Nov 12
so you should use the third account and sometimes you can update yours status here and first and second account you can leave them i'm glad to meete you
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@lizlee (208)
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
My husband and I have separate facebook accounts, though we both know the passwords of each account. Personally, I don't mind if he would ask to have our accounts together. But as of now, separate accounts works for us. :)
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
Do you guys often check on each other's profiles and see updates?
@lizlee (208)
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
Hi again! Well, we check each other's updates, the one that shows in the notification alert but for the profile, we don't :) Even if I know his password, I don't open his account. We respect each others personal spaces. I think its one of the many factors why we get along well and have a lovely marriage :)
• China
9 Nov 12
I don't think it works in my family. I think every couple has their secrets, even the kind lies towards the other, if u use the same ID, it is not so convenient for one to keep the secret. Don't get me wrong, I don't support the deceptive love between couples,but u have to admit that there indeed exists kind secrets between every couple. Sometimes, it is better and the best for one to not to know the secret forever. Only my ideas.
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• Philippines
9 Nov 12
As for me,I'm always very open with my husband. I don't know about him, though. But, if I ask him questions, he would answer with all honesty. And, I would always know when he's hiding something.
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
17 Nov 12
wow. I think it is so sweet of having and sharing just one FB account...hope to do the same too...
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• Philippines
22 Nov 12
Yes, it is. Thanks.
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@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
I can say it's so sweet for the couple to have one account It's very seldom to see couples having one account in facebook. I admire those couples and that only means they're really the best of friends
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• Philippines
8 Nov 12
Yeah, it is. And, it would mean that they trust each other to share the same facebook world. It's like they really lived up to the purpose of marriage which is being one.
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• India
9 Nov 12
Ya its true.
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@surekharathi (14146)
• India
17 Nov 12
Hehehe... here is opposite from you my husband update regularly his account but I not. Since join mylot feel boring facebook. Now he is also saying feeling bore facebook because no time for spend on net.
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• Philippines
17 Nov 12
Oh, so neither of you is updating Facebook account. Do you think you really need one, anyway?
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@aejey322 (1004)
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
For me, I don't think this set-up will work because we have different colleagues. My husband has many friends (whom I admit I do not know all especially his batchmates) and I also have my own set of friends (which he was also not able to meet some personally). It's not that I do not want to share with him. But I just honestly find it uncomfortable.
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• Philippines
13 Nov 12
That's right. Facebook should be used in such a way that it would serve its purpose for you.
• China
9 Nov 12
As for me I won't sharing the same Facebook account with my lover because I think everyone should have his/her private space even for the couples. But if it is just upload the pictures took together then I think it is OK,but it doesn't mean to"share the account",so why not ask your husband to apply a new Facebook account?
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• Philippines
9 Nov 12
My case is different, as I've described on my post. My husband doesn't maintain his profile and probably only visits once a year, if he has the time. So, to save me time from helping him update his profile, we're better off having the same account.
@leeandrew (1225)
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
There's is no wring in doing that actually, I have couple friends who share the same account on facebook. But hubby and I has our account for work related reasons but I have access on his accounts. I know his passwords... I mean all his passwords on any accounts. The only wrong is when one of the couple would make a secret account for cheating purposes. Happy for you and your hubby! Happy mylotting as well.
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
I also have his passwords, on email and even bank accounts. I'm the one who's more savvy in maintaining stuff, so it's more of a responsibility. And, yeah, if one really wants to cheat, they'll always find a way, not just thru Facebook -- and that is really bad.
@miami206 (32)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Well first of all , I Think everyone should have their own account. Due to conflicts between each couple. To start off their should be trust between each one and so forth. Next IF one of the couple in the same account should disagree of one photo then there's bound to be problems. My friend and I had a similar problem with the spouse, my wife wanted to see my account so i did and saw that many of my friend where women, they turned out to be all high school friends . Of course I had male friends if you may ask. also from my high school. but she had a problem with it thinking I was meeting unknown girls online. so i ended deleting the account for a short time and reopened till this day. thanks.
