I broke my diet today...but I don't regret it

@Porcospino (31366)
January 15, 2013 4:08pm CST
Tonight my husband, my mother-in-law, my parents, one of our friends and I had dinner at a restaurant on the neighbour island. We celebrated my husband's birthday and we had a really good time. I really enjoyed chatting to the others and the restaurant is a very nice place. I had a vegetarian dish for dinner, and it was very delicious. For dessert we had ice cream. I am trying to lose weight at the moment and ice cream is not the kind of dish that I am supposed to eat. Before we went to the restaurant I had decided that I wasn't going to order a dessert...but I did it anyway. Tomorrow I will follow my diet again For those of you who are also trying to lose weight: Do break you diet when you are at a party or eat out? Or are you good at resisting temptation?
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15 responses
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
16 Jan 13
Alterations or change in diet patterns are always welcome if proper health management is the desired goal.A shift from non-vegetarian to vegan delicacies brings in welcome changes in one's physical health modes. It is always observed that a misconception exists among the youth of today that only fatty foods add much to bodily health and stamina.A close watch on one's own dietary patterns would definitely bring in welcome changes in overall health and well being.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
17 Jan 13
I am also on diet right now. I wish to trimmed down back to my 12 size (now I am wearing size 16 -duh) But I am glad I am losing weight this fast (i'm almost size 14 in just two weeks) Hoping to fit back to my size 12 clothes by the end of this month. I admit i crave for something and break my own rules- and after that I opt to increase my daily exercise to lose more calories and not feeling guilty
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@youless (112466)
• Guangzhou, China
16 Jan 13
I feel very hungry to read your discussion I think in some places, a dessert stands for an ending for a perfect meal. Namely there will be the starter, main course and dessert. Enjoying the food is a kind of pleasure in our lives. I am glad that you had a good time. It doesn't matter that you broke the diet rule. After all, you don't do it so often Sometimes we need to treat ourselves better.
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@pupupd (1515)
• India
16 Jan 13
It is completely alright to binge at times. In fact, people who are on diet, exercise daily are also allowed to have their favorite fatty food once in a week. In fact, I have read that one can have everything daily but in moderation. You can each of everything in small quantity daily. I follow this policy and I have lost around 5 KGs and also feel very good about myself. I feel lighter & full of energy. Daily workout or at least 4 days in a week is very important. I keeps you fit & also young in look Enjoy life & Love yourself
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
16 Jan 13
Hi Porcospino I am nowhere close to the thoughts of dieting or losing weight, but still I think I can respond here just because I have to be on a medical diet for my life, and sometimes I just put those prescriptions out of sight I had always been a foodie and love to try out new dishes - no matter how good or bad healthwise. And there are times when I just want my tastebuds to have a feast. But yes, I dont attend parties (as no one invites me and those who do know that I wont go - due to my health conditions) and again there are some where I would go even uninvited - and these are the places where I break almost all the rules laid down for me by my medics - and for other times, I cook my own new dish at home
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@lsjapdoit (651)
• Indonesia
16 Jan 13
My way of dieting is not excluding certain food completely, but just reducing the amount of consumption. It ensures that my diet never gets interrupted :))
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
22 Jan 13
I think that it is a good idea to reduce the amount of food that you eat instead of avoiding the food completely. That way you still have the chance to eat the food sometimes and you don't have to miss out on the food that you enjoy. I do the same thing. Actually I was planning of quitting sweet food completely, and it was my New Year's resolution this year, but I discovered that it was too hard to avoid the food completely, so I changed my New Year's resolution. I have decided that I am allowed to eat the sweet food in the weekends and I have to avoid it the rest of the week. I think that is a better solution.
• Indonesia
16 Jan 13
You are right teotimoponcerosacena. I also do regular strecthing exercise, not with dieting in mind, to keep my muscles flexible :)
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• Philippines
16 Jan 13
The most important is you know how to control yourself, dieting can even be replaced by right exercise depends on what you prepare.
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• Canada
15 Jan 13
Sounds like you had a lovely dinner for your husband's birthday! I follow the Weight Watchers points program (old system, not the newer one). Incorporated in the plan are a number of points that can be used once in a week to help with parties, dinners out, or other special occasions. It's a very generous number and way more than I would have in a "regular" day. I tell you this only to show that even Weight Watchers understands that we have to balance out our real lives with our eating habits Personally, I had far too many sweets and treats over the holiday season -- but I'm already back on track with my better eating and those indulgences will be long gone in very short order I think it sounds like you were really reasonable anyway with your choices at the restaurant! You had a vegetarian main dish and your dessert sounds lovely. Don't be afraid to have something as a treat -- if you make your "diet" so severe that you can't participate in the pleasant times, then you aren't going to be able to maintain it. It's more important to be healthy and sensible and then, when you have something special to do, you can enjoy yourself with a clear conscience and just continue on the next day Best of luck with your goals!
