Incentive Freebie Websites

United States
November 18, 2012 9:14am CST
I decided to do an online search from an ad I saw on craigslist. The way it was put in the ad was incentive freebie websites. I found several more, including a new one that is going to be up and running soon. For these sites, why would big brand name companies be involved if they are scams? I have seen articles in business magazines for 2 sites. One site has been featured on the news. The only things about these sites is you cannot use prepaid debit cards and you cannot use AOL.For prepaid debit cards, these sites are saying if you use them your comiting fraud. There are a lot of people who use prepaid debit cards because they don't want to deal with all the fees that banks charge. You can get a lot of nice things. Laptops, iphones, cash and more. I found one that pays only by direct deposit and paypal. One site that I found has stopped service to India and one more country due to fraud. It is nice to have sites where you can earn cash and prizes. Anything you want. Even if it is not listed, you can contact the website and they will tell you how many referrals you need to get the prize you want.
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5 responses
@TeamCholent (2832)
• United States
18 Nov 12
These types of websites are called "offer" sites and there are hundreds of them out there from Swagbucks(which has more then just offers) to CashCrate, Prizelive etc. You are indeed correct that you can't use a debit card as this doesn't help the offer company(since if you fail to cancel the trial you can't be billed). There is no reason to have to rely on referrals etc to get a good prize as I have earned a lot of money from Swagbucks alone and I am about to start a huge offers campaign which should give me $50 Amazon gift cards in value just today. I have found it far easier to buy the prizes off Amazon as there are 100's of sites that reward with Amazon gift cards that make it far easier to cash out and get my gift.
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@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
18 Nov 12
A site I've started using lists lots of freebies, available in Canada and the states, as well as UK and Mexico, but a lot of them you have to go to the company's Facebook page to get them. The site is but she's also on FB, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
18 Nov 12
Oops! Misspelled sandwich.
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@o0Tora0o (355)
• United States
18 Nov 12
Incentive freebie websites? Do you mean like the websites that have so many steps to complete before you can get your reward, like completing X offers on page 1, Y offers on page 2, Z offers on page 3, then referring XX new users who also complete all those offers?
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Nov 12
No. You don't have to complete offers like that. 2 on each level. Those are a waste of time. I am talking about sites like ourloot2boot, dailyincomenetwork and others like them.
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@gunsing (142)
• Indonesia
19 Nov 12
I've been tried several sites like that. All turned up un-satisfactory to me. Either no offers available for my country, or I must do lots of things by going to this site, that site and end up confusing on how to proof that I have done the task. So no more this kind of sites for me :(
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18 Nov 12
Yes there are some great offer sites around which you can get lots of good free stuff off, I recently got a free t shirt with a love heart and my children names on which I wear around the house with them. In my experience a lot of these sites do fill your email up with a lot of useless rubbish and if you are looking to make money online these are not the best sites to join but they are worth a look every now and again.