Is it okay to let your children eat junkfood?

@bulastika (5966)
January 27, 2013 7:37pm CST
When I was a kid I really like to eat junk food. Although theirs a time that my parents does not allow me to eat junkfood I still buy junkfood in school. In fact I so love to eat junk food that I do sell junk food in school. lols But right now that I'm adult I'm just wondering if its okay to let kids eat junk food. I know kids love to eat junk food but right now I just feel that at early age we need to control our children eating junk foods.
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9 responses
@kaka135 (14918)
• Malaysia
29 Jan 13
Well, I don't let my children eat junk food at all, though I still eat sometimes. I think it's not good for health, especially for children. I always told my son he can eat those junk food when he is 13 years old. I believe at that time, his antibody system has been well built, and eating those junk food may not be good, but will not be too harmful too.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
30 Jan 13
13 years old? I think its okay to give our kids junk food even if its just four years old. But just some bite or two. Just so that they will know that that junk food taste like.
• Pamplona, Spain
28 Jan 13
Hiya bulastika, To a point all kiddies need energy from that kind of food but not every day of the week. With mine it was hard to try to get them to realize they needed a proper meal twice a day at least breakfast was the hardest one for me but again I kept an eye on what biscuits and things I bought as
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
30 Jan 13
I don't think theirs some energy in junk food. that's why its called junk food because theirs no nutrients value. I think its better that we give our kids some healthy food for energy.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
28 Jan 13
While you should not allow it every day, you also want to make sure that your child does not become obsessed with junk food as kids who are always forbidden this sort of thing often do. It's all about balance and teaching them about which foods are for all the time and which ones are just for special occasions or treaties.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
30 Jan 13
That's true and that's a problem to control if they get some junk food cravings. I know that feeling. lols. But one thing that I remember is because when I was a kid if we have visitors they sometimes bring me junk food. And it reach a point in which I'm excited that they will to our house because I can eat junk food. lols.
@jagjit273 (1754)
• India
28 Jan 13
As we all know that junk food is harmful for health. So we should restrict our children from eating it. Though i agree that its very yummy. But it should be avioded as much as possible. Because health is wealth.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
30 Jan 13
That's right. But problem is that kids really don't think like adults do and when you scold them or preventing them from eating junkfood they will think that they are punish or something like that.
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
28 Jan 13
I would let them eat junk food, but with measure. I would let them eat fast food on occasions, and I would introduce them to it once... because I think it's worse to forcedly keep them away from it, lying stuff like I know they wouldn't like the taste, or banning it from the house, when other kids can eat it, or my kids are invited to a McDonald's bday party, and they meet the food there for the first time... the other kids my mock them because of it, or they might get angry at me...
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
30 Jan 13
I really don't think Fastfood are consider junk food. For me junk food are chips and so on. If its fastfood then I guess its just unhealthy food because of high cholesterol but in term of being a junk food I don't think its a junk food. But yeah we need to let our kids eat some junk food so that they are also expose to this kind of food.
• United States
28 Jan 13
Im my opinion you could create a Junkfood meal plan . Like Something every other day once a week or maybe a handful of chips a day . Junk Food could be bad but then also good. And Remember they are kids their bodies handle it different from older people.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
30 Jan 13
That's true. But kids are kids and you can't put discipline all the time. I'm sure when you are not around they will going to eat junkfood if they fall in love eating junk food. But if they don't eat junk food then they will not going to develop taste of junk food.
@danix1982 (593)
• Philippines
27 Feb 13
sometimes i let my kids to eat junk foods but not most of the times.
@savire (204)
• Indonesia
27 Feb 13
Well overall Junk Food still had something to offer for the body it's not called food for some mere reason right? Since we do care about how much the consumption it self then perhaps by giving guidance to them would be a good way to make them understand that you can eat that food with some discretion :) Although we understand that there will always be children who picky about their food. That when the problem always occurred. For that situation it's been in my opinion to offer the child with some alternative healthy food which somewhat looks like and taste like the Junk Food are.
@porwest (81633)
• United States
18 Jan
Sure. Absolutely. Why not? I mean, don't let them eat ONLY junk food or go nuts with it. But I think it is perfectly fine, and in some ways, I think a growing body needs a lot of this stuff that we don't need as much as adults.