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• Canada
17 Jan 13
That's an awesome attitude, Porcospino! I did more or less the same thing at Christmas... I had baked some treats that I know my girls love and put them in the freezer well ahead of the holidays. I never had any while I was making them LOL BUT! When the holidays came, I decided that I was going to enjoy things too and not just sit and watch everyone else eat them. As I said, over a couple of weeks, I gained at least 5 or 6 pounds back of the weight I've already lost... but now that I'm back to sensible eating again, it's almost gone. I've always had a lot of guilt and fear about weight issues... almost hating food because it can feel like such a battle... but, slowly but surely, I've been adopting a much more realistic (and I might even call it "sane" lol) attitude about it all
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
17 Jan 13
Thanks Your response made me feel better about the dinner. Yes, it was a lovely dinner. I really enjoyed the time that I spent at the restaurant and the food was very delicious. The thing you wrote about participating in the pleasant times makes a lot of sense. I had decided that I wasn't going to eat dessert, but I decided to do it anyway because the desserts sounded so tempting and everyone else was having dessert. Now I am back home and I follow my diet again like I did before. I want to lose weight but I have realized that I don't have to be too fanatic about it.
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@kingparker (9673)
• United States
16 Jan 13
I have the weakest mind to resist temptation usually. I would definitely go for the good food, even though it has high cholesterol, or nutritional unhealthy as advised by other people. I just couldn't help to get a mouthful of my favorite dishes. To be honest, I want try to be a vegan for at least a month, to see how it gonna affect me. But I am a meat lover, and I can't live without eating meat though.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
17 Jan 13
It is not easy to resist temptation. I always have good intentions but sometimes I am not able to follow the decisions that I have made about healthy food. In January this year I decided to eat vegetarian food in order to lose weight, and it so far that has been a success. I have managed to stick to vegetarian instead of eating the meat dishes that my family usually eats, it isn't too hard for me because I really like vegetarian food. It is much harder for me to stay away from the sweet food, because I love to eat all kinds of sweet things. Hopefully I will manage to lose weight during the first couple of months of this year
• Philippines
16 Jan 13
It is natural. There are people who have no patient of dieting. but there are always other ways you can do in maintaining your healthy shape. As long you know how to activate your sweat glands then dieting is not a problem
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• United States
25 Jan 13
I don't think breaking your diet once will ruin it. My mom broke hers over the Holidays but then she went back on it and she likes it because it's things she likes to eat anyway.
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
18 Jan 13
I'm currently trying to lose weight as well. Although I'm not very good at resisting temptation when we go out. I'm trying to do better about how I eat when we are at home. I would like to stick with mainly fruits and vegetables but it's hard when other family members are eating different things that I have to cook and be around. I also love to bake and that makes it hard as well.
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@jeztrose (1405)
• Philippines
16 Jan 13
I think it is not bad to sometimes eat ice cream. The thing that makes you fat is when you often eat that thing over again. but when you eat it just occasionally i think it will not really affect you diet.. ahaha i hope you can have more discipline if you really want to have good outcome.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
15 Jan 13
when you are on a diet, it good now and then to go off it for a day or 2. Many dr. will even tell you that. They say it helps cut down on your cravings. Good luck to you there.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
15 Jan 13
Thanks I hadn't heard that before, but I think that it makes sense. It was my New Year's resolution to eat healthy food and lose weight. I haven't been able to follow it daily, but I think that it will be okay if I follow it most of the time like I do at the moment. I want to lose weight, but I don't want to be too fanatic, and sometimes it is just too hard for me to stay away from sweet things
• Mexico
15 Jan 13
the dr. says it takes alot of the pressure off you as well.
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@ksktika (271)
• United States
15 Jan 13
you should not feel so bad, just take it easy with the mistake. Just let it go, i think everybody did this too. I was broke my diet sometimes before, yes i know it's hard to stop temptation. But i try hardly all the time, and lately i get used to stop my temptation. much more easier now. To have your own diet need committed from ourself. We need to manage our mind too, so in that way we will never break our commit.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
17 Jan 13
Yes, I try not to take it too seriously. Before the dinner I had decided that I wasn't going to eat dessert, but the desserts sounded really delicious and I decided to change my decision and eat a dessert just like the others. It tasted really good Today I am back in my home and I have have returned to to vegetable diet that I usually follow. It is great that it has become easier for you to resist temptation. I think that it true that we have to manage to our mind if we want to handle that kind of situations. I think that it will also become easier for me in the future if I work on it.
@ksktika (271)
• United States
17 Jan 13
Good luck! Work hard for that ! You will get what you want. one more suggestion, try to exercise too. at least walk for 1 hour if you can. :)
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• United States
16 Jan 13
I have been on this specific diet since Christmas and I have been doing so well. I work around food all day long which makes it very hard for me to comply with this diet. I have been doing so well, until tonight when I decided to drink a bottle of pop. I have never felt so ashamed of myself for grabbing it but at the same time It tasted so well. I spent the whole drive home thinking about how hard it was to try and tell myself no. The more I look at it I realize it tasted so good and it was worth every ounce I will just start tomorrow as if it is just another day another diet.
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• Philippines
16 Jan 13
Sometime in a group you need to go with them so not to spoil the momentum of the a wonderful moment. The most important, is, you are still on your toes of not forgetting your diet. If you will not taste the food offered, your companion may think that the food is not good and then need another serving if not another place to enjoy. A spoon nor a plate of food will not kill you in an instance it takes time and or maybe it will be of no effect at all.
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