My favourite Fairy Story

January 26, 2013 10:58am CST
My favourite fairy story is Beauty and the Beast. I enjoy the underlying theme that love can overcome evil with good and turn a beast into a prince. I wonder if Peter Pan might also be a favourite for those for whom childhood was the best time of their lives? It would be interesting to hear if others share my favourite and, if not, to share theirs with everyone else. Not just the story but the reason why they like it.
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5 responses
• Philippines
13 Mar 13
My favorite has to be The Emperor's New Clothes. Don't know if it qualifies as a fairy story but it was included in Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales book. It is an inspiring story and one I don't want to forget to see things clearly as they are. I like how Beauty and the Beast was adapted by Gregory Maguire in Mirror Mirror.
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
27 Jan 13
I love Beauty and the Beast! It is my favorite fairy tale! I love the Disney Movie and have it on DVD! I beat with all the fairy tales I read as a kid or heard made me believe all relationships were like that! Ya right! This is why one reaon I have been so terriable at relationships! Yikes!
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Jan 13
Peter Pan is a good one for sure. Always enjoyed it and Cinderella. Always the romantic. Liked it best.
• United States
26 Jan 13
My favorite fairy tale is also Beauty and the Beast. I think it's the whole idea of love seeing past physical appearance, even though in the end I guess everybody's pretty so it can't really be the moral of the story , but I like the sentiment that's there, and I guess the idea that love can turn a Beast into a Prince. (Probably a dangerous idea to try and apply to the real world. ) I like most fairy tales and I like seeing various fairytale retellings. It's pretty interesting to see the same story in a different context.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
29 Mar 13
I love fairy tales: Snow white, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty - I suppose I am one enchanted with stories of love and beauty, damsels in distress, fairies, elves, enchantresses and princes froggy and beastly. Can't determine though which one among these exciting stories is my favorite. Beauty and the Beast, the Disney version, is really majestic. The music was truly exciting. The moral actually tells us that with humility, because the beast was once a proud prince, begets love and happiness. Peter Pan is a little impish for me, but I do love Tinkerbell.