Have anyone ever told you your wasting your time earning online?

United States
November 14, 2012 4:25pm CST
Yes we all know that the majority of sites like mylot, surveys,etc doesn't provide us with the ability to quit our day job. But I just think it's annoying when I'm told that I'm wasting my time and I should just stop. My husband told me that the other night. I have been thinking of different craft ideas, and other ideas to try and sell a few things a month online. He said I should just stop because basically I'm not going to make a full time income from it. That just infuriates me. He is about to spend $6,000 on a business deal that includes one account, a van, and some equipment. And yet the account that he is getting only makes a $100 a month. So who really is wasting their time and their money? At least with what I'm trying to do it doesn't cost me a lot of money and for surveys, microworkers, mturks I don't have to invest anything.
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31 responses
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
Not all are yet sold on the idea of earning online, and there are also those who might have had bad experiences with online work. And these are the people that would almost always tell you that earning online is a waste of time. I sometimes understand them, though. If we stick to earning pennies, it would really seem to be a waste of time. But there are other online opportunities, including real work, that can replace our day jobs. Some even made it big by starting their online businesses. I even think that one day, offline work might be a thing of the past.
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• United States
15 Nov 12
@beamer88 I agree with you some day most work may be done online. That day maybe coming sooner than we think. It's nice to hear the different stories of individuals who have been able to make a good living working from home. I'm not sure if I will be able to reach the point of making supplemental income online but that would be nice. I will keep working on it and maybe something will come along.
• United States
15 Nov 12
@habibti320 yeah those who have bad experiences earning online are more likely to speak about. A lot of times those who are making money don't necessarily like to talk about it because they don't want to make competition for themselves.
• United States
14 Nov 12
It also seems that the ones who have had bad experiences speak up a lot louder than the ones who have made real money!
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• Philippines
15 Nov 12
I think earning a little money is better than spending hours and hours of checking other people's facebook status or tweets. Don't mind what other people says. Just do your thing, accomplish what needs to be done and take his words as a challenge to do better. Once you get the moves and your pay check, that may be enough to stop him from criticizing you. Goodluck and don't give up!!!
• United States
20 Nov 12
lol I completely agree with you about your facebook. It is amazing how much time people spend on facebook checking out everything that everyone has done. Thanks so much for the encouraging comments. I appreciate it. It can be discouraging when others put us down and we are doing our best to earn in what ways we can. I will keep doing what I'm doing and set aside my earnings for savings. That way it will grow and I can be proud of what I've done.
• Philippines
20 Nov 12
It's always good to know that at the end of the day, you acuired something out of your free time. It feels good to be productive right at the comforts of your own home. :-)
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
14 Nov 12
There is always someone like that that we know. They just don't believe it's possible, we know we can't make a lot, but it's also more then just what we make. I have fun on here and on other sites as well. So I say let them think what they think.
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• United States
15 Nov 12
Yeah I agree with you. I'm not going to let his comments get me down. Every little bit adds up. And there are so many unproductive things that we could be doing (just surfing the net, watching television, etc) but we are at these different sites making good use of our time and a little extra cash. It's a win win situation.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
15 Nov 12
It is a win-win situation. I know before I found the sites I use I did just go to a social network or read, but now I can earn and learn by the actions I do online. In fact, a lot of what I do online earns me some sort of reward now. I say people don't know what they are missing. I've tried to get people to be my referral, people I know, but I've never succeeded. It's easier in ways to get referrals online just because those who are looking for more ways to make money, do it as a hobby...
@allknowing (134696)
• India
15 Nov 12
We are all grown ups here and responsible adults and that includes you. Most of us are here to interact with each other which is required to keep ourselves mentally alert which is more than money. And to think that we are paid for that is yet another story. Having said that, if your husband feels that with myLot money you cannot run your house, kindly correct him and tell him that myLot does you more than what money can buy!
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@allknowing (134696)
• India
15 Nov 12
I have tried so many sites to keep myself happily occupied but this is the best site. I am on FB and even there I hardly contribute these days.
@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
14 Nov 12
Being here is fun and the extra income is a bonus! I think that online jobs are a nice additional income and if you spend some time ine every day they will add up and you'll be surprised at the end of the month! But sure, offline jobs offer more, we can make in less than a week more that I make in a month online! And this is if you are involved online an generate a decent income! But it's still fun and it's rewarding you so why not?
