Did your cellphone slipped from your hands ?

December 22, 2012 8:42am CST
Yesterday it was the first time, my phone has fallen down from my hand accidentally. I was an new experience to me. As I am an one who just used to care the things neatly without making them to put them in trouble. [b]. Did your mobile phone slipped from your hands ? . How did it happen ? Was it your first experience ? .How do you react when some one puts you phone down ?[/b] When I took the cellphone from the ground I had found nothing problem with the phone. May be I am bit lucky about that What was the scene when it was slipped from your hand ? Please share all your experiences
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16 responses
@GajaGamini (1065)
• India
22 Dec 12
I am not good in using things carefully and specially cell phone. I put and my mobile everywhere. I have slipping and falling my cell phone few times. I had a basic multimedia phone which I did not use carefully but now I have touch screen phone that is why I use it carefully. Touchscreen mobiles need to handle carefully becauase hard to and expensive to repair and get damage easily.
• India
22 Dec 12
If you are using touch screen phones then you must pay much attention to it otherwise it will be damaged quite eaisly and quickly. More over their prices for services and other options are higher. So try to give them your best care so that you need to spent any money for it's repairing purpose.
• India
24 Jan 13
Touch scree mobiles look good but they have their drawbacks as well handing is one the drawback because we need to use it carefully and repairing of touch screen mobile is much more expensive than the non-touch scree mobiles.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
22 Dec 12
No,my mobile phone never slipped from my hands. But my friend did drop my phone and thought it's really broken or lost. We're taking pictures and I ask my friend to take my pictures and accidentally she drops it. We're standing on the rocks along the beach and no one says a word after my mobile vanished in our sight. Then my daughter took a stick and tried to move some trash between the rocks- and there my mobile phone appears Whew...it got a few scratches but still working fine. That was the first time my phone dropped -I feel bad, but it's already done.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
25 Dec 12
That's cool jaiho.. That means you are good taking care of your phone. I mean generally many of the people have dropped their phone for at least one. And few people like me have done the same thing many times. But that's good that you have never put your phone in danger.
• India
22 Dec 12
I know the emotions you had it on that moment. Anyway past is past and we have to adjust with it. Due to my luck there was nothing, not even a scratch. So, how did you deal with the scratches ? How did you rub it off ? Happy Mylotting
• India
22 Dec 12
Hi wonderboy, My mobile slipped from my hand many times. Even i forgot how many times it slipped.. sometimes i through the mobile because of anger but nothing happened to my mobile. I am always using good quality mobile phones so nothing will happen during such incidents...
• India
22 Dec 12
I wounder how there comes a decrease in the emotion when you throw your phone. I don't think it is a good way to react to the things. I would ask you to contorl it act good at the situations.
@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
22 Dec 12
Hello wonderboy, There have been many instances when my mobile phone slipped from my hand and fell down but fortunately there had been not much of damage anytime. It looks extremely bad when someone puts it off and it has happened on few occasions but I have not reacted that badly as no one had done it intentionally.
• India
22 Dec 12
I just used to take care of the things well and it was the first time it was away from my hands. It was on yesterday while I was messaging. When it was lying on the floor I though my phone was completely gone but due to my hard luck I couldn't see anything problem. Sometimes that fall may decreased it life. I felt really sad Happy Mylotting Merry Christmas
@akp100 (13640)
• India
25 Dec 12
Hi SJ.. Same here.. Even my mobile phone have fallen many times from my hand but fortunately it is in still good shop never got admitted in hospital, I mean for repairing work. It is still in good shape but I think it is now loosing its patience.
@pahak627 (4558)
• Philippines
22 Dec 12
It always happened to me. My phone fell and when it hit the ground it became 3 pieces. There were times that when I was texting, I drowsed and then the phone fell.
• India
22 Dec 12
This really shows you luck. So what did you do with your broken pieces? Did you went to repair it? Did you fix it? Is the phone quite OK now?
• China
22 Dec 12
My cell phone slipped from my hand several times,I've already changed a new one.The former one has broken.All of these things due to my frequently use of my cell phone, I use it on my way to work,in the barthroom,while going shopping.
• India
22 Dec 12
It is very sad to know that you had lost your cell phone. I know the exact emotion you experience now. Any way you have to cop up with it and don't make it to repeat for ever.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
23 Dec 12
Just last month, my new cell phone slipped from my hand because I did not hold it firmly. I was sorry for my carelessness, but I was lucky that my cell phone was not broken. Otherwise it would be a big regret for me. I tell myself that I must be always careful not to have my cell phone slip or fall down to the ground any more. Thanks for the discussion, twb. Take care.
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
23 Dec 12
My phone has never slipped from my hands, but it has fallen on the floor off the computer stand, and i am lucky that it never got damaged. I try to make sure that I hang onto my phone, as it is a very nice phone, and I have only had it a few weeks. I do have a case on it, and a screen protector on the screen, but that being said, should it fall to hard on my laminate floor, it could break the screen. I do have an extended warranty on it,a nd I can get it replaced for nothing, but I don't want to have to do that, so I am sure that I am careful, and hang onto it very tightly. Take care, and Merry Christmas.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
25 Dec 12
Hi Wonderboy Yes it did fall many times.. And it really feels scary, I mean new smart phones are not that tuff in compare to those old mobile phones. So it can get easily bricked when it gets falls hard from our hand. But so far never bricked any mobile phone like that way, so happy so far. But yes after getting new smart phone, it look like I devalued my old mobile phone which keep falling down from my hand many time. But thanks god that it is ruff and tuff, and still in good shape.
@squallming (1775)
• Malaysia
12 Mar 13
My cellphone did slipped off and drop on the floor before. When that happens, I would feel very sad and painful. Because I don't want to spend money to buy a new one. I don't feel like spending too much on mobile phones. This new phone that I am using now since last year, I had it a cover which even if it does fall, it would not impact my phone much. You should get one of such cover too to protect your phone.
@tshihmin2 (186)
• Malaysia
23 Dec 12
No, I've never once had my cellphone slipped from my hand. The minute I take my cellphone from my pocket, I always be very careful. I will cry if it falls to the floor. I always treat my cellphone like my own baby. If I'm carrying my own baby and then slipped onto the floor, I know how it is felt. So, I don't want that to happen to me.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
21 Mar 13
Hi, My phone never fallen down. I am very careful about my cell phone. Once we had guests in our house and they have a small child and he took the mobile kept on the table. Before I take it back from his hands the phone slept from his hand and fell down. I was very angry by that boy's behavior but I could not say anything because it is done by that small kid. But luckily there was no damage to my phone.
• China
23 Dec 12
Actually this happen to me for so many times,but fortunately the brand of my cell phone is Nokia,which has a very good anti attack capability,so after a few times slipped from my hands and sometimes with a heavy hit,my cell phone are OK at all.
@jiiiiin (586)
• Philippines
23 Dec 12
my phone slipped from my hands many times, luckily the casing only get damaged. :))
• India
22 Dec 12
my mobile used to fall regularly as i am using silicon cover i saved my mobile from scratches and damage to my mobile
• Pakistan
22 Dec 12
I don't remember how many times my cell phone has slipped from my hands. I think its a daily routine. I am really careless when it comes to handling cell phones. I think i have broken at least five cell phones and now my mother never buys a good one for me. The last time i dropped my mobile was yesterday. I was listening to music on my cell. I became so excited that i dropped my phone for no reason and it fell so badly that the battery came out but thankfully there was no damage to my cell phone.