Where would you go?

United States
December 1, 2012 3:55pm CST
If you were given the chance to travel to just one place, where would you choose and why? I would choose England because I have a lot of friends there that I'd really like to meet in patient.
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13 responses
@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
2 Dec 12
If I were given a chance to ravel, I would still choose to travel all over my country. There are lots of good places to visit here and I want to know more about my country so that I could help our tourism promote it.
@robspeakman (1700)
2 Dec 12
So many places - I would like to vist china, Canada and New Zealand. If you ever do get to the UK - I suggest you visit Wales or the Highlands of Scotland
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@cobalt20 (1318)
• Philippines
1 Dec 12
Well, I would rather go to Singapore if I am rich. I have already done going to Australia and Thailand. Both have good destinations. I want to go to Disneyland in Singapore and go tour.
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@celticeagle (163205)
• Boise, Idaho
1 Dec 12
I would go to Ireland and surrounding area(Scottland, Isle of Mann, and England) because I am Irish and would like to see where my ancestors lived. So much to see and I would like to takes months to see it all. I have several friends I have made online over there as well and so it would be fun to visit.
• United States
1 Dec 12
London would be a great place for me to visit. I love the culture and the life. It just seems laid back and quaint. My cousin went there for his anniversary years ago and he loved it.
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@margies (128)
• Indonesia
1 Dec 12
I would choose go to bali. Because I have friends in there. Bali is a beautiful place, and the beach like Kuta have a beautiful sunset, we can see that :) and enjoy it. And there are in lovina beach, we can see dolphins, and so many places that can make me interesting. We can also enjoy massage and spa balinese.
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@sajujohn (1005)
• India
2 Dec 12
Nice to have this discussion. Well I would prefer to go to all places in India. You may think it weird why I am saying this even after I being in India. The fact is that I haven't seen even a 20% of India till now. And I have heard that there are very beautiful places in India that we should really go. Infact I would like to go all over the world but what to do you have asked only one place :( . And you know what even my name's meaning is a 'traveller'. Then how can I stop travelling :) .
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Dec 12
In all actuality, I would really like to be able to travel to a lot of different places in the world because I haven't had the opportunity to travel a lot during my life. However, if I was only able to choose one place to travel to in my lifetime, the place that I would choose to travel to would be Germany. The reason that I would choose to go to Germany is because of the fact that my husband spent a lot of time in Germany during his youth as his father was in the Army and I would love to have the opportunity to see many of the places that he lived while he was growing up.
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
2 Dec 12
If I were given the opportunity to take a trip without a doubt want to choose the United States, it has always been my life's dream. I firmly believe that there, everything is different than my life in Italy, and Europe. One day, this goal should not be missing in my life. I will visit the states!
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
2 Dec 12
Wow that is a great question. I'm really not sure where I would want to go. There are so many beautiful places to see. I think that I would want to go to either the Somoa Islands, Belize, or some other beautiful country like those. I'm still learning about so many different places that I'm sure in the future I would be able to add to this list.
• Philippines
2 Dec 12
If I would be given a chance to travel, I would go to Paris and Venice together with my boyfriend. Because I heard those places are great for lovers. :)
• Philippines
2 Dec 12
if i am given a chance to travel, i would go to europe. france specifically. i would love to go to paris and see i eiffel tower. i have seen the tower in movies. it felt so romantic there. but i also think it would be more romantic to go there with someone special. someday, i will be spending christmas there.
@AkamaruKei (5219)
• Malaysia
2 Dec 12
If i have given a chance to travel i would choose Japan. That is the country i very like and the country i dream to go. I like their culture, song, anime, manga and their language. I also want to go shopping in harajuku.