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Nov 12
I agree with you. And every little helps and does add up. I worked for awhile online for about six months and saved up to take him on a trip so I don't see why he starts complaining about it and putting me down because I'm only making a little bit extra. I'm hoping to be able to continue to put the extra towards saving. So when an emergency comes up we have the money for it and I will remind him that the payment comes from my waste of time online income
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
15 Nov 12
That sounds very cute! I am also saving for my summer vacations next year but I am not that good with my plan so far. I always find something that I want to buy online and I spend the money that are conveniently sitting in my Paypal account! I hope you do better with saving your online earnings, I am sure that he will appreciate it when the time comes!
@dankebab (92)
15 Nov 12
At the end of the day, in the current financial situation the world is in, any bit of money you can get is a big help. And like you say, it's not like you're really losing anything.
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• United States
15 Nov 12
Yeah I definitely agree with you on that point. A good thing for me to remember is that thought when I get the check in the mail so I can do the right thing and put it aside for savings instead of spending it. Things feel so much better when we know that we have money set aside for emergency use. Because when things pop up and we aren't prepared it is really stressful.
15 Nov 12
Exactly! As they say; better safe than sorry :)
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
15 Nov 12
They have, but when I have the extra money to spend, they sure enjoy it. My husband has finally stopped saying too much though. My kids think it is.
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• United States
15 Nov 12
Yeah I understand what you mean. At the beginning of last year I started saving my online earnings for six months for a surprise trip for my husband. He sure did enjoy that trip when we took it. So I think that family members should be positive and supportive of us when we are trying to make extra income for our family.
@uchelink (200)
• Nigeria
15 Nov 12
It just normal talk you can get from people... But i don't care about what people are saying,so i do whatever i want to do bcos am the only one that knows the benefit of being online... Mylot well it pays to be here... :D
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@lacieice (2060)
• United States
15 Nov 12
My son tells me this all the time. I guess he doesn't realize that the money I earn usually just about covers all the Christmas gifts I buy, includeing his. I even have some left over once in a while.
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• United States
20 Nov 12
Yeah I agree with you. At the start of this year I saved my online earnings for six months to take my husband and I on a surprise weekend trip. He loved the trip but he so often forgets where that money came from to take it. Thanks for sharing your experience.
@sjvg1976 (41247)
• Delhi, India
15 Nov 12
Hello Dominique25, No one has ever said that I waste my time on online sites but I feel that I am wasting time if I think of earning high from the sites. From my experience I feel its not that easy to earn online money people make lots of efforts in earning from the sites and its right to say no one can totally depend on the online earnings one has to do it as a side business to earn some extra money.
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• United States
15 Nov 12
Yeah it takes a lot of work and effort to earn a good amount of income online. But every little bit adds up and can pay some type of bill. And like others have mentioned we can waste time just surfing the net, or watching a lot of tv. We don't get paid for doing that unless we are using some type of site.
• India
15 Nov 12
Hi friend, i too heard this kind of words from my parents, siblings. but my wife always encourage me and motivate me to do online work, she knows about the pros and cons of online jobs, it is not easy to make a great money from online sites, however we can make a good income based on our dedication and hard work.
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• United States
15 Nov 12
I'm glad that your wife encourages you to work online. It is definitely not easy to make a decent income online. It does take hard work and dedication. And I plan on continuing to do that until something more consistent comes along at a place of employment that I can do. But this does give us some extra income that I appreciate. I hope to be able to set it aside for savings. We really do need to get a savings going since we moved into our new place.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
15 Nov 12
Many have told me this.. and I know after paying internet service, electric, and wear and tear on pc we might not make alot. But I enjoy my time earning online. Ive done it for over 5 years now.
• United States
20 Nov 12
I'm glad to hear that you enjoy earning online. I'm sure that it makes you happy to earn some extra income.Most people are often looking for ways to make extra money anyway. I to like to earn online. It's better than not earning anything.
@kokomo (1867)
• Philippines
17 Nov 12
Anybody will not understand our situation here in mylot unless they also join in here. One of my colleagues also said that it is only scents that I can earn here and not really a big help with every day living. Of course, I understand him, it is his opinion anyway.
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• United States
19 Nov 12
Yeah it can be frustrating when people voice there opinions about what we do with our time and how we choose to earn. Mylot is a great place. People spend hours and hours on facebook and the majority of them aren't earning.So we are doing well here.
