Almost done Christmas shopping.

@Blondie2222 (28611)
United States
December 18, 2012 6:36pm CST
I only have 1 more gift left to buy and that's for my older sister and her husband. I am buying them a Keurig coffee maker it's 109 dollars at walmart and then I'll have to get the coffee to go with it and the filters. That's the only gift from me as their expensive. I have everyone else taken care of. After I get their gift then I will start wrapping all my gifts this weekend and be done before Monday. I am off work Monday and Tuesday for the holiday and looking forward to it. Are you almost done shopping? Do you have off work? I love this time of year look forward to it every year.
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3 responses
@maezee (41996)
• United States
19 Dec 12
Good for you! It's a nice feeling to be just done with it all. I am not. I am finishing up this weekend. I am going to avoid the malls, though, because they are ABSOLUTELY insane this time of year (especially the weekend before Christmas!) and instead I am going to just go to Wal-Mart or Target and get some gift cards. Boring, but it will have to work. For some reason I didn't see Christmas coming up like it has...It kind of snuck up on me! Have a great holiday!
@celticeagle (163196)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Dec 12
My family is so small that all my shopping was done long ago. THere is just my daughter and my two grand kids and one great grandchild. I am retired and 61 as of November so that is nice. Don't have to worry about whether I will get Christmas off or not. Happy holidays.
• United States
19 Dec 12
I work in a school so I will be off work.. I am almost finished my shopping as well. happy holiday's to you.