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
Well, I think if one really wants to cheat around, they won't use Facebook alone.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
9 Nov 12
I would never merge my account. It is easy enough to share the same pictures just by sharing an entire album that is already uploaded. People who are in my photos share them with their own friends all the time.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
13 Nov 12
Just as I have my own life, and my own friends and activities, I would always have my own account.
• Philippines
16 Nov 12
Enjoy facebooking!
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
Why don't you think merging your accounts will never be an option to consider? Is it about privacy or purpose?
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
In our case, we still maintained to have different account. My reason is that if I have something to say on my wall, I can do it anytime. Furthermore, we have different sets of friend but majority are mutual friends. Another advantage of keeping own account is that you will know if you are the one that posted on the wall. In your case about uploading pics, you may adopt what my wife does. Like your husband, I am also lazy in uploading photos. My wife just upload photos on her profile and tag me in those photos so it will be posted on my account too. In this case, you will only upload photos once.
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• Philippines
9 Nov 12
It's really a waste to have a separate profile for him because he doesn't access it often, perhaps just once a year. I had to be considerate of him whenever I post on the wall, so his friends, especially workmates would not criticize him. Oh well, we have very similar personalities so he trusts that I won't be posting nasty things on our wall. But, Im still very careful, because he is one of the big boss in the office and I don't want to embarass him or myself, as his wife.
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@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
I am not married but I don't agree with that and I will not do that. I believe that even couples should have their own personal privacy, even couples are married, they are still two different individuals who have their own unique personality. If I ever do that, I would lose my own individuality.
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• Philippines
8 Nov 12
Like I said to the other lotter who responded, this setup may not be applicable to all couples. It greatly depends on the values and the kind of relationship you have. For us, however, we are both private people, and we don't have too many friends outside home. We have a very compact social life, so there's not much too keep from each other.
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@mikyung (2232)
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
That works for us also, my wife and I have shared our facebook accounts, she has her own and I share my own facebook account. I'm so open with my stuff with my wife, I have othing to hide. But there are personal items that remains to be personal. we respect that. For we have a lot of common friends, common a lot of things. I think there's nothing wrong with sharing as long as it does not jeopardize each others relationship. Trust is always there. i hope we can maintain that.thanks
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• Philippines
9 Nov 12
I'm really curious now, what are the things that a spouse keeps from the other spouse? I mean, those things that you want to keep private. Right now, I really can't think of any, unless it's something very small that it's not worth discussing, like a pimple on your behind.
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• Greece
8 Nov 12
I think this is a good idea although your friends might feel awkward sending you messages especially those who are related to personal stuffs since she knows that someone might read it as well, but this set up is really sweet as you're proving that you're not hiding anything from each other.
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• Philippines
8 Nov 12
This setup may not be applicable to all couples. There are couples, even married ones, who values their privacy and would not want other people, even their spouse to snoop around their messages and stuff. \ However, I still believe that privacy has its limitations when you're already married. You can't keep your spouse off most of the time, since you're supposed to be open to each other and living as one.
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• United States
9 Nov 12
It probably depends on the social circles. If they are shared and all of your friends are comfortable with BOTH of you, it seems fine. However, I sometimes hesitate to use facebook with some of my friends who have shared accounts, simply because I do not know their husbands very well. Also, my parents use the same email account, but I find myself messaging them through Facebook sometimes because I intend the message for one and not the other. (Yes, my almost 60 year old parents are FB savvy!) On the other hand, I think it's great to be able to trust each other and keep things honest. In social circumstances, secrets can destroy marital relationships. :(
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• Philippines
9 Nov 12
I think it really would get chaotic, especially if the couple have different circles, and are both very active. But, if a couple really wants to extend their romantic relationship of being very sweet and close, on facebook, then they can always manage to deal with a shared account.
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