@robspeakman (1700)
15 Nov 12
My eldest daughter tells me all the time that she can not understand why I spend the time online, earning money. I tell her there is so much money waited to be collected online, I would be foolish not to get some for myself. Some weeks are good and some are very very dry, however my paypal account is filling up and so is my virtual credit card
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• United States
20 Nov 12
I hope that your earnings will continue to grow and be good for you and your family. I'm hoping that things will improve for me as well or that I can find a full time job outside the home. I just hope something happens soon. I would really like to get a savings going. Keep working hard it. It does take a lot of time and commitment.
• United States
15 Nov 12
My boyfriend doesn't always get it, either. He thinks that small amounts of money don't make any difference--that only largish amounts of money (from a full-time job) are what makes a difference. So, he doesn't always understand why I spend my time on a variety of sites when I'm not working on finding more gainful employment or doing my little bit of offline paid work. I've tried to recruit him to the online earnings side, since he does have a bit of free time to help pad our budget with some such earnings of his own. However, he has remained steadfast in his refusal to try any such thing.
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• United States
15 Nov 12
Yeah I understand what you mean. My husband feels the same way. When things were really tight at one point I told him that he should do some surveys and earn some extra cash since we could have used it. He refused as well. I know though that I like to have a little extra money in my pocket. And since my husband isn't the sharing type I need to be working online until I can find a full time and daycare center for my daughter to go too.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
15 Nov 12
My little brother tells me this all the time and again told me that yesterday (although not in so many words). You see, my family seems to think that because of the fact that I don't have a traditional job I have all the time in the world to do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it. Of course this simply is not the case, I work on the computer while my children are at school and though the money that I'm making is not a full-time income, it is enough to help our family out in many ways.
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• United States
15 Nov 12
I'm glad that you are able to make enough to help your family out. That is important especially when we are at home most of the time and we would also like to have a little extra cash ourselves. It can be hard not to be working full time outside of the house because we are depending on our spouse to provide. Yeah and I agree with you that just because we don't have a traditional job doesn't mean that we are free to do whatever.
• Canada
15 Nov 12
A friend of mine tried convince me out of those program but I ignore it! I know my experiences! Have consider those craft home assembly jobs, there still company looking for home assembler! Be sure to investigate beforehand and continue what you're doing and you'll be fine!
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Nov 12
Yeah it's definitely a good idea to investigate before we sign up with a company. There are unfortunately way too many scams out there. To bad there aren't as many online jobs available as there are scams. Thanks for your advice. I will definitely keep working at what I'm doing and see where it takes me.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
15 Nov 12
So far, nobody told me that I am wasting my time on this activity. My husband is very supportive of me. He would listen if ever I am presenting some possibilities on any particular business, not only online matters. Even my friends are also supportive of me even at times they admit that the reason why they can't join is that they are very busy. I also understand sometimes because some of them would said they cannot write or they don't have this kind of skill in writing. But some of my friends really join me whenever I told them that this something is worth trying. In fact they really appreciate my work both my offline and online. Maybe you need to explain more about the things to him. Have a nice day!
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Nov 12
Thanks for your suggestions. I appreciate it. I'm glad to hear that your husband and friends are supportive. I'm sure that makes you feel good about what you are doing. Especially if you are able to use your earnings to do something nice for you and your husband. At the beginning of last year I saved for six months my online money to pay for a weekend trip for my husband. He was very happy about that.
• Philippines
15 Nov 12
Of all the people I didn't expect my hubby will be the one who will discourage me on working online. He always blurted that I will not get enough living here working online jobs. Maybe it was just because he is expecting too much that the earning here is like working in an actual job that you'll get salary every 15 or 30th of the month. He always says that instead of working here and wasting time just do the household chores and wash clothes or always clean the house. I said I am doing my chores here in the house it's just I will manage my time for me able to have some extra time here on my online job. I just want to help even if earning takes a matter of time. And I do agree that we don't invest money here to join just our time and internet connection. ^_^
• United States
15 Nov 12
Yeah I understand. It's not encouraging when our spouse tells us we should be doing other stuff instead of working online. After all we aren't making any money off that (housework) unless the husband is awesome and paying us to do things like that. So we are making more profit working online then doing things around the house.
• United States
15 Nov 12
I don't even tell anyone I know I'm making money online in the first place. Waste of time trying to convince people of some things.
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• United States
15 Nov 12
Yeah it's better that way. It is a waste of time trying to convince others when they are set in their way about how much money is good to be backing and what is not. So I will just keep doing what I'm doing and not let my husband's negativity